To a man the day was hearty and able-bodied, the night he needed a good sleep and relaxation. To do this his bunk bed should be convenient and comfortable. Therefore, to the question, how to choose a bed right must be approached responsibly. If you want the furniture regularly served for more than a decade, its frame must be made of metal or a durable solid wood.

The stronger the tree species, the more expensive the product.
- 1 Important moments of the choice of furniture
- 2 The right choice of product
- 3 Comfortable bed and Health
- 4 Options double furniture
- 5 The choice of mattresses married couples
- 6 VIDEO: How to choose a bed in a bedroom
- 7 50 photo ideas how to choose a double bed
Important moments of the choice of furniture
Note the number of the slats, fastened to the bottom of the frame. The more, the better the surface will bounce performing orthopedic function. Void under furniture is often used to set the linen drawers. If it is not complete, mattress It will be better ventilated. Size and shape Bedsand should be chosen taking into account the living area. It should fit well into the room, do not take up much space.

Uncomfortable bed can cause back or cervical spine disease.
The optimal model is the one double rectangular shape. In contrast to the angular and circular designs, it will fit into the bedroom the most modest dimensions. For non-standard furniture necessary to order tailoring the appropriate bed linen. Today, minimalism is very popular. It is present in many areas of people's lives.

Uncomfortable bed can cause back or cervical spine disease.
If you wish to have in the bedroom was more light, it is necessary to purchase the white model. In this case, the room will have a good emotional atmosphere conducive to proper rest. The advantages of the product are:
- consistent with the trends of contemporary design;
- excellent combination with other shades of furniture;
- white color evokes a feeling of lightness;
- room becomes an elegant look.

Some manufacturers instead of slats mounted thick sheets of plywood.
Due to the fact that the bright surface is sufficient Mark, inhabitant of the room gets extra motivation to restore order. Cleaning is necessary to do more often. But this is a positive thing, because cleanliness - the guarantee of health. Many people dream about making their bedroom was always very clean, thanks to which a lot easier to breathe.

Most reliable and durable frame is made of metal and wood.
Install box preferably away from the door. It is better to place it on the opposite side of the entrance. Headboard to the window to put Bedss should not be. In hot weather at airing the room can lend a draft. By the marriage bed should be free access from three sides. When one of the spouses was required to get up at night, he should not break the dream of the second half.

Various materials used in the manufacture of the carcass.
The right choice of product
Size sleeping bed affects the quality of sleep and rest. People have different opinions about how to choose the right bed for bedrooms. The correct approach is that it is necessary to take into account its size and the size of the bed.
- Spouses who prefer sleeping on your back, you need to have more personal space. For those who sleep on their sides, the bed may be of small size.
- A person who has small stature, suit Bedss standard size. If it is high, when purchasing a product should pay attention to the length. There must be a reserve of about 30 centimeters.
- If the spouses quite well-fed, it is better to buy large double Bedss. The optimum height is considered to be about 50 cm. If it is less, then go to bed and wake up is not very convenient.

There are models with a pair of supporting backs and marginalia.
Strong and healthy night's sleep is best helps the body recover after a busy day. Complete rest improves mood, strengthens the immune system. To time to sleep used as efficiently as possible, a berth should be of high quality and comfortable. frame Bedsand a determining factor in its durability. Generally, it is produced in various embodiments.
Bedss has a number of advantages:
- It has a long service life;
- over time it is easy to update, changing only mattress;
- in the interior of the room looks much more natural;
- rest on it very convenient.

To time to sleep used as efficiently as possible, a berth should be of high quality and comfortable.
There are models with a pair of supporting backs and marginalia. Products in the form of podium finishes are the most popular. In the manufacture of the carcass, various materials. Most reliable and durable frame is made of metal and wood. Forged models look very elegant. For a more economical options are products of chipboard.

Bed frame is a determining factor in its longevity.
The rapid development of modern technology has made it possible to endow chipboard texture of natural wood. Products in the materialand now have a good strength and a sufficiently long service life. The basis of the product of frame with flexible lamellae. The more the slats in the frame set, the best effect is obtained pillowtop. Such a foundation for mattressand it is well suited to people of advanced age. The number of positive reviews about these products is constantly increasing.

Complete rest improves mood, strengthens the immune system.
Comfortable bed and Health
Some manufacturers instead of slats mounted thick sheets of plywood. These products are strong enough, however orthopedic effect is absent here. If your bedroom is small size, can be purchased Bedss convertible. Since the day it can be folded, it is possible to efficiently use the living space. From a comfortable night's rest, much depends. Uncomfortable bed can cause back or cervical spine disease.

Strong and healthy night's sleep is best helps the body recover after a busy day.
There are options in which a place to sleep is a linen drawer. Bedsand with high sculpted legs look very stylish. Under such products easily remove dust. Mattress usually selected individually. It can be an orthopedic, spring or latex.
Wood furniture is made of the following types of wood:
- pine;
- birch;
- beech;
- alder;
- oak.

