- Goosebumps on the arms, legs and other parts of the body. The causes of
- How to remove goosebumps on the hands and feet?
- Fighting goosefoot on the buttocks
- Tips for fighting gooseflesh
- Goosebumping in children
Goosebumps on the hands, it's follicular hyperkeratosis, is one of the most common diseases. It causes a lot of disadvantages in the fair sex, because the problem areas of the body have to hide under the clothes. This article will describe the causes of this problem and how to get rid of goosebumpings in different parts of the body. Use this information to continue to feel attractive and confident in any clothing.
to the contents ↑Goosebumps on the hands, feet and other parts of the body. Causes of
Goosebumps may be temporary or permanent. With a temporary appearance, the effect quickly passes when the cause is eliminated. To get rid of a permanent disease will have to put more effort, patience.
The reasons for this ailment can be very different - from simple cold to genetic predisposition.
Consider the main causes of the appearance of goosebumps on the hands or other parts of the body:
- One of the most common reasons for the appearance of such a problem is a strong emotional arousal or a cold. Another name for goosebump in this case is "goose bumps".They arise due to the contraction of the muscles, which are located in the skin integuments and are needed to lift the hair on the body."Murashki" are temporary, and disappear after the cause of the occurrence has been eliminated.
- The lack of vitamins entering the body, a metabolic disorder that occurs with hypovitaminosis or malfunction of the body. To identify the cause, it is better to contact specialists. As a treatment, most likely, will be appointed course of intake of vitamins A, B, C, E and others.
- Improper nutrition can also lead to hyperkeratosis. Therefore, you should monitor what you eat. The diet should be balanced.
- Failure in the endocrine system, shortage of thyroid hormones can also cause goosebumps on the hands. To get rid of the cosmetic effect you need to fight the main reason.
- Dry skin is not normal. Particles of the exfoliating skin enter the skin pores, clogging them and causing problems. You can fight with masks and creams that soften the skin.
- Problems with hygiene. The result will be the same as in the previous paragraph - clogged pores of the skin. To get rid of the disease should be monitored for the purity of the body.
Important! Genetic predisposition to the disease is the most rare and difficult to treat the cause of goosebumps. A little to eliminate the apparent manifestation of the disease can be through professional cosmetic procedures.
to the contents ↑How to remove goosebumps on the hands and feet?
Hyperkeratosis, which appears on the hands, shoulders and legs, brings a lot of inconvenience, because it has to hide under clothing. So - a girl with this problem can say goodbye to open T-shirts and T-shirts, shorts and skirts. The question arises: how to get rid of goosebumps in your arms?
Important! Whichever means you use, the problem will not disappear after the first application. Treatment and consolidation of the result will take some time, regularly allocated to combat the problem.
The most effective means of fighting goosebumps are peeling, wrapping and medication, depending on the cause of the disease.
Peeling cleans the skin surface from particles that clog pores and cause hyperkeratosis.
Important! To achieve a noticeable result, you need to regularly perform the procedure, about three times a week.
To fight goosefoot on the feet suitable salt peeling. The preparation for it is easy:
- To 100 g of fine sea salt, add 50 g of any natural oil( sunflower, sea-buckthorn, olive oil).
- After taking a bath you need to rub the product into the skin.
- Wash off first with warm water and then with cold water.
Important! However, the skin on the arms and shoulders is more delicate and sensitive, so it is better to use peels based on the pulp of coconut and orange to clean it: they not only cleanse, but also soften the skin.
Wrapping procedures
Such procedures not only cleanse, but also saturate the skin with nutrients. The best and most useful is wrapping with seaweed, however modern cosmetology offers a huge selection of types of such procedures: chocolate, cranberry, honey, cherry and others.
Treatment of goose-pimples on the hands of medicines is prescribed by the doctor if metabolic disturbances are detected in the body, the thyroid gland is functioning or if there is a lack of vitamins. Most effective when combined with other procedures.
