Top 10 Most Useful Foods for Health

It has been scientifically proven that the food that a person consumes directly affects life expectancy, health, memory and the general emotional background. No wonder the ancient Eastern wisdom says: "We are what we eat".That is why you should approach your diet more legibly and seriously.

In this article we will consider the most useful food products for health.


Green tea

Green tea opens the rating of the most useful and necessary for human health products. The natural drink is primarily a source of antioxidants and vitamin C , which slow down the aging process. Those who do not want to quickly part with a beautiful and young skin use of green tea is vital. In addition, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, lowers blood sugar, and also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Especially it is recommended to drink to people who spend most of the time at the computer screen, as it contains substances that fight with harmful radiation. It is also claimed that this drink helps purify the lungs and bronchi, so it should be consumed by smokers.



Nuts is one of the most useful products presented to us by nature. Walnuts are considered particularly useful. They are a source of vegetable protein, vitamin C, as well as iodine and vitamin B .With regular use of nuts, the risk of cardiovascular diseases is sharply reduced, the thyroid gland is normalized, and brain activity is stimulated. They also have a good effect on the nervous system, relieving tension. In particular, the use of walnuts is recommended to people who have problems with memory, sleep and predisposed to stress.



Honey is the most real storehouse of vitamins. The benefit of the bee product is difficult to overestimate. Regular use of it increases the immune system, and the body becomes less susceptible to various diseases. It strengthens the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on digestion, and also helps raise the female libido. In addition, honey can normalize sleep and remove morning lethargy, since it is a natural energy. People suffering from diseases of the respiratory system, in the absence of allergies, should be consumed every day. In addition, regular use of this product increases life expectancy.



Eggs are among the most useful foodstuffs by chance - they are one of the main sources of protein, which is extremely necessary for a person, especially a growing organism. Recent misconceptions that eggs "contaminate" blood vessels with cholesterol, scientists have refuted, since the cholesterol they contain does not stay in the body. This product, on the contrary, reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes, as well as the formation of blood clots. It is proved that regular consumption of chicken eggs reduces the risk of developing breast cancer and protects the eyes from the appearance of cataracts. A day is recommended to consume no more than 1-2 pieces.



Beans are recommended to include in your diet, as they are a source of easily digestible vegetable protein. Legumes, in particular peas, contain iron, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iodine and even vitamin C in their composition. In addition to all the listed elements, peas contain vitamins of the B group, which are responsible for the nervous system, as well as the lysine necessary for people with cardiovascular problems. In diseases of the thyroid gland, beans must necessarily be included in their diet. In addition, they are recommended to regularly eat with excess weight, as they burn fat. In ancient times, Hippocrates used peas to treat many diseases.



Fish is one of the most useful products of animal origin. The proteins that it contains are easily digestible by the body. Especially useful is marine fish, which is rich in fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6 and iron. These trace elements are responsible for all the vital functions of the body and without them simply do not need people who care about their health. Fatty acids can lower cholesterol, prevent blood vessel thrombosis and reduce the risk of heart attack up to 50%.Therefore, sea fish is recommended to eat up to 3 times a week.


Dairy and sour-milk products

Dairy and sour-milk products must necessarily be part of a person's diet. This group includes milk, cottage cheese, yogurts, kefir, cheese, etc. Milk and cottage cheese are enriched with protein and easily digestible fats. In addition, in their composition they have calcium, which is responsible for the bone and nervous system. That is why cottage cheese and milk must be consumed by both adults and children. Yogurt and yogurt contribute to healthy digestion and restore the intestinal microflora. Daily intake of a glass of fermented milk products greatly reduces the likelihood of developing stomach cancer.



Cereals are an integral product of those who want to feel good for many years. The useful grains include brown rice, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, etc. The value of these food crops is in the fiber they contain. Coarse fibers of whole grains clean the intestine, which normalizes the digestive system. Regular use of cereals significantly reduces the risk of bowel cancer. In addition, cereals compete with increased cholesterol, sugar in the blood and obesity.



Tomatoes are among the three most useful products for health, as they are the worst enemies of cancer. They are recommended to be consumed in any form: fresh, in the form of sauces, pasta, soups. Tomatoes contain a huge amount of lycopene, which suppresses the formation of cancer cells. With the regular use of this vegetable culture, the body begins to produce a large number of carotenoids-they are fighting against the accumulation of carcinogens in the body.



Apples - one of the most useful products, given to nature by man. The main important vitamins they contain are B 1, B 2, C , P and E .If every day to eat one apple, then the risk of such diseases as Alzheimer's disease, cancer and cardiovascular diseases is sharply reduced. This fruit strengthens the immune and nervous systems, normalizes digestion. Therefore, wishing to live long, in their right mind and at the same time not to have health problems, it is desirable to take apples for food on a daily basis.