The fastest animals in the world

The best athletes are able to develop a speed of no more than 30-40 km / h. This record is able to beat even the usual hare. And do you know what the maximum speed is capable of developing the fastest animals in the world? Some predators and herbivores move with such lightning speed, which is comparable only with the speed of acceleration of the sports car. It depends on their life or food.

We present to readers the top 10 of the fastest animals of the planet .


Hare-hare Speed ​​60 km / h

Opens the top ten fastest hare-hare. This agile rodent during the attack predator accelerates to 60 km / h. At the same time, he begins to rush from side to side in order to mislead the pursuer. An agile animal can accelerate to 75 km / h, but for an insignificant distance - 20 meters. To develop such speed the hare is helped by its powerful and long hind legs, as well as a small weight, which on average is 3 kilograms. This animal has a lot of enemies, so he has to be alert all the time and run a lot, so as not to become someone's food.


Zebra Speed ​​up to 64 km / h

One of the fastest animals in the world is the zebra. At the time of the predator attack, the mammal is able to reach speeds of up to 64 km / h. Zebras are very hardy. It is this factor that helps them to save themselves from predators. Their peculiarity is that they begin to run from side to side in case of pursuit by a predator, which in the meantime loses coordination and can not catch a smart animal. During a serious danger, the zebra itself can offend its pursuer by fairly kicking it or biting it. These are quite heavy representatives of mammals with a weight of up to 400 kg. In search of food and water, zebras can overcome distances of up to 800 kilometers per year.


Kangaroo Speed ​​up to 71 km / h

The eighth fastest animal in the world is the kangaroo .If the mammal feels the approach of danger, then at the most crucial moment it accelerates to 71 km / h. At the same time, it begins to sweat very strongly, which helps to regulate the heat exchange process, and when stopped, the animal begins to breathe quickly - up to 300 breaths per minute. The distance of 2 kilometers of kangaroo with ease overcomes in 80 seconds, which equates to a speed of 40 km / h. In a quiet state jumpers overcome the distance with acceleration up to 26 km / h. It is noteworthy that representatives of the marsupial family can jump to a height of up to 3 meters and up to 9 meters in length.


Hybrid dog Speed ​​up to 72 km / h

The seventh fastest animal in the world is the hyena-shaped dog .During the hunt, the predator can accelerate to 72 km / h, but only a short distance. A longer path, for example 5 kilometers, it can safely overcome at a speed of 60 km / h. Since hyena-shaped dogs usually act as a herd, the victim has virtually no chance to escape from the hungry beasts. Their prey is often the wildebeest and zebra antelopes, which also belong to the fastest living creatures on the planet. Hyenic dogs are very voracious and can absorb up to 15 kg of meat at a time. Their habitat is the Middle East, India and Africa.


Moose Speed ​​up to 73 km / h

The sixth place among the fastest animals is moose .During the attack on the part of predators, the cloven-hoofed person is able to reach a speed of 73 km / h. And this despite the weight of 700 kg and an increase of 2.5 m. Powerful powerful horns weighing up to 40 kilograms have a span of up to 2 meters. Therefore, such a large herbivore rarely ventured to attack predators. A feature of the deer family is that they not only run perfectly, but also swim. Daily elk pass up to 15 km in search of food. The place of residence is Russia and America.


Lion Speed ​​up to 80 km / h

The fifth honorable place is occupied by the majestic king of all beasts - lion .And the fastest representatives among this species are females. Perhaps, because it is they who most often have to go out on prey. A heavy animal during hunting is capable of a maximum speed of up to 80 km / h, but only for a short distance of 20 meters. As a rule, this is enough to catch the prey. These predators differ from all the most lightning-fast reactions.


Antelope wildebeest Speed ​​up to 90 km / h

The fourth line of the rating goes to antelope from Africa. Since they are the main prey of many local predators, the animal had to learn how to run as fast as possible and develop a speed of up to 90 km / h. And this despite its heavy weight - 250 kg and a height of 1.5 m. In the absence of danger, horned runners accelerate to 40 km / h. A herbivore is dependent on weather conditions. During droughts, they often have to migrate in search of food for long distances.


Gazelle Speed ​​up to 105 km / h

The third fastest animal in the world is gazelle .The maximum fixed speed of movement of a cloven-hoofed animal at a distance of 150 meters is 114 km / h. The average result in motion is 105 km / h. The gazelle is considered one of the most hardy animals, which for a long time can move with a sufficiently high speed. Running with such ease is helped by a small weight - 30 kg and long legs.


Pristine Speed ​​up to 115 km / h

The second fastest animal on earth is rightly considered to be the hornhorn or the American antelope. The maximum speed of movement of artiodactyl is 115 km / h. The main enemy of the stronghold is a cheetah. To save himself from a predator, he must move with such speed. When the cheetah can already run out, the fast-moving animal continues to move, thanks to amazing endurance. These antelopes can be accelerated not only during shelter from the predatory hunter, but also just for fun. An amazing feature of these four-legged animals is that they are able to overcome in the jump an obstacle with a height of two meters or six meters in width.


Cheetah Speed ​​up to 120 km / h

Cheetah is considered the fastest animal on earth. The maximum speed that a predator is able to take when hunting is 120 km / h. It is not surprising that with such lightning, the hunter exhales exactly in a minute. But usually he needs this time to overtake the victim. Moving with such speed, the main part of the cheetah hovers in the air, touching the ground only in order to pounce. To get this rate of takeoff predatory pussy is possible in just 3 seconds. So the animal can compete with the fastest sports car in terms of the speed of overclocking. Such a rapid movement, despite a small time interval, takes a lot of energy and energy from the leopard. In order for him to recover after a run, it will take at least half an hour. During this time, as long as the mammal is resting, leopards or hyenas may well be stolen.