- How to clean the air from tobacco smoke?
- How do I clear my lungs from tobacco smoke?
- Recipes for cleaning the lungs
In the modern world, smoking is not fashionable, in addition, the law restricts the smoking person and prohibits smoking wherever he likes. This, of course, is good, but it will not be possible to completely rid the heavy smokers of the bad habit. Now they are more poisoned with nicotine in the apartments, which can be even more dangerous, especially for households nearby and, naturally, the problem is how to clear the air from tobacco smoke in the apartment.
Of course, the easiest way to exclude smoking in general, and at home in particular. But since this method will surely meet with resistance from an avid lover to "get drunk" with nicotine, you will have to use other methods.
to the contents ↑How to clean the air from tobacco smoke?
It happens that households in the apartment do not smoke, but during the holidays, the guests came after the fun and alcohol forgot that they are in a house in which smoking is not accepted, and the owners are embarrassed to stop and besiege smokers. And after the guests left, the smoke screen remained in the apartment. Act immediately, as long as the smoke has not eaten into all the corners and interior of the room. Then you will definitely be able to clear the air from the tobacco smoke quickly and completely.
Important! First open the windows wide and let in fresh air. It does not matter, winter or summer is outside, and no matter what the weather is. In winter, the room will also be filled with frosty air, which will bring freshness. In addition, we offer a few simple and affordable ways to clean air.
Exhaust ventilation
If there is no possibility of installing exhaust ventilation in the apartment, purchase a household air cleaner.
Air ionizer
Use the air cleaner not only in the absence of odor problems, but also in order to clear the air from tobacco smoke. He will do a great job. In this household appliance, air first passes through a triple filter: decontaminating, coal, ULPA, and then through the ionizer. Such a cleaner is very popular because of its compactness and efficiency.
To prevent tobacco smoke from getting into clothes, walls, furniture, use absorbents: activated charcoal, sugar and salt, freshly ground coffee.
Use the listed products in this way:
- Arrange them at the corners of the rooms.
- Change periodically to new ones until the desired result is achieved.
Important! Such absorbents will not only help to purify the air from tobacco smoke, but also from other odors. After leaving the guests on the table, you can leave a few open saltcellars, discard the used salt. As absorbents, use the citrus peel: lay them on the table, and they will help you get rid of the smell of tobacco.
Wet room cleaning
To destroy the smell of smoke:
- During cleaning, add some vinegar to the water, instead of vinegar, ammonia can be added.
- To clean the carpet from unpleasant smells, use soda: scatter it over the surface of the carpet, leave it for ¼ hour for absorption, and then vacuum it off.
- Hang on the rooms wet terry towels or sheets, soaked in a weak solution of vinegar. Periodically rinse them in the same solution and hang again.
Important! All these actions will sufficiently effectively help you to quickly clear the air from tobacco smoke.
Scent of the room
To temporarily disguise an unpleasant odor, follow these methods:
- To get rid of any odors, we recommend using the aroma lamp. Appropriate essential oils of lemon, orange, grapefruit, bergamot, pine, fir, spruce. You can add lavender oil, if you like it.
- If the aroma lamp is not at home, then aromatic candles will help: burning candles themselves purify the air, and if they still have a pleasant scent, the apartment will be filled with fragrances.
- Smoking incense sticks can hide tobacco smoke, but approach the selection very carefully, as some of them can cause a headache, while others, on the contrary - soothe, relieve tension. Their perception is very individual.
- Well smoothed tobacco "ambre" smoldering laurel leaf: walk with it through the rooms, and the smell will disappear. Instead of laurel, you can use a wormwood branch.
- Air fresheners. Spraying a pleasant aroma from the can, you can clean the air from tobacco smoke, but not for long. Very easy to use automatic sprayers that run on batteries. Fill them with your favorite fragrance and put them in the most smoky, smoke-smelling rooms.
Important! To save yourself from unnecessary work after leaving smoking guests, we recommend removing all carpets in advance, as they quickly absorb the smell of tobacco, and make sure that all cabinets with clothing, bedding, are tightly closed. Pay special attention to bookcases and shelves. If the books are on open shelves, put them in boxes, since getting rid of the smell of tobacco that has absorbed books is the hardest.
to the contents ↑How to clean smoke from tobacco smoke?