Important! You can not try to diagnose yourself and prescribe yourself a cure. If you make a mistake, you will not only get rid of hyperkeratosis, but also create additional problems for yourself, which also have to be treated.
Fixing the results of treatment
To prevent a new appearance of "goose bumps", you should monitor the skin condition. To do this, you should choose the means for body care that suit you and do not cause allergic reactions. It is also advisable to take a contrast shower 1-2 times a day, and afterwards apply to areas on which problems occur, softening and moisturizing agents.
to content ↑Fighting gooseflesh on the buttocks
The appearance of hyperkeratosis on the pope causes even more discomfort than the same problem on the skin of the hands or feet. The bulk of the trouble occurs in the summer: there is no way to wear a swimsuit and short shorts, especially if the creeps are the reason for the complexes.
To remove goose bumps on the buttocks is not very difficult. Here are a few fairly effective ways.
Vacuum and anti-cellulite massages are well proven in the fight against hyperkeratosis. You need to visit several procedures from professionals or buy special devices for vacuum massage and conduct sessions at home.
Bath treatments
Excellent bath and sauna sauna. During the procedure, the skin pores expand, the blood supply improves. The body clears from toxins, the skin softens.
Important! To fix the effect, you can use professional or home remedies that soften and nourish the skin.
Another effective way to get rid of goosebumps is oatmeal. There are two ways to combat the disease with the help of oatmeal:
- It can be added to the bath during its adoption. This will require about 8 glasses of dry cereal.
- Groats should be poured into a sock( preferably woolen), lowered for several minutes into boiling water. After time, remove from the water and cool. Get an excellent massager, which you can wipe the problem areas.
Important! Together with the use of all these methods you should monitor your diet. Food should be rich in vitamins. The most useful are raw vegetables and fruits, without heat treatment. For better absorption, you can eat dairy products.
Masks that help in the fight against gooseflesh do not necessarily buy. You can cook them yourself. Consider a couple of recipes for homemade masks:
- Mask of nutmeg. A tablespoon of powder is poured into two glasses of water. The resulting mixture is applied to the buttocks twice a day for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.
- Mask made of camphor oil and sandalwood powder. The powder is dissolved in oil, use it as well as the nutmeg mask.
Important! In order to achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to use the mask for two weeks.
to the table of contents ↑Tips for combating gooseflesh
Getting rid of gooseflesh is not enough. It is necessary to constantly maintain the normal skin condition to prevent new manifestations of the disease.
For this:
- It's enough to keep your skin dry. You can use emollient creams and lotions.
- It is recommended that you periodically visit the sauna or sauna to steam out the skin and clean the pores.
- You can clean the skin at home - for this you can use scrubs, peeling or hard wool.
- After water procedures on the skin, it is necessary to apply products that soften and nourish the skin.
Goosebumps in children
It happens that goosebumps on the hands appears in children of different ages: from babies to teenagers. The disease can be permanent, but can be seasonal in nature( occur at a certain time of the year).
Important! The causes of illness in children are the same as in adults: cold, genetics and malnutrition.
To prevent the onset of hyperkeratosis, it is necessary:
- to dress the child according to the weather;
- to ensure that the diet has all the necessary components;
- to monitor the condition of the baby's skin.
Important! It is also recommended to buy a special humidifier if it is too dry in the apartment.
If nevertheless the onset of the disease is missed, and the problem already exists, it is necessary to treat.
To get rid of goosebumps, children should consult with specialists. It will be better if during the treatment the child will stand on the observation of a dermatologist.
When taking a bath, make sure that the water is not too hot, but not cold. Also after water procedures, the skin needs to be cleaned and softened.
Important! It is not recommended to use any purchased remedies, whether lotions or cleansing agents, for the treatment of gooseflesh in a child. To clean the skin you can use decoctions of herbs: chamomile, celandine, thyme, and to soften - a normal baby cream.
In this article, we examined all the causes of goosebumps on the hands, feet and other parts of the body. We hope that this information helped you to cope with the problem and now you always look beautiful and well-groomed. All health and beauty!