Bathroom is very important for every human being. Waking up, he goes to wash, brush your teeth, gives himself up, takes a shower after a day of work or walk. However, the lucky owners of large areas is not so much, so many saves every centimeter for a more comfortable use of space. Equip the wall, equip niche, instead of bulky cast-iron baths installed massage cabins. The construction market offers a wide range of finished products, but the shower is possible to build your own. For example, a shower tray with your hands set in one of the free corners around it on the one hand is raised partition, on the other - hung door.
- The advantages and disadvantages of self-made pallets
- The choice of location and is determined with the size
- The choice of materials for the production of pallets
- The types of traps to drain - what to choose?
- Pallet device
- Waterproofing - what material to choose and why it is needed
- Partitions and doors - plastic or glass
Phased construction of the pallet with formwork
- Materials and tools
- Installation of ramp and sewerage
- Installation of formwork and pouring rough screed
- Installing formwork pallet collar
- Interior finishing filling sloped
- Facing the pallet
Shower tray made of bricks
- Materials and tools
- Installation of ramp and laying bricks
- finishing screed
- Decorative Coating
- conclusion
The advantages and disadvantages of self-made pallets
Pallets are part of the shower, some models can be used as an independent sanitary installation. They are designed for the collection and discharge of water used in the process of taking a shower. Homemade construction will cost much cheaper than purchased analogues, and for self-installation, you can save money on the construction services of the firm. The main advantages of such products include:
- You can choose the shape, size and volume of corresponding parameters such as small rooms and spacious rooms;
- identification of the most suitable design and colors, which will fit in the existing interior, make it your own accent;
- selection of appropriate requirements of construction materials;
- establishing an optimum location for the structure;
- choice of picking the shower tray.

Among the shortcomings of such facilities difficult to distinguish something other than the time spent. However, improper installation will lead to trouble:
- in the absence of tightness in the joint construction space wall and floor covering, water can enter, that contribute to the formation of fungi;
- inaccuracy in fixing the drain system will exit its failure.

The choice of location and is determined with the size
In drafting, determining the type of construction, initially you need to select its location. This parameter depends on the size of the bathroom, its layout, placement of plumbing communications.
Eyeliner water pipes can be done in any area, but to organize the optimal slope for drainage more difficult. It is necessary that the riser was as close as possible. Otherwise you'll have to raise the floor level, which will lead to higher costs, and in some areas to perform such action impossible.

After selecting a suitable location can proceed to the calculation of the dimensions of the pallet. Product dimensions are selected based on factors such as the area of bathrooms, physical characteristics and preferences of each member family, location of the other elements, the presence of a minimum free area in front of the functional plumbing objects.
Also, when choosing a form, in addition to the basic requirements, consider its compliance with the interior of the sanitary facilities.

The choice of materials for the production of pallets
The most elementary way in the construction of hydro-massage box will be the use of finished products. Manufacturers offer a wide range of trays, made of different materials: iron, steel, ceramics, artificial stone, acrylic blends, wood, plastic. But the use of the factory model with a seat does not suit everyone, not just because of the standard forms, but also the lack of the author's design.
With self-construction of the pallet base for the choice of materials is no different variety. This can be either cement or masonry. In the first embodiment, when pouring concrete, the standard cement-sand mixture with the addition of plasticizers. In the second - red, ceramic brick, which is not afraid of water.
The important role played waterproofing premises on which it depends for its integrity and the absence of foreign odors. There is a wide variety of insulating materials - from penetrating to roll. Also worth special attention be given to draining the system, choose the most appropriate ladder.

