Planning standard bath causes difficulties in the sense that options usually a minimum. Huge sanitary rooms in private homes - is another matter. In this case, connect the imagination and of the interior arrangement of work as well as in the living rooms, bedrooms, children. In the cramped space in a sense, there are pluses. This savings and speed of execution, and simplicity of choice because of its limitations. Bathrooms do not plan and do not trim strictly on the design of the apartment / house. Nor on grounds of common design rules, much less, if any, are not taken into account.
On the contrast, the positive moments of the residents are forced to pick up the plumbing and appliances, on the basis of size, and secondarily - by other characteristics. Among the washing machines, dishwashers and ovens buy narrow and compact models. Plan bathroom are engaged in full only when the question of saving space is closed. Beautiful design surfaces - the second part of the work.
- Rules bathroom space planning
Planning depending on the shape of the room
- rectangular
- square
Planning depending on the size of the bathroom
- Little en - 2 q. m to 4 sq. m
- Average bathroom - 5 sq. m to 8 square meters. m
- Large bathroom with toilet - more than 9 square meters. m
- plumbing choice for bathroom
- The choice of furniture
- bathroom lighting
- Design ideas and planning combined bathroom
- conclusion
Rules bathroom space planning
Construction of the room requires attention to detail:
- shaped space;
- of its area;
- bathrooms embodiment (combined with toilet separated with bath);
- arrangement of communications and conclusions.
The first step is placing a bath and wash basin. If required or available under seats - as showers, toilets. Only then choose a place in the boiler, washing machine, mirrors, shelves, cabinets, dryers and hangers-hooks. Technique for washing clothes put into the existing wall or external limiting niches that provide primarily for lung unsustainable. Most surfaces trim tiles or panels with resistance to the effects of physical processes. Put on the floor slip coating, opaque plates - one of them.

In small spaces left only about 1 square. m of free space, as no longer allow the size and donate an additional element such as cars or boiler does not make sense. Also try to keep the shape of the other rooms.
Not the last role played by color. To narrow bathroom scale of the dark tones will be a bad choice. Including due to the feeling of "compactness" of the space. The bathroom is not only to clean, but also rest and relax: the surrounding darkness coatings have a negative impact on mood. Power light - is more personal time.
Planning depending on the shape of the room
Options for placement of all there are about 10: with bath or shower, a toilet and free, with accommodation around the perimeter, along 3 walls, or on opposite sides. Sometimes it is stretched in a straight line, sometimes the plumbing are arranged in a compact group. In the most narrow room refuse even washing machines. Owners of square bathroom area more than 5-6 square meters. m no difficulty with the choice of equipment and furniture for the form. Refuse only on perfectly circular bath. Sami fonts almost always "wedged" in some of the corners. In the rectangular versions toilets put them near the narrow side and often - leaving more room there. Square and short rectangular space better in the sense that there may be elements of the set close, compact. Elongated benefit in terms of originality and accessibility of individual solutions.

Recommendations on the amount of free space next to the sanitary and household appliances:
Element | The free space in length, cm | The width, cm |
Bath | 60 | 80 |
Sink | 60 | 65 |
Toilet bowl | 50 | 50 |
Washing machine | 60 | 60 |
This is undoubtedly the best plan for the bathrooms more than 12-14 square meters. For Improvement m for 2, 4 or 6 "squares" elongated configuration -. a limiting factor. The perimeter of these rooms are used with difficulty, because all the corners have "a lot of weight." All household and sanitary devices are generally "collect" in line 1, in the best case it is possible to form two groups. Elongated toilets widths up to 1.5 meters are ideal for embedded showers at the far end. In rooms with an aspect ratio of 2 to 3 or more than 6 sq. m find a place for a large bath, washbasin and toilet next to it. On the contrary small plumbing put washing machines, cabinets, baskets and more. All vehicles and household and sanitary, and shelves and table tops selected maximum elongated or asymmetrical triangular. At full height of the room is used.
See also:Bathroom with shower design

At the same area bathrooms with equal sides will be better. At least, if we are not talking about the 12 options and more "square". In bathrooms with the same parties set angular font, and narrow - only if the short side of more than six meters in length. The mid-size square bathrooms usually do run a division of objects into two groups on opposite sides:
- On the one hand - a bathtub and a washing machine. On the other - washbasin and toilet.
- On the one hand - a bath. On the other - and all household plumbing.
- On the one hand - the toilet and bath. On the other - the sanitary technician, washing machine, storage.
- Any other embodiments with the maximum load on 2 opposite walls.

