Top 5 Best AliExpress Quesback Services 2016-2017

What is AliExpress, an ordinary buyer does not need to explain. Service, where you can buy almost anything at a very pleasant price even in crisis conditions, has long enjoyed a deserved popularity on the territory of the Russian Federation. However, very few people know that thanks to cashback it's possible to make goods with Ali even cheaper!

Your attention is offered to the top of the best services of cashback AliExpress in 2016 and 2017 .


  • 5.
  • 4.
  • 3. ePN
  • 2.
  • 1.
    • Comparison of the cache services Aliexpress
    • What is AliExpress cashback?


The percentage of clearly shows which cashback is better for AliExpress - it has as much as 10% without any conditions. Methods of withdrawal of money for mobile, Yandex. Money without commission. But the withdrawal of money to a bank card, purse Qiwi and Webmoney are subject to commission - 2.8%, 4.15% and 5.7% respectively. The minimum amount of withdrawal is quite sparing - from 10 rubles. Alas, your affiliate program does not have a discount.


One of the best cashback services of AliExpress allows increasing the amount of cashback depending on the purchase amount. If you buy from $ 2, the amount of cashback is 7%, then from 200 dollars - 10%.Methods of withdrawal of money are quite diverse - these are well-known payment systems such as Webmoney, Yandex. Money and Qiwi wallet, and traditional mobile and bank card. But Paypal is also gaining popularity in Russia. The minimum amount for withdrawal is quite high - from $ 5.But the commission is levied only on a transfer to a bank card( the commission is 7 dollars).Also, the service has one of the most profitable affiliate programs - up to 20% of cashback additionally.

3. ePN

Although ePN prefers to work only and exclusively with AliExpress, it immediately shows where the largest cashback is - it reaches 18%( by default, cashback 7%, all that higher - for products from the group"Special offer").The minimum amount for withdrawal is very small - from $ 0.2, while in currency and without commission. The methods of output are traditional - mobile, a card, a standard Webmoney triad, Yandex. Money and Qiwi in RuNet, but ePayments are added to them. The last way is worth paying attention, since for the use of the service the amount of cashback is increased by 1%.In addition to the highest cashback, ePN also has other advantages: an affiliate program, stable operation of the service and operational accrual of funds. However, there are also disadvantages - users note that technical support does not always work as fast as we would like.


It's unlikely that Cash4brands boasts one of the most profitable AliExpress cashbacks - it is 5-6%, but this amount can be increased if you write to technical support and ask to transfer yourself to a fixed percentage. And it can already increase depending on the number of purchases. For Webmoney, Qiwi and Yandex. Money, the minimum withdrawal amount is from 1 ruble without commission. On the mobile phone, the minimum amount is already higher - from 15 rubles( also without a commission), and the bank card and PayPal are characterized by the highest minimum amount - from 500 rubles. Although also without a commission, which can not but rejoice. Users celebrate the fast and professional work of technical support. This service is not so popular in Russia, as the company occupying the first line of the rating( they buy it 6 times less), but it deservedly is one of the best cash-back services on AliExpress. Quite small cashback rates are compensated for by the reliability and stable operation of the service, and by the operational work of the support staff. Cash4brands has an affiliate program.


And the first place in the rating of cashback for AliExpress sites gets The percentage of cashback for this service is relatively small and is 7%.Methods of withdrawal of money are quite diverse - this is a mobile phone, a bank card, and Yandex. Money, PayPal and Qiwi-purse payment systems. The minimum amount for withdrawal from on the background of other services in the rating is quite high - at least 500 rubles. However, for a mobile phone and Webmoney, this amount can be reduced to 1 ruble, if you use the code.

Site: http: //

Extension for Google Chrome: http: // goto-toolbar

Despite not the highest percentage of cashback and a high minimum withdrawal amount, the popularity of its company has gained deservedly - thanks to the quality of the work. The site is simple and clear, you can register with just a couple of clicks through social networks. Also on the site there is a necessary training program, including even a trial order in a non-existent store, during which the novice buyer will be shown and told. Judging by the feedback from customers, Letyshops employees work quickly and clearly. Not surprisingly, the schedule of visits to the site is growing from day to day. By the way, the number of stores connected to Letyshops is almost a thousand, so with their help you can make purchases not only on Ali.

Comparison of the cache services Aliexpress

Service Output methods Minimum Stores Cashback,%
  • Mobile phone
  • Electronic wallets
  • Bank card
  • from 500 руб.
  • without commission
988 5-7%
  • Mobile phone
  • Electronic wallets
  • Bank card
  • from $ 5
  • without commission
793 5-6%
  • Mobile phone
  • Electronic wallets
  • Bank card
  • from $ 0.2
  • without commission
5 7%
  • Mobile phone
  • Electronic wallets
  • Bank card
  • from $ 5
  • 0-7%
1 from 7%
  • Mobile phone
  • Electronic wallets
  • Bank card
  • from 1 руб.
  • 0-5.7%
639 10%

What is AliExpress Cash Back?

Cashback is a kind of discount for a product. But the buyer receives this discount after a certain time, as soon as the period when the goods can be exchanged or returned is over. It is interesting that the discount is given not by the direct seller of the goods, but by a special person who is responsible for the influx of buyers into the seller's store. And it pays the reward to the buyer from the commissions received from the seller. There are a lot of cash-back services for residents of the Russian Federation, and the more offers, the more favorable conditions will be for a thoughtful buyer.