In contrast to the materials used to prepare the base, the choice of decorative finishes richer. There can be used mosaic, natural, artificial stone, ceramic tile, plaster, paint. This range will give a shower stall any design corresponding to the design of the room.
See also:tile design in the bathroom - 50 modern examples

The types of traps to drain - what to choose?
Organize drain in the box is possible in two ways: through channels or ladders. A first embodiment includes a drainage tray sectional lattice drain pipe. Products made from ceramic, plastic, metal. In the second form of greater detail, because it is often referred to as the drain channel its variants.
Trappes - sanitary equipment for the collection and removal of drain water from the shower to the sanitary Communications. In addition, it performs a number of useful features: prevents the penetration of foreign odors, liquid filters, allows you to easily carry out sewer cleaning.
The product has the following structure:
- stainless steel grille;
- Grille Hair delay;
- rubber compressor;
- and a ring sealing flange;
- protective cover for assembly work;
- the gate of the smell;
- housing;
- a discharge pipe or two - in the walk-through models.
The ladders are made from cast iron, high-strength plastic, stainless steel. Finished products may differ in many ways:
- In design view: horizontal, vertical.
- By the method of installation: point, wall, corner, built-in.
- According to the shutter meant: hydraulic, dry, mechanical valves.
- By the number of conclusions: one, two channel.
- Height - depends on the type of pallet.
- By the presence of additional elements and decor lattice.

Pallet device
Shower tray device depends on its type (bricks, concrete), the presence of the insulation layer, the system Heated floor. Consider for example a standard device construction:
- The concrete base;
- Surface waterproofing base;
- A layer of insulation slabs of expanded polystyrene;
- Gangway, sewer pipe, mounted in a heater;
- Lining hydraulic seals;
- Concrete screed;
- Tile adhesive;
- Mosaic, ceramic tile.
Shower trap can be set in two main ways: pour concrete together with the base or top of the finished floor. In the first embodiment, branch pipes are below the level of the floor covering and can not see them, in the second case they will have to disguise. It should be borne in mind that the drain device has a minimum height of 6-7 cm. It is also required to comply with the pipe slope of 1 cm to one meter in the downstream riser. Accordingly, the level of the floor after insertion rise significantly.

Waterproofing - what material to choose and why it is needed
Bathroom usually has a small area, and its ventilation can not always cope with the high humidity, condensation. The shower water flows on the floor and finishing materials in the pure form. If this does not provide waterproofing, the moisture will be able to safely absorb, seep through the ceiling that lead not only to unpleasant situations with its neighbors, but also to the destruction of the walls, cladding, mildew, bad smell.
Waterproofing is divided into:
- okleechnuyu (roofing, stekloizol, waterproofing, insulation);
- cast (epoxy mixture, water glass, pitch, bitum1);
- the painting (materials based on polymers, resins, minerals and bitumen);
- obmazochnuyu (bitumen, polyurethane mastic, polymer cement);
- penetration (water-repellent impregnation).

The choice of the type of waterproofing depends on the funds available, preferences and skills of the master. Installation high shower typically combine several different types of insulation, e.g., the base is covered by bitumen, and is used for the intermediate layer roofing.

Partitions and doors - plastic or glass
Shower box, made with their own hands, can surpass store bought counterparts. In addition, choose the size of the individual parameters of the pan will be very problematic. Installation of partitions and doors are manufactured to the finished ground, after the walls and ceiling.
The best of materials for the construction of self-enclosing elements is the glass. If the budget allows, you can order shockproof triplex or opt for thickened versions 8-10 mm paste over them with a special film. Also, to manufacture these parts are used plastic panels and polycarbonate.
Glass surfaces, in contrast to the plastic parts, do not fade with time, it is easier to care for and to clean from pollution. In addition, from an aesthetic point of view, they look much more attractive. The plastic will be much cheaper, with it is much easier to work with, it has a low weight. Models of expensive polycarbonate are a bit more expensive, but their characteristics are not inferior to the glass, and in some aspects even exceed it.

