- Types of detergents
- Powder or solid detergents
- Liquid detergents
The most common cleaning agent is a detergent. But in the market of household chemicals, liquid detergents began to be offered more often. The phrase "liquid powder" sounds very unusual, but it is used in most cases. Considering the fact that the interest of consumers in this group of goods is growing, in this article we will tell you what is liquid detergent, what is better or worse than other available washing aids on the market, we will give some advice on their use.
to content ↑Types of detergents
All synthetic cleaning mixtures are divided into:
- Powdery or solid.
- Pastes.
- Liquid( gels).
Powdered or solid detergents
This species remains the most popular today. In the Russian market, its share is about 95%.Conditional powders can be divided into 3 price categories:
- Low.
- Average.
- High.
Granular powders are often found among powder mixtures for dirt removal. They are more convenient to use. In addition to universal washing powders, there are a number of specialized, which are used for different types of fabrics. Also separate mixtures for colored laundry are produced. The package contains the inscription "Color".Mixtures of this kind have a softer effect, and also contain polymers that inhibit the transfer of color from colored products.
to the table of contents ↑Liquid detergents
The proportion of liquid detergents is constantly growing in the total amount of all products, but they are still less popular than powdery ones. The main reasons for their slow consumption growth are:
- high price;
- low washing culture;
- lower efficiency compared with powdered.
The term "culture of washing" implies not only the attitude of people to the washing process, but also the understanding of the importance of tissue integrity and the color of the product after cleaning. There is a low awareness of the use of special means for washing different types of fabric.
Important! Unlike in America, where the use of such concentrates is 50%, in the territory of the post-Soviet space there are not so widespread washing machines designed for the use of this type of funds. The higher the living indicator of the population, the greater the demand for liquid detergents.
Initially, "liquid powder" was intended for manual washing of products from delicate fabrics, silk and wool. Recently, concentrates have appeared on the market for other types of fabrics, including cotton fabrics.
In the store chain they can be under the following names:
- "Liquid powder";
- "Gel";
- "Emulsion".
Important! Differences of these agents in concentration or viscosity. They are produced in plastic bottles of volume from 0,85 l to 1,5 l. In most cases, the bottle has a comfortable handle. The cap serves as a measuring cup at the same time. The instructions show consumption not only in milliliters, but also in caps. The second form of release - removable plastic bags. This form is convenient to buy, and it is cheaper. Advantages of liquid detergents:
Disadvantages of liquid detergent:
Important! Liquid detergents are advisable to use in areas with soft water or if a descaling prevention agent is added during use.
Ways to use "liquid powder" with machine wash
Manufacturers produce "liquid powder", gel, which differ in viscosity. It is this property that determines the way in which such concentrate is used in machine washing:
- It is recommended that non-viscous liquids be poured into the cleaning agent distribution hopper in a washing machine. Then you usually fall asleep with dry powder.
- The viscous mixture is directly poured into the drum of the washing machine, since it will not wash out the distributor with water. If you pour the gel into the detergent chamber, the remedy will not be washed away immediately, but will slowly drain to the end of the wash, and even when rinsing, and this is not permissible.
- Some manufacturers use, in addition to the cap, a special knob attached to it, which is placed with the desired amount of gel into the drum of the washing machine. The advantage of this method is that during the washing process the gel is completely washed from the knob.
Important! If you use "washing powder" machine wash, then pay attention to the temperature mode, which is indicated on the package. Usually this: you can wash at 30-60 ° C.For lightly soiled clothes, the temperature is 30-40 ° C.In modern washing machines there is a special program for this type of washing. It can be called "Daily washing" or "Refresh", as well as "New things".Another group of products for which it is recommended to use fluid mixtures are clothes made of delicate fabrics. It is liquid detergents that have a gentle effect that does not destroy the tissues.
The color of the liquid detergent
The color of the concentrate can be blue, blue, light green, pearlescent or transparent. If the mixture is placed in a transparent container, it is the color that affects your emotional attitude to the product, since it is in no way related to the effectiveness of washing.
The task of our article was to introduce you to another kind of detergent - "liquid powder".We hope that you will use it correctly and much more often than you have done until now.