If you did listen to our advice and decided to stop smoking, you will not be able to immediately clear lungs from nicotine. It all depends on the length of the period of your smoking, as well as on the individual characteristics of the body.
Important! If you have not done this yet, then remember that any dependency can be defeated if you really want to.
The human body is able to recover and self-clean. Here are recommendations that will help you speed up the process and cope with the task of how to clear the lungs of tobacco smoke.
Avoid passive smoking
Everyone knows that secondhand smoke is also harmful. Therefore, if you are in the company of smokers, then talk about cleaning the lungs is not necessary.
Often walk in the open air
It is advisable to choose a forest park or coniferous forest, since the needles have the property of ionizing the air and making it cleaner and more useful. You can make small runs during such walks, do not worry if you have a cough during such walks or jogs. This means that the lungs began to clear and get rid of tar, nicotine and other harmful substances.
Another effective way of how to clear the lungs of tobacco smoke. Buy in the pharmacy herbal collections designed specifically for this purpose. The collection should include such plants as:
- pine needles, juniper, cedar, fir;
- leaves of black currant, birch, oak and eucalyptus;
- flowers of chamomile, linden, lavender, and also herbs of sage, wormwood and mint.
Important! If you yourself decided to collect the grass to clear the lungs of tobacco smoke, then do it in forest glades, meadows, far from roads and civilization. To prepare a solution for inhalation, brew herbal tea as a tea. A hot and soaring mixture pour into a saucepan or bowl and cover your head with a towel, breathe over the steam for 10 minutes. Repeat this procedure 8-10 times every day.
Russian bath
Great and effective folk remedy. Bath clears the whole body, but to enhance the effect of cleaning the lungs, use the bath eucalyptus essential oils, and in the broom add herbs that have an expectorant effect.
Very effective for cleaning the lungs of tobacco smoke. Include elements of proper breathing, as well as lung development exercises. We recommend swimming at least once a week. With such a sporty approach, the result will not take long to wait.
Proper nutrition
From accumulated nicotine helps to get rid of onions and garlic: they have phytoncides that help to cleanse the body. The cleansing effect for the bronchi renders an ordinary chicken broth.
Important! Milk does not purify the lungs, although it is certainly beneficial to the body.
During the purification period, eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Doctors recommend eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Antioxidants contained in the products will help clear the lungs and heal them.
Drink plenty of water
A large amount of liquid is especially necessary in the first months after getting rid of tobacco dependence. Cleansing from accumulated pitches, the body will increase the amount of mucus in the lungs, and this will require a lot of water.
Important! Drink at least 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day.
Clean the house of tobacco odor
Keep the apartment clean, pay special attention to wet cleaning. Take care that no dust or mold appears in the apartment, as they can cause irritation of the lungs, which will make recovery difficult. Put in the house an air purifier that will help clean your house of dust, smoke, allergens and other contaminants.
to content ↑Recipes for cleaning the lungs
There are many special folk remedies with which you can clear your lungs of tobacco smoke. Choose a convenient option for you and act as soon as you decide to get better.
Infusion of pine buds
This is a find for ex-smokers, as pine buds well dilute sputum and facilitate its removal. How to use:
- 1 tbsp.l.kidney pour 1 tbsp.boiling water.
- Pour everything into the thermos bottle and insist 1-2 hours.
- Take 0.3 tbsp.2 times a day after meals.
Important! The course of treatment is 7 days.
Kalinovy broth
Another great way to clear the lungs of tobacco smoke, and does not require from you a significant effort:
- 1 tbsp. Fill in 1 liter of boiling water.
- Boil on low heat for 5-6 minutes.
- Pour the broth into the thermos bottle and add 3 tbsp.l.honey.
- Insist 1-2 hours.
- Drink 100 ml 3-4 times a day.
Broth of violets and oregano
To restore the respiratory tract, stimulating the ciliated epithelium, the broth from violets and oregano will help you:
- 1 tbsp.l.oregano and 1 tbsp.l.violet tricolor pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.
- Infuse for 1 hour.
- Broth drink warm 2-3 times a day without sugar.
Important! Drink the decoction as a tea constantly, while the lungs will gradually be cleared from the resin without an expectorant effect.
We hope that our advice will help you get rid of not only the smells of tobacco in the apartment, but also from the bad habit, if any. Lead a healthy lifestyle and try to achieve the same attitude to yourself and loved ones from your relatives and friends. Good luck to you and long life without nicotine!