The best remedy for psoriasis

Psoriasis is one of the most difficult dermatological diseases difficult to treat. Often the disease turns into a chronic form and requires the use of medications that help alleviate the condition of the patient. The best means of psoriasis belong to the group of hormonal drugs, but they are not only very effective, but also threaten with serious complications. Other medications are no less effective, they have a minimal list of contraindications, but they require longer therapy.



Roaccutane is a retinoid group drug that is prescribed for psoriasis to restore the integrity of the skin in psoriasis. The main active substance of tablets isotretinoin helps to remove inflammation in the dermis, eliminate itching and redness. To obtain good therapeutic results, long-term use of Roaccutane is required, implying its use for several months. The drug can bring a good result, but it has a lot of contraindications and side effects, so before starting the appointment, it is necessary to consult a specialist.



Triacort is a hormonal ointment that has a wide range of indications and one of them is psoriasis. The remedy quickly enough eliminates all unpleasant manifestations of a dermatological disease. At the course of admission, the skin is gradually cleared. The flaking, itching and redness disappear. Apply ointment according to the scheme drawn up by the doctor. This is a fairly serious drug from the category of corticosteroids, which can lead to quite serious complications, in the form of disruption of the internal systems. Reduce the risk of adverse reactions will help the correct reception of funds recommended by a specialist.


Fluoride Cortex is a very effective ointment from the group of corticosteroids used in psoriasis. The drug effectively eliminates all manifestations of irritation on the dermis due to its powerful active ingredients that suppress unpleasant symptoms of the disease. The drug is not recommended to use more than three times a day, and the general course of treatment should not exceed 3 weeks. Usually significant relief comes on the fifth day after the start of use, after which the application of the ointment is stopped. As with the analogue agent described above, Fluorocort has an impressive list of contraindications and side reactions that make it impossible to use a medicament for topical application.



Sinalar is another hormonal ointment that effectively inhibits the manifestation of psoriatic plaques, regardless of their location. The main therapeutic substance fluocinolone leads to inhibition of certain processes in the body, which are the main culprits for the development of inflammatory processes on the skin. Like all glucocorticosteroids, a local hormone can cause a reverse therapeutic effect in the form of an allergic reaction to its main active ingredients. For this reason, self-medication with the help of Sinalar is not worth it.



Flucinar is a gel that effectively helps with psoriasis. The drug is applied to the affected areas of the dermis from one to three times a day, depending on the severity of the disease. Often the drug is prescribed and with other dermatological problems, among them burns, neurodermatitis, lichen, etc. Without the appointment of a doctor, it is also not used, since the drug can lead to very serious consequences. Flucin is absolutely contraindicated in viral and bacterial lesions of the integument. Side effects include stretching and atrophy of the skin, which occur with prolonged use of the drug.



Uniderm is one of the best creams that help with various kinds of dermatological diseases, including psoriasis. The main active substance of the glucocorticosteroid is the mometasone furoate, which effectively struggles with psoriatic plaques. Already after several applications, the dreadful symptoms of skin disease go away and the patient begins to feel considerable relief. Additional components of the cream soften and soothe the covers, removing irritation and redness. Course use of the drug reduces the manifestation of psoriasis to no. Apply the remedy to the sick sites once a day. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions, as well as get advice from a specialist.



Kartalin does not apply to hormonal drugs, but it is good enough for psoriasis. In its composition, for the most part, plant components are included, which makes the product practically safe to use. Usually it is well tolerated by patients and only in rare cases provokes allergic reactions. The preparation perfectly heals affected areas of the dermis, removing inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms. Apply the product several times a day, but with a mild illness it is enough once. To rub, as well as any other ointment at psoriatic plaques, the preparation is forbidden. The first therapeutic results become visible after several days of regular use. The full course usually lasts at least two months.



Acustal is a medicinal product on a natural basis, which is widely used in local psoriasis therapy. The preparation includes natural components, among which the main active ones are eucalyptus oil, yarrow, extracts of chamomile, juniper, beeswax, etc. Ointment has practically no contraindications and side effects, but in some cases it can lead to the development of an allergic reaction due to intolerance of the main medical components. In case of severe irritation, itching and redness, consult a doctor and take an antihistamine.



Daivobet is an effective anti-inflammatory drug for topical use in the treatment of psoriatic plaques. It contains several active components that effectively eliminate all manifestations of dermatological disease. Most often, the remedy is prescribed for a chronic course of the disease to alleviate the condition of the patient during an exacerbation. Despite the fact that the drug does not belong to glucocorticosteroids, there are a lot of contraindications on its list, requiring careful study of the instructions.



Skin-cap has several forms of release for topical application - cream, spray and shampoo, used for psoriasis of the scalp. The main active substance of zinc pyrithione allows to reduce the inflammatory process in the skin and to start an active process of dermis repair. The drug is considered not only one of the best, but also the safest in the treatment of psoriasis.