Top 10 horror books

One of the most topical genres in the world literature is rightly horrors. They fascinate, frighten, tickle the nerves and lead the reader into a mystical world full of nightmares. ..

The best books for horror books are listed for top readers. The list is top 10.


The exorcist

"Exorcist" William Peter Blatty reveals the top ten horror books of the genre. The world bestseller was translated into many languages ​​and received a huge popularity among readers. Inspiration for writing this work Blatty gleaned from the real case of exorcism, which he learned from the local newspaper. Plot: Regan's eyes turned into a monster with a beastly snout and a raspy, grating voice. Was it just a few hours ago that she was a cheerful sweet girl? What kind of dark forces have moved into it? Her tender soul groans with pain and horror and tries to resist. But the forces are unequal, and the devil, who has taken possession of it, is already ready to celebrate the victory.


The Ghost of a House on the Hill

The Ghost of a House on a Hill Shirley Jackson is one of the most important works of horror literature of the 20th century. An ancient mansion on a hill brings its inhabitants only grief. Owners refuse to live in it, and an elderly couple who looks after the house does not risk staying here for the night. Behind the house, fame is firmly established. And then one day the silence of the house is disturbed by the noisy company of visitors. Dr. Montague, an explorer of the paranormal phenomena, takes off for the summer a mansion to study the phenomena taking place there. None of the arrivals can even guess what a nightmare this trip will end.


Frankenstein, or Modern Prometheus

"Frankenstein, or Modern Prometheus" - horror book of the English writer Mary Shelley. The novel was very popular and was repeatedly screened. The protagonist of the work Viktor Frankenstein creates an abominable humanoid being, yet without imagining what terrible consequences this will lead to. ..


10 Little Indians

"10 Little Indians" or "No one was" - Agatha Christie's horror book, which considered this work the best of all its creations. All events unfold on a small "Negro Island", cut off from the mainland, in a huge mansion. A group of strangers among themselves, who are invited to the island under various pretexts and cut off from civilization, enter this house. The old children's counting-house, describing the death of ten Little Indians, awaits every visitor. .. Guests of the island begin to die one by one, and the murder of each of them exactly corresponds to the description of the death of a Negro from a child's counting. People on the island understand that the killer is among them, and there is no help to wait. ..


Fall of Asherov's house

"Fall of Asher's house" Edgard Alan Po's is one of the best works of the horror genre. Roderick Usher, the last descendant of an ancient family, invites a friend of his youth to visit him and stay in a family castle on the shore of a gloomy lake. Lady Madileyn, Roderick's sister, is seriously and hopelessly ill. Her days are numbered and even the arrival of a friend is not able to dispel Asher's grief. After Madileyn's death, one of the castle's dungeons is chosen as her temporary burial place. For a few days, Roderick was in turmoil until a storm broke out at night and a monstrous circumstance emerged: Lady Madileyn was buried alive and now she came for her brother to take him with her to another world. ..


The ridges of madness

"The ridges of insanity" - the second volume of the complete collection of works of the master of horror literature - the writer Howard Lovecraft, who did not publish any book during his lifetime, but became a beacon and guide of the whole genre, the idol of both the broad masses of readers and refined intellectuals, an inexhaustible source of inspirationfor cinematographers. Borges himself admired his stories, in which the place of man is on the far periphery of the universal scheme of things, and the forces of the worldly ones instill in the souls of the unwary the sacred horror.



"It's" - Stephen King's horror book. In a small provincial town of Derry many years ago, seven teenagers had to face a total horror - a living embodiment of hell. Years passed. .. The adolescents grew up, and nothing seemed to foreshadow a new disaster. But the nightmare of the past has returned, an unknown force has led seven friends back into a new battle with Evil. For in Derry blood flows again and people disappear without a trace. For the nightmare generation was born, so incredible that it does not even have a name. ..



"Lullaby" Chuck Palahniuk is on the list of the best books of the horror genre. Events begin with the fact that the reporter Carl Stritor begins to explore the Syndrome of sudden death of babies. They die in a cradle or even in the hands of their parents. As the reporter later finds out, they die after reading an old African lullaby from the collection Poems and Trials from All Over the World. This song was read to their children, when the tribe overgrew the boundaries of its habitat, it was read to hopelessly sick or wounded soldiers, so that they died without suffering. The song is still operative, the reporter's editor, his ever-roaring neighbor from above, and just passers-by dies, who prevented him from walking down the street, die. ..



"Bell" is a novel of the horror genre of Japanese writer Koji Suzuki. The book at the time of publication gained immense popularity and was twice filmed. The plot was based on the Japanese legend. Journalist Asakawa Kazuyuki becomes the owner of a videotape, which caused the death of four people. He has exactly one week to find the clue to the unfortunate record, otherwise he will perish. ..


Pet Cemetery

"Pet Cemetery" Stephen King heads the list of the best horror books. According to the storyline, the couple - Rachel and Luis Creida, along with two children, move to the town of Ludlow. Not far from the new dwelling neighbor's children arrange an improvised funeral for their pets. Louis warns the specter of a deceased patient, forbidding him to go to the woods behind a pet cemetery, but the protagonist repeatedly violates the ban. Touching the subject of death, in the narrative, King uses the fear of losing a child and necrophobia. The idea of ​​the novel came to the author after the funeral of Smika's domestic cat. The writer considered the work so horrible that after the end of the work on the book he refused plans to print it. However, due to financial turmoil with the publisher, King agreed to publish the work. The novel was positively adopted by both the readership and literary critics."Cemetery of pets" was nominated for the "World Fantasy Award" and the prize "Locus".Literary critics, considering the book frightening, noted the influence of the work of William Wymark Jacobs, Mary Shelley and Nathaniel Hawthorne.