In the small square bathrooms, everything is much more succinct: wash basin and washing machine "become" next to each other. The font is installed along an imaginary line which they form. More free space remains in the bathroom with the entrance near the corner. Adaptations then placed in two perpendicular lines on adjacent walls.
Planning depending on the size of the bathroom
Selection and arrangement of the elements is directly dependent on the size. Conventional room is filled on a simple principle: as long as enough space to put the most important thing. Bath and sink are mounted back to back at an angle of 90 °, and somewhere nearby - washing machine. In rooms for 5-8 "squares" set large font and suitable for placement of objects more thoroughly. Appliances placed one group and plumbing - another. Space savings in the bathrooms to 12 sq. m is expressed in using the perimeter corners. Thus even for medium-sized WC 6 sq. m would be suitable embodiment with two bathrooms. To avoid monotony bathrooms decorated. This is especially true spacious bathroom area larger than the children's rooms.

As for opportunities to save space, it is necessary to use the full niches in the walls, to pay attention its compact model equipment for its installation and the possibility of replacing furniture at anything, takes less area. In bathrooms more than 8 square meters. m will be enough room for all hygiene kits. Additional shelves in this case, too, will not become redundant.
Little en - 2 q. m to 4 sq. m
arrangement rules:
- A minimum of equipment and furniture.
- Plumbing small.
- Forced ventilation.
In bathrooms area to Q4. m bought mainly rectangular tubs in a conventional or shortened variants. Washbasin is often placed in the corner - the proper angle model. For the smallest bathrooms acquire compact washing machines and set them under a sink or in a cabinet. Space is further discharged by the removal of doors opening inwards. They are replaced by a sliding design. be sure to arrange storage for accessories under the tub and sink.

bath width / length Q4. m rarely exceed 2.5 meters. Extended version, first, do not fit the layout of most apartment buildings, and secondly, leave little accommodation options plumbing, which, combined with restrictions on communications wiring causes insurmountable difficulties. In any configuration, it is not necessary to give up the bath to shower, but over the separation bath and toilet does not hurt to think.
If the repair is scheduled, the bathroom in the 3rd quarter. m or less should increase.
Average bathroom - 5 sq. m to 8 square meters. m
In such set font usual rectangular or rounded corner. Balance plan more freely, without pushing off on what size of sanitary ware. For example, in a bathroom 6 sq. m loose fit washing machine, bath, bidet, washbasin. Between them will be large gaps and free space left for another 1 large piece of furniture or household appliances unit. On the narrow side is placed a bath, and the other nodes positioned along the length.
See also:Bathroom decor ideas 60 photos

The elongated indoor about 7 square meters. m can be placed just 2 baths. It makes sense to install a Jacuzzi, a sink with a long countertop. Basket of dirty clothes put directly in the bathroom, as well as an additional bin. The central part of the room is left free, sometimes with small bathrooms mat. Baths 8 sq. m equipped with large fonts and showers. If required, install cabinets. Furniture selected so that there was no need for a reshuffle.
Large bathroom with toilet - more than 9 square meters. m
Large bathrooms plan freely, except for the restrictions on domestic communications. The area of more than 9 square. m corresponds to the size of an average living room. Large bathroom - a place for round fonts. Baths have not only on the edges - sometimes even in the middle. The room is sure to decorate, otherwise the situation will be too cold and dull.

As for the complete set of equipment and devices, in a large bathtub, in addition to the toilet, definitely worth having 2 washing machines large, comfortable 2-seater Hot, drying machine. Saving space does not interfere, and a large bathroom. For example, under a long wash basin along the length of the walls there is a place for the whole household appliances small height plus storage for clothes and household chemicals. In a particularly spacious and wide bathroom make elevation, and a bath or jacuzzi mounted closer to the center. For the sake of design solutions have resorted to a change in schemes water supply, sewerage and electrical wiring.

plumbing choice for bathroom
Buying the kit includes at least two positions: a bath and sink, and sometimes even a shower, bidet and toilet. Products are selected based on the material, size, shape and hygiene. Criteria for selection depend still on the type of plumbing.
Washbasins, bathtubs, etc. are made of:
- porcelain;
- earthenware;
- marble;
- acrylic;
- metal;
- glass.
In porcelain technology smooth surface, taking care of it will not be difficult. Changes in temperature do not affect the state of the products. In general, porcelain - the best option for unheated buildings. Earthenware plumbing looks attractive and is relatively small, has a porous surface. Marble products lend elegance. In the case of private importance of the material is much higher. Iron, steel and acrylic are good in their own way. On each of the options for approximately the same number of positive qualities.

