Chainsaws under the Stihl and Husqvarna brands have deservedly been among the most popular for many years. It is sometimes difficult to choose between these brands even for an experienced craftsman. Well, let's figure out which chainsaws are better: Stihl or Husqvarna.
- 1 Features of Stihl chainsaws
- 2 Features of Husqvarna chainsaws
- 3 The best Stihl and Husqvarna chainsaws
- 4 Popular questions
- 5 conclusions
Features of Stihl chainsaws
Chainsaws under the German brand Stihl have been produced for almost a hundred years, and during this time they managed to become the best-selling in the world. There is no secret here:
- Starting Stihl chainsaws is provided by the proprietary ElastoStart device, the task of which is to simplify the starting procedure and prevent jerks. A damper is responsible for this, absorbing the excess load. All this allows you to reduce the effort required to launch by almost half;
- 2-mix two-stroke engines consume 20% less fuel compared to analogues and at the same time give half the exhaust;
- polymer bodies of Stihl chainsaws weigh less than those of competitors, which provides much more convenience in work, albeit at the cost of reducing reliability;
- Stihl chainsaws use an effective anti-vibration system. In amateur models, the problem of vibration is solved by rubber gaskets, and in professional models - by steel springs;
- keyless fastening system makes changing the chain very easy;
- Stihl saw gas tank covers are equipped with special holders;
- air filters in chainsaws of this manufacturer are particularly effective in comparison with competitors' filters;
- The proprietary Quick Stop Super chain braking system instantly stops the saw if there is a danger to the user;
- The electronic engine management system M-Thonis regulates the operation of all Stihl chainsaw systems and ensures their highly efficient operation for a long time.
Features of Husqvarna chainsaws
In terms of sales, Husqvarna chainsaws are quite capable of rivaling those of Stihl. The fact is that the saws of this brand produced in Sweden also differ in their advantages:
- Husqvarna saws are adapted to work in northern climates, including the Russian one, which means their higher reliability and longer service life in comparison with conkruits;
- quick start is made using Smart Start technology;
- work with different types of fuel is provided by the function of automatic adjustment;
- efficient two-stage air filters do not require frequent replacement, which significantly reduces the cost of operating Husqvarna chainsaws;
- the proprietary vibration damping system effectively fights shaking, and the comfortable handles fit securely in the palm of your hand;
- exhaust gases from two-stroke internal engines in Husqvarna chainsaws are burned out, therefore their toxicity emissions are lower, and the overall environmental friendliness of the saws of this manufacturer, on the contrary, is much higher than that of most competitors;
- powerful and compact high-speed motors provide high performance and long runtime;
- metal cases weigh quite a lot, but are not afraid of shock or rough exploitation;
- Several ranges of Husqvarna chainsaws allow everyone, both amateur and professional, to easily choose a tool for their personal needs.
We will assume that we are finished with the theory. Let's take a closer look at the best chainsaws from Stihl and Husqvarna.
The best Stihl and Husqvarna chainsaws
1. STIHL MS 180-14

Lightweight, compact and easy-to-use chain chainsaw with a price of almost 12,000 rubles. Power of 2 horsepower (1500 watts) is enough for any household tasks: from trimming bushes to cutting trees. The performance of this saw will be enough to cut firewood for a bathhouse and even to build this bathhouse, but the tool will most likely not be enough for professional needs. In order for the saw to serve for a long time and invariably please the owner with efficient and trouble-free work, it is worth keeping the chain sharpened, and use only branded oil from the manufacturer.
Price: ₽ 11 890
STIHL MS 180-14
2. Husqvarna 135

This hand-held chainsaw is more expensive than its competitor - almost 14,000 rubles. At the same time, the Husqvarna 1500 watt tool has its advantages too. Thanks to its 40 cm long and powerful 50.9 cubic centimeters, the manufacturer classifies this chainsaw as a professional tool. However, one should not take such statements seriously: we are clearly facing a household chainsaw. Nevertheless, its functionality is enough for absolutely any household tasks with a large margin. It weighs relatively little (for a chainsaw), is able to work for a long time without stopping, giving out high performance. In addition to the rather high price, you need to be prepared for the weak point of this model - the starter coil, to manifest itself. Otherwise, this is a very worthy option, capable of a long and blameless service.
Price: ₽ 13 990
Husqvarna 135
Popular questions
Which manufacturer's chainsaws have a longer resource?
No one can answer this question unequivocally: both Stihl and Husqvarna produce very reliable chainsaws that, with proper care, will serve a neat owner for many years.
Chainsaws of which manufacturer are less whimsical in maintenance and repair?
Chainsaws are chainsaws, so you need to monitor the condition of any chainsaw, even Stihl, even Husqvarna: in this regard, they are almost identical. However, it should be borne in mind that Stihl chainsaws are usually equipped with polymer bodies: they are lighter than Husqvarna metal bodies, but require more careful handling.
As you can see, the choice between Husqvarna and Stihl chainsaws is, first of all, a matter of taste, since both manufacturers have excellent models. We talked about the pros and cons of both brands of drank, but then the choice is yours.