Cozy corner for sleeping in the parent's bedroom: step by step instructions

Often the realities of our life are such that parents have to sacrifice their own space in order to organize a cozy corner for the child. In this sense, comfort usually fades into the background for the sake of functionality. A pile of wardrobes, beds and nightstands turns a once cozy room into a storage room. But what if you organize a cozy corner in your parents' bedroom without sacrificing comfort and aesthetics? Do you think this is impossible? It turns out that there is a solution, we will consider a ready-made project from IKEA.

The idea of ​​the designers is to organize a so-called "room in a room". Choose one free corner that can be accessed outside of the parent's bed area. This is usually the far right corner of the room by the window. The main thing that is important for parents is an extra bed. It should be functional and comfortable. An option with bright accents was chosen for the project - a bed MINNEN with frame and space that can be used to store toys.

The bed will grow with your childPHOTO:
The bed will grow with your child

The bed is complemented by a neat storage boxes "GIMSE" and wall sconces "FUBBLA"so that it is convenient for the baby to read books or play without distracting the parents. The bed not only becomes a place to sleep, but also a kind of space for the child to play.

The lamp allows you to adjust the lighting angle and brightness so that the baby does not distract the parentsPHOTO:
The lamp allows you to adjust the lighting angle and brightness so that the baby does not distract the parents

An important point is the organization of the space for writing and playing. In this case, an excellent solution may be children's tables, which, if necessary, can be easily moved into a corner.

Bright bed linen creates a cozy atmosphere, and a lamp with an adjustable lighting level allows the baby to play without disturbing the adultsPHOTO:
Bright bed linen creates a cozy atmosphere, and a lamp with an adjustable lighting level allows the baby to play without disturbing the adults

In a small room, thoughtful storage plays a decisive role, according to IKEA designers. In the conditions of lack of space on the floor, the specialists of the well-known brand have foreseen wall modules for storing toys and books and special containers.

Don't get lost in the wide variety of ideas from IKEA! Even a small room can be functional and comfortable, the main thing is to know how to equip it. If you liked our ideas, be sure to like and subscribe to our newsletter.
