How to clean gold from iodine?

  • Purification of gold
  • Cleaning of silver
  • Useful advices:

Each of us has precious ornaments that are dear to us and almost anyone can face the situation when his favorite decoration is dirty in iodine. In this article we will discuss how to clean gold from iodine.

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Purification of gold

If it became necessary to check the jewelry for authenticity, iodine is most often used for this. But very few people know that after such a check, ugly dark spots remain on these ornaments. If you have soiled your golden headset just like that or accidentally, do not despair and do not run immediately to the jewelry shop. There are several methods to clean gold from iodine at home.

Method 1

The easiest and most affordable method is to clean your favorite ringlet or chain with vinegar. For this:

  1. Wear gloves and a gauze bandage, acetic acid causes not only burns on contact with the skin, but its evaporation can burn the airways.
  2. Take the vinegar essence( table vinegar for these purposes will not work).
  3. Wet the cotton pad or wand in the vinegar and wipe the dirt.
  4. After cleaning, rinse with clean water and wipe dry.

Method 2

You can clean the gold from iodine and abrasive cleaning, but it spoils the surface to be treated. Therefore, its use is only for small contaminations. You can try to erase the specks of iodine toothpaste or chalk diluted with water to the state of gruel. Using toothpaste, adhere to the algorithm:

  1. Apply paste on the stain and leave for 5 minutes.
  2. Rub in the contamination site, removing the stain.
  3. When completely wipe off dirt, wash the dressing under warm water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

Method 3

The most effective cleaning is hyposulfite. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. And also it is used for photos as a photo-fixer. So, you can find such a tool in the photo store. To clean gold from iodine in this way:

  1. Dilute a tablespoon of the substance to a glass of water.
  2. Put your item in this solution for at least 30 minutes.
  3. After the time has elapsed, remove it, rinse it with clean water and wipe it dry.

Important! If after half an hour the stain has not cleared, add more hyposulfite and hold a thing longer in it. Also, instead of hyposulfite, you can use a solution of soap, water and ammonia. A little soap chips( ⅛ bar), dissolve in 1 tbsp.water. After stirring, add a couple drops of ammonia.

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Cleaning of silver

It is possible not only to get a gold product, but also a silver one. And we now consider how to clean silver from iodine. As in the version with gold, there are several methods to clean the silver thing from iodine. Let us consider them in more detail.

Method 1

Starch will help to get rid of the stain. To do this:

  1. For a short while, pour the decoration with starch or put it in the environment cut into small pieces, potatoes.
  2. Starch does not completely clean the product, but repaints the stain in blue, that is, makes it less noticeable.

Method 2

Clean the silver from iodine with a solution of peroxide with soap:

  1. Make a solution consisting of water, soap and ammonia.
  2. Keep this product in this solution for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Wash with warm water and wipe the decoration dry.

Important! As an addition to the method, if it did not give tangible results, use toothpaste or baking soda. They should help you get rid of the stain.

Method 3

  1. Prepare a 10% solution of ammonia.
  2. Immerse the product in it for 15 minutes.
  3. Wash in warm water and dry the product using a soft cloth.

Important! Cleaning hyposulfite is suitable not only for jewelry made of yellow precious metal, but also for silver!

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Useful advices:

  1. Before you clean gold or silver from iodine - prepare it. Rinse with warm water and degrease with alcohol.
  2. If cleaning at home failed and you are not satisfied with the result, contact the jewelry - there you must help.
  3. Final cleaning step - rinse the cleaned thing in cold water, wipe and polish the flannel.

Now you know that it is very possible to clean your favorite jewelry even at home. Do not despair, if the first method does not help you, try on and you will clear the adornment from unwanted spots.