Top 100 Tips for Choosing a Phone

Choosing a phone - which can be more pleasant, you think. However, this is only at first glance. The problem is that if you approach this question lightly, then the choice of the device, which will be almost always next to you, can turn into a debilitating procedure, eventually depriving you of the joy of the purchase.

In order for this not to happen, the first thing you need to think carefully about a few key points of buying a mobile phone. Which ones, we will tell in this article.


  • What the market offers
    • To expensive models can be attributed devices with such advantages:
  • Which is better: touch or button?
    • So, about the touch phone. Positive moments:
    • Negative moments:
    • Advantages of a button phone:
    • Negative moments:
  • Determined with the choice of
  • Learn as much as possible
  • Results of

What the market offers

At the moment the market offers its customers a large number of different models of mobile communication devices,can help rating smartphones in 2012.Mainly there are models of well-known companies such as Nokia, Samsung, LG and others. The model range of each of the companies on the market is quite wide. It includes expensive models of phones and smartphones, medium and relatively cheap.

For expensive models you can include devices with such advantages:

- high screen resolution

- high-quality camera and optics

- support for large memory cards

- high-quality touch screen with protective coating

- availability of functions such as WiFi, 3G and HD

Mainly to expensive models include smartphones with communicator function.

The average models can be practically the same set of features and functions, but the quality of the device itself can be an order of magnitude lower.

Cheap mobile phones , usually equipped with a simple screen( not touch);if it is touch, it is usually of poor quality. In addition, the camera in such communications will be of poor quality with the lack of good optics.

In addition to all of the above, it should be noted the availability on the market of original devices and their copies made in China. Distinguish two seemingly identical phones can be quite easy, if you know that the original models are usually 10-15% more expensive. Tip: do not take the phone at the point of sale, where it is cheaper!

Which is better: touch or button?

This question divided humanity into two camps. Some people boldly keep pace with the times, while others are fiercely defending a reliable classics. Now we try to figure it out, giving all the pros and cons, in what is better.

So, about the touch phone. Positive moments:

+ No stuck and contaminated buttons.

+ Buttons are not erased.

+ Modern appearance.

Negative moments:

- The fragility of the display( if the display is out of order, you can immediately buy a new phone).By the way, this feature does not apply to the smartphone Samsung Galaxy S3.

- Accuracy of pressing the display( it happens that the phone does not execute the requested commands).

- High price( accompanied by a set of sometimes incomprehensible functions and low quality).

Advantages of a button phone:

+ The technology is well advanced, fewer glitches and glitches.

+ The price-quality ratio is at an acceptable level.

+ The display is less exposed to negative influences( as a result, the life of the device is significantly extended).

+ If a key breaks, only the key is replaced, not the entire display.

+ In more expensive models, high-quality cameras with expensive optics are installed.

+ Reliable and easy to operate.

Negative moments:

- Not modern appearance( roughly speaking, the past decade).

- Smaller functional set.

- Button sticking.

- Frequent contamination and failure of control devices.

Determine with the choice of

Before you go to the store and make a purchase, you should decide on the choice. First of all, see for yourself what you need. So, most people buy mobile phones not as a means of communication, but as a way to assert themselves and emphasize their status. Many times think before you spend big money, buying an expensive phone with many functions that you might never need.

Find out as much as possible

After you have more or less chosen( found several models for yourself), you need to know the opinions of people who already used these devices. This can be done on the Internet or with friends. As a rule, after reading the reviews, many questions disappear and a lot of facts pop up that are not in the manufacturer's description.

Results of

So, let's sum up. Undoubtedly, choosing a mobile phone is a responsible thing. And therefore, everything should be carefully weighed and definitively determined with the choice. It all depends on you. Ask yourself the question: "What do I need? A mobile phone that would emphasize my style and status in society, or is it just a means of communication? "To a large extent, your further choice will depend on the answer to this question.

Successful shopping!