Phased construction of the pallet with formwork
Before starting construction work, regardless of the selected materials, preparatory events. With thorough repair dismounted from room plumbing devices, and then removed the old flooring and wall covering. Upon detection of defects, hollows on the ceiling, they are cleaned of dust, is filled with cement mortar. Then the surface is primed in two layers. In the joints of walls with slab floors bonded waterproofing membrane. the floor is then processed bitumen mastic.
See also:How to make a trap for a shower in the floor under the tile
When carrying out installation work should follow a few simple rules:
- De-energize the electrical wiring in the room, insulate it.
- Close all openings incoming pipes to prevent them from clogging.
- TB to follow the rules when working with the tool.

Materials and tools
For the construction of the pallet will need the following tools:
- smooth board, wood boards for construction formwork;
- a shovel, trowel, rule;
- lighthouses, measuring instruments, string, marker;
- a brush roller for applying the primer;
- Tile, Bulgarian, tools for grouting;
- a mixing tile adhesive and concrete mortar.

- Gangway, sewer pipes;
- cement M 500, sand, water;
- Obmazochnaya, lining hydraulic seals;
- primer;
- tile adhesive, grout, tile.

Installation of ramp and sewerage
After preparing the base should take up drain system. Must be properly and accurately mount the ladder, as the correct inaccuracies will be very difficult, almost impossible for the completion of construction activities. The work must begin with the installation and connection of drain pipes.
Water should leave a gravity not stagnate in the system. This requires organizing the slope toward the riser. The optimum angle is considered equal to 3 °. To sustain it, you can use wooden supports varying heights, where the smallest will be located near the sewage discharge.
Fixing is carried out using pipes of cement mortar, as well as the insulation layer, if provided. Likewise rigidly secured himself a ladder. It is also important to pay attention to the joints between the drain elements, they must be completely sealed, so it is recommended to check them before pouring the solution.

Installation of formwork and pouring rough screed
The next step will be the installation of the form. For its construction can be used straight board, laminated plywood, MDF and plastic linings to give the semi-circular shapes. Setting the selected material embedded joints solution, fix it with dowels, clamps, spacers, puts a heavy object on the outside.
Inside shuttering laid reinforcing mesh. Starting the pouring of the concrete mix, which height depends on the extent necessary to raise the floor. To facilitate the construction, reduce its weight, can be used instead of the standard lightweight aggregate concrete solution. After filling the top overwritten, aligned with the right, takes cover with plastic wrap for a few days.
Once the screed has dried, shuttering is removed. The coating also primed and waterproofing. Applying multiple insulation layers overlap protects from moisture penetration, the appearance of unpleasant odors.

Installing formwork pallet collar
For the formation of concrete shuttering boards need another, of the same kind as that used for strip foundation, only smaller. Must be accurately vymeryat width of ledges, keep the distance between the wooden boards or planks on the perimeter. After that knock down and rigidly fix the detachable form.
In the installed formwork is poured cement-sand mortar. To increase its strength, you can use special additives, it is necessary to provide for the presence of a reinforcing mesh. To a mixture penetrated into all cavities, should be pierced with a wooden stick or fittings. Top leveled and sheltered polyethylene. At the end of 2-3 days detachable form is removed.

Interior finishing filling sloped
After skirting ready executed finishing filling. To do this within the next pallet stretch cords in compliance with a small bias towards the ladder. Due to this surface water will drain into the drain system. Next set profile beacons.
After completing the preparatory steps, start kneading dense cement-sand slurry rate of 1: 2. For increasing the strength and water resistance to the mixture is added to water glass. Bay solution, it is flattened by the rules. After the bed dries a little, the lighthouses are removed and the resulting cavity filled with concrete, accurately aligned with a trowel.

On completion of the screed drying runs final waterproofing, which is applied over the entire working surface of the pallet, including bumpers. The insulating material is also applied waterglass. Protection must be applied thinly.

