- How to understand that it's time to clean?
- How to prepare for work?
- How do I disassemble a boiler?
- How to descale the water heater Ariston: detailed instructions
- Boiler assembly
- Alternative without disassembly
- Special solvents of the
scale Many owners of private houses and apartments install boilers to ensure that there is always hot water."Ariston" - one of the most popular brands of water heaters. The design of this technique is extremely simple and convenient. But, like all household appliances, the device needs periodic maintenance and cleaning. This ensures stable and continuous operation of the device. So let's figure out how to clean the water heater "Ariston" from scale in the home.
to the contents ↑How to understand that it's time to clean?
Install the hot water boiler - it's half the battle. It is important to ensure regular care for it. Tap water, which contains calcium, magnesium and other inclusions in abundance, is stiff. Salts that are contained in tap water, settle on the parts of the boiler, interfere with its normal functioning.
Important! If you neglect cleaning, the water heater will sooner or later fail. We will have to buy a new boiler, and this purchase is far from cheap.
To understand that it is time to clean the water heater, pay attention to the following:
- The water began to heat up more slowly than before.
- The device switches off automatically and then turns on again. This is a very formidable sign, a signal to immediately clean the device of the formed scale.
- The device emits abnormal sounds during operation. This is evidence that some of its parts are working incorrectly.
- Water has acquired a foreign smell and an uncharacteristic dark shade.
- If you operate the boiler for more than 1-1,5 years, then it must be cleaned, even if the water heater is completely functional.
Important! Before cleaning the Ariston boiler, be sure to study its device and circuit, since the device will have to be disassembled.
to the contents ↑How to prepare for work?
- First disconnect the appliance from the power supply. Work with the water heater included in the network is by no means possible, as this can cause a short circuit. So do not forget to turn off the boiler and disconnect the wires that lead to the thermostat.
- The next stage of preparation is a full discharge of water. Without this, cleaning will not succeed. Wear a hose or a suitable pipe on the water outlet. Now open the tap for hot water supply, having previously lowered the hose into the bath or toilet bowl.
- If the appliance does not have a safety valve, be sure to turn off the cold water supply. In the future, the safety valve will need to be installed. Blow into the tube to check if the water is completely drained from the tank. If there is a gurgling, then there is water.
- Remove the unit from the wall by unscrewing the mounting bolts. In order not to soil and damage the floor covering, lay old unnecessary rags under the water heater.
How to disassemble a boiler?
To clean the water heater "Ariston" from scale in the home, it must be removed and disassembled. Here's how to do it:
- Unscrew the brackets and remove the front panel. Clear it of dirt is easiest( just wipe off the dust).
- Directly below the panel is the thermostat. Pull its handle toward you - it disconnects easily.
- Remove the protective cover by unscrewing the mounting bolts.
- Disconnect the grounded wires, then disconnect the thermostat plate.
- Remove the heating flange.
- Remove the rubber gasket.
As a matter of fact, on this process of disassembly can be considered completely completed.
to the contents ↑How to descale the water heater Ariston: detailed instruction
First of all, the tank is to be descaled, because it always has tap water with salts dissolved in it, so the appearance of scale is inevitable. Next, you need to clean the heating element.
Important! Magnesium anode should not be cleaned.
For work you will need:
- Soft textiles.
- descaler.
- Hose.
- Sponge coated with abrasive.
- Water.
It is not difficult to clean the tank of scale:
- .
- Use a hose to flush the tank. The water pressure is average.
- Then moisten a soft rag in the descaling agent solution and wipe the tank from the inside.
After cleaning the tank is completed, go to work with the heating element:
- To clean the heater, you need to use a sponge with an abrasive.
- Some people advise you to use a knife, but you do not want to do this. The scum you, of course, clean, but the risk of damage to the part is large enough.
If the heater is not only contaminated, but also damaged, its cleaning loses all meaning. You need to buy a new heating element and install it on the tank.
Important! When purchasing a new heater, make sure that the characteristics of the part match the old one.
As already mentioned, you do not need to clean the magnesium anode - the working life is 1 year, so it should be replaced simply. The price for this part is not high, so you can not call this procedure expensive.
The instrument has been cleaned. It only remains to assemble the boiler again and connect it to the electricity and water supply networks.
to contents ↑Boiler assembly
Collect the boiler in the reverse order of disassembling. After the boiler is assembled, do not forget to check the water heater for leaks. Fill the water tank and stand for 24 hours. If it does not leak, then you have done everything right.
On how responsible you are to cleaning the boiler, the efficiency of its operation depends. If you are not sure about your own knowledge and skills, it is better to contact the master.
Important! When deconstructing a boiler, be sure to photograph the process or shoot it on video. In this case, the assembly will be much less time-consuming.
to the contents ↑Alternative without disassembly
You can use for cleaning the appliance and folk remedies. Some of them( for example, table vinegar or citric acid) act no worse than professional means. In this case, the solution is simply poured into the container, it is there for 2 to 12 hours, after which it is washed out. But we must be careful, since too concentrated solution can dissolve the walls of the boiler.
Important! Focus on the proportion of 5 g of citric acid powder per 1 liter of water to be poured.
to the contents ↑Special solvents for scale
In this case, you also do not have to disassemble anything, which is very important if the equipment is still under warranty. You can use such professional tools:
- AlphaPhos;
- Thermagent Active;
- Cillit ZN / I;
- Cillit FFW / TW;
- Aipacon.
Periodicity of cleaning the boiler "Ariston" 50 liters - once a year and a half. Do not forget to pay attention to preventive measures. Install the water filter, do not use the device at full capacity. Heating water to a temperature of 60 to 75 degrees is enough. If you comply with all these recommendations, then you will not have problems with water-heating equipment.