In turn, the choice of paying attention to the sink hole for the tap, as well as the presence of fasteners and siphon - for models with overflow protection. In small bathrooms buy angled and recessed sink. Toilets gain depending on the position of the soil pipe: straight or angled.
The choice of furniture
What is better to choose in the first place:
- A bedside table under the sink.
- Suspension systems.
- Complete sets of furniture.
- Small functional detail.
- Roomy horizontal surface.
The best place for the boxes is the space under the sink. Chosen at this special cabinets models. En to 3 kV. m - this is the only way to somehow organize the storage of large items. Furniture purchase moisture resistant and protective films. The best accessories for her - Chrome. Hanging locker, shelves and open systems are needed for convenient storage at arm's length. It will be good if instead of usual mirrors above the sink there would capacious module with a reflective coating on the door - the quality not worse than the mirror surface.
See also:Methods decor bathroom tile 50 photos

Harmony in design is achieved by visual matching items. In this understanding of the benefit will bring complete sets of furniture. Hooks and rails for towels belong to the category of functional accessories. Owners idea develop and use small organizers. Bathrooms can provide a lot of horizontal surfaces and tabletops. The height of their location are selected depending on the objects nearby.
bathroom lighting
Room light so that was nice to be in it. The number of light sources is not important, but it is usually matched to the size of a bathtub. Flat device selected to reduce the likelihood of damage to a minimum. Exceptions are made except that in connection with the stylistic design. Illuminated mirror in a separate manner, in small oblong lamps with secondary importance. Basically used for the ceiling point.
Original dark palette used strong illumination. Light also resonate and scatter with the help of glasses, mirrors and metal surfaces - for the situation in the spirit of high-tech. In some situations in the ceiling hang large chandeliers. For example, as a non-standard course or to continue the classical interior, or as part of a loft style. The rest of the process is dominated by motives. Originality and economic benefits have layout with a window between the bathroom and a another room or outdoors. Then the situation is lighter, and the room drier.

Design ideas and planning combined bathroom
About disadvantage of this variant is known to all, even those who have never enjoyed such not. Proper design of the developer, as well as their own adjustments to partially solve the problem of limited visits. First, the bathroom should be to protect the screen - to the second person in the bathroom did not bother the one who washes. Second, you can distinguish the toilet. Ideally, the wall of opaque glass. For the common bathrooms sell modern toilet models with accommodation option close to the wall or mounted on it. The other is better not to buy. There are dozens of options plan.
As a more convenient configuration is to provide the entrance to the long wall. Then the toilet and household appliances are placed on the one hand, a bath - the opposite, and the sink - in front of the door system. If the input is provided in a narrow wall, right or left immediately next to the entrance set the washing machine, are placed along the long sides of the bath and washing. On the far side of a narrow "corridor" is mounted toilet.

Ideas for installing the toilet in a square room (if it is technically possible):
- Near the corner.
- As close to the bath, but the partition because of security rules.
- For inward opening door.
- In a wall niche.
The bathrooms more toilet is not exactly become superfluous: if there are two - worth making another toilet, in addition to the existing one, and if one - it is better to leave things as they are.
Layout of sanitary facilities begin with the drawing of which will become apparent restrictions on location and size. In the future, create detailed drawings and models in the programs. Combined bathroom often rescheduled divided into 2 rooms and much less - on the contrary. Sometimes lack of partial discharge toilet as a separate room - for example, of brick piers with no door.

The bathrooms cramped important strong ventilation and large - a multi-level lighting. All these nuances are less concerned about those whose bathroom has access to natural light, and even more so - windows that open. Ideal layout variants typically have 1-2, since the area of conventional small rooms, and the configuration is essentially rectangular and square. In apartment buildings bathroom accessories mounted on the minimum allowable distance. The comfortable bathrooms plumbing on the one hand and on the other appliances put in 2 separate meaningful groups.