If the spouses quite well-fed, it is better to buy a king-size bed.
The stronger the tree species, the more expensive the product. However, even the cheapest natural wood, such as pine, much better than particleboard. Goods of chipboard in a couple of years of operation start to squeak, break. Therefore, they often have to change. Besides of them are harmful substances. The result is that the natural wood furniture is more cost-effective option. The choice of form Bedsand it depends on personal preference, as well as interior. Furniture can be rectangular, circular, square or oval. Non-standard products are usually made to order.

The correct approach is that it is necessary to take into account its size and the size of the bed.
Goods of metal today is also quite popular. Most often, they are installed in the bedrooms, which are designed in a modern style. Taste masters detects the presence of additional decorations. Most often models are equipped with carved elements or any unusual knobs.

People have different opinions about how to choose the right bed for the bedroom.
Made of flexible wood slats well sprung that makes the rest more comfortable. For double furniture used about 30 of these details. The spacing between them must be half the width of each part. Demand for products with springs constantly falling. This is due to the fact that they are easily damaged. Even with the good mattresse is desirable to Bedss been with fins.

Size sleeping bed affects the quality of sleep and rest.
Options double furniture
The package may include a double bed elevating mechanism, and retractable drawers for bedding. This option is well suited for small bedroom. Thanks to the lift does not require additional space to drawers. Sometimes bundled product contains tables, lamps, various shelves. Some manufacturers Bedss-closet. During the day it can be easily transformed into a kind of cabinet. With this solution, developers released the living room space.

By the marriage bed should be free access from three sides.
When choosing a bed, you should stick to simple rules:
- read the reviews about the manufacturer;
- do not be tempted by low cost;
- density test compounds parts;
- pay attention to the used hardware.

In hot weather at airing the room can lend a draft.
Quality bed can not be too cheap. If the price is clearly too low, there is either disrupted production technology, or quality materials is very low. Accessories must not consist exclusively of plastics, as this material easily broken. Most manufacturers are made Bedsand staffed mattresss. If the substrate mattressand consists of a spring, he regularly serve at least 10 years. Each spring is independent, but absolutely does not vibrate when the bed someone falls.

Headboard to the window, the bed should not be placed.
sometimes mattressspring units are used e. The quality of the product is much lower. Over time, some areas are beginning to sink block. In this case, the owner of this design is experiencing a lot of inconvenience. If mattress orthopedic, it not only provides a comfortable stay and a pleasant dream, but also gradually corrects posture. Available available mattresss having a special filler gippoalergennogo latex. These products are good conditioning, without losing orthopedic properties.

Install box preferably away from the door.
The choice of mattresses married couples
since the choice of mattressas a matter of the individual prior to its acquisition of both spouses is advisable to consult a doctor. Sometimes they need to buy two separate, which have different properties. This is required to ensure that purchased products were ideally suited to each partner.

Many people dream about making their bedroom was always very clean, thanks to which a lot easier to breathe.
Despite the wide variety of products to choose a good product is difficult. Here we must make a start on the room size and its design, as well as the desired type mattressbut. The base of the slats increases the orthopedic properties of the goods. During leisure, provided the required comfort. Obese people is better to buy the product from solid wood species, which is able to withstand heavy loads.

Due to the fact that the bright surface is sufficient Mark, inhabitant of the room gets extra motivation to restore order.
Price is also an important factor when choosing a product. This criterion is largely dependent on the manufacturer and materials. Domestic low-end models of particle board are several times cheaper than imported double Bedsand made from natural wood. Some models are made with adjustable rise for the head and legs. Before how to choose a bed in a furniture showroom, you need to decide on such moments:
- its color;
- model;
- how to fit into the interior of the room;
- convenient to be get out of it.

Today, minimalism is very popular.
When a person sits on the Bedsand his legs should be bent at an angle and stand steady on the floor. Such an embodiment is considered the most acceptable. It is convenient and sit and stand up. The standard length, usually about two meters, and the width of most - 1.7 meters. If these options do not suit you, you can make furniture to order.

In contrast to the angular and circular designs, it will fit into the bedroom the most modest dimensions.
No matter from what materialand made slats: made of wood or metal, they must be flexible enough. Through this body load during rest is distributed more evenly, tension in the back does not arise. The quality of the product depends on the state of health of man after sleep. Here spine comfort should be provided. Part mattressand typically includes algae, wool fibers, cotton. Some fillers are allergenic, it is desirable that it was present in the latex.

The optimal model is the one double rectangular shape.

The size and shape of the bed should be selected taking into account the living area.
VIDEO: How to choose a bed in a bedroom
50 photo ideas how to choose a double bed