Facing the pallet
The final stage of the construction work will finish pan tiles. The capacitance adhesive mixture is diluted with water, stirred thoroughly with a drill with a special nozzle. The resulting tile adhesive is applied onto a horizontal surface layer is 5 mm, distributed with a comb trowel.
See also:Restoration of bathtubs with their hands
Tile laying begins at the bottom of the cup and of ledges on the surface. To ensure a smooth clutch, special crosses used. The level of tile can be adjusted with a rubber mallet. To shrink a little whack on the necessary surface area. For those places where the entire tile does not fit, make the required dimensions using the Tile.
After laying the floor start to the walls, performing all the same actions. After a time, when the tile adhesive dries, you can remove the crosses. Sutures and the resulting gaps between tiles overwritten. When the grout is dry, the tile surface is washed with a damp cloth.

Shower tray made of bricks
Brick structure is a little different from the deep concrete. General technology is to prepare the base, waterproofing, installation of drainage system, construction of walls from moisture-resistant ceramic bricks, installing the final lining.
The ideal option would be the installation of booths in the new house. If repair work is necessary to perform all of the same preparations as in the first case. Then you need to make calculations, prepare all necessary.

Materials and tools
Any work begins with the collection of necessary materials. This process is very important, allows you to save time later, do not be distracted by the search for the missing part. To perform the installation of brick pallet need the following tools:
- capacity and shovel for mixing the solution;
- gauges, lighthouses, the level of the rope;
- putty knife, a trowel;
- brushes, rollers;
- rubber hammer and a standard;
- Typically, grout;
- drill with a special nozzle.

Materials used:
- red brick;
- set for the organization of the drain;
- cement M 500, sand, water;
- reinforcing mesh;
- waterproofing;
- tile adhesive, crosses to align the tiles.

Installation of ramp and laying bricks
Before starting work, calculates the parameters of the future construction. After the concrete base and is coated with waterproofing coats, proceed to mounting and securing the ladder, and branch pipes with obligatory observance of inclination of 3 °. Fixing the drainage system is similar to the concrete tray.
After completing preparatory work, proceed to laying of the first row of the planned line, wherein the bricks are placed in a checkerboard pattern flip side, connecting them to the floor and each other cement solution. The second row is placed in the same way, but with the ledges, which lifted to the desired height. In order to regulate it, bricks can be spread on a stretcher.
The aisle seat and drain pipes laid gangway clipped material, and the void is filled with a solution. To get the right size brick, it can be split or sawn. Laying the building material can be carried out not only in the cement-sand mixture, but also on the tile adhesive, which is easier to work with.

finishing screed
Pouring the finishing layer of cement-sand mixture is performed after solidification of the solution masonry. There are also bounces level at a certain angle in the direction of the location of the drain, pulled twine, installed beacons to equalize flooded surface.
Next, the solution was kneaded with addition of water glass is poured screed. After that it is aligned, it is covered with a final layer of waterproofing. At the final stage can only decorate the structure.

Decorative Coating
Clearance can be made using different materials. How and what to decorate the podium, everyone decides for themselves. The most popular finish is ceramic tile, decorative mosaic, natural stone.
Mosaic tiles are starting to stack from any angle on the bottom of the pan. First, in the plane of the toothed spatula tile adhesive is applied, which is placed on the sheet mosaic. After the bottom is laid, start ledges. When the glue is dry, the mosaic is treated with waterproof grout.
It is interesting to look surface, lined with polished pebbles. Usually it is sold boxes, glued to the grid. Laying it is made by analogy with the tile. For finishing skirting and angles have to separate small stones from the grid. The solution must be applied as a serrated trowel, but a thicker layer. After laying a beautiful natural stone is pressed float.

Having decided to install the shower pan yourself, you must weigh the positive and negative aspects associated with those activities, realistically assess their capabilities. If the existing construction skills, budget, availability of free time allows to perform conceived, then it is possible to save on repair work to do with his own hands something valuable. Important functional piece of furniture in the apartment, which will be enjoyed by the whole family, is not ashamed to show off to your friends.