- Where does rust come from?
- How to remove rust?- Overview of popular chemistry
- The use of improvised tools
Clean bathroom gives an idea of a neat and clean housewife. Unfortunately, many people face the problem of rust in the toilet, despite the fact that the cleaning is carried out in a timely manner. Now you can find a lot of household tools, than you can wash the toilet from rust. The price of each drug is different, but there is no guarantee that an expensive tool will cope with such a problem. Therefore, many use improvised means to eliminate rust. What to give preference - you can determine after a review of the best means of rust, proposed in this article.
to the contents ↑Where does rust come from?
Rusty stains occur as a result of prolonged contact of plumbing with water and increased humidity. Over time, water destroys the material from which the pipes are made, because the water flows not clean, but with impurities of iron and sand. As a result, yellow spots appear on the toilet bowl, which damage the presentable appearance of the bowl.
Important! The case may be in the toilet bowl, since its malfunction also plays a big role in the appearance of such traces. It is necessary to check the efficiency of all plumbing in the bathroom to avoid such an unpleasant situation.
to the contents ↑How to remove rust?- Review of popular chemistry
You can remove rust in the toilet using special chemical solutions and improvised products. The main thing is to take into account the material from which the bathroom is made, as many drugs have a harmful effect, and subsequently it is very difficult to cope with the pollution.
Important! Often use a bleaching agent - bleach, but in small quantities. Pour a little liquid on the affected area, leave for a few minutes and clean with a sponge or brush. The method is certainly effective, but it's worth using it carefully.
Abrasive cleaners
These substances include "PemLux" in the form of a powder. They include very effective elements that easily remove any kind of contaminants. Apply a little substance to the rag and gently rub the rusty streaks.
Important! The drug very well removes fresh rust in the toilet in the home, but there are disadvantages when using it. Since the substance - in the form of a powder, small particles damage the toilet, scratching it. This means that at the next occurrence of such trouble, rust will accumulate in small scratches, and removing it will be much more difficult.
Alkaline cleaners
These include Domestos. It contains sodium, which dissolves rusty spots:
- The agent is applied to the affected area, left for 20 minutes.
- Then it is washed off with water, leaving a snow-white surface.
Important! Advantage - does not require special efforts during cleaning. The disadvantage is that it does not always cope with old spots. In general, such a tool is quite effective in removing rust in the toilet bowl.
Acid cleaners
These include Sillit. Apply on the same principle as alkaline substances - applied directly to the stain, and then washed off with a jet of water.
This kind of cleaning products is considered one of the most effective. But like everyone else, there are minor drawbacks. The composition of the drugs is acid. Therefore, care should be taken when washing rust at home. Wear protective gloves.
Important! The product is not suitable for washing baths. It is recommended to clean them porcelain and faience sinks and toilets.
to the contents ↑Use of improvised tools
Use of improvised means for cleaning the toilet in the home is a very effective option. Consider several effective methods for controlling rust:
- Ammonium alcohol and hydrogen peroxide - is mixed, observing the proportions of 1: 9.The solution is poured into the toilet bowl, under the rim. Leave for a few hours, then wash off with water.
- Vinegar - use in a pure preheated form. To enhance the effect, you can add a spoonful of soda or salt.
- Carbonated drinks - these include "Cola" and "Sprite".The liquid is poured into the toilet bowl, left for at least 2 hours. After the required amount of time has elapsed, all contaminants disappear.
Important! The procedure for cleaning is best done at night, because the more the remedy will be on the surface of the toilet, the better the result.
Popular remedies for rust removal from the toilet
For many years people have been removing rust in the toilet bowl at home with the following generally recognized folk remedies:
- Vinegar essence - dilute a small amount of water and apply the solution to a rusty stain. We wait about an hour, we wash off the remnants of mud with water.
- Citric acid - perfectly handles any kind of stains, including rust. Pour the packet of the substance under the rim of the toilet bowl, spray a little vinegar. The reaction will come true - it should be so. After a while, there will be no trace of dirt.
- Oxalic acid is a very effective tool, coping with rusty stripes in a matter of minutes. Apply it to a damp sponge and wipe the stains. Be sure to wear protective gloves.
- Electrolyte - operates on the principle of alkaline agents. It is not necessary to apply special efforts, the drug will clean everything up.
- Toothpaste is a small amount of a product for contamination, neatly with a three brush with a soft pile or sponge. After a while, the spots will disappear. This method is very effective when removing fresh spots.
Important! When cleaning the bathroom with improvised means, close the lid of the toilet bowl to enhance the effect.
Homemade recipes are virtually indistinguishable from special household substances. The difference is only in the cost - improvised funds are much cheaper, and they act exactly the same as store money. Regardless of which cleaning method you choose, do not forget the safety precautions and the material from which the plumbing is made. Choose substances that are soft in consistency.