Knit or boil: how to deal with fittings

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Every authoritative expert will answer you that fittings do not boil. So why are these conversations? In general, welding is a sure way to spoil the reinforcement cage, because all the advantages of the reinforcement with this method of connection are leveled. Why is this so, and is there a catch in this statement - let's figure it out.

Read in the article

  • 1 Special properties and characteristics of reinforcement
  • 2 How the rebars are held together
  • 3 Some nuances of welding fittings

Special properties and characteristics of reinforcement

Everyone who has undertaken a construction project with their own hands knows that there are stages of construction, which it is better to overcome with the help of narrow professional specialists. That is, it is better to entrust some of the nuances to the master, so as not to regret it later. Therefore, fitters are very popular workers, and during the season it is possible to lure them to your construction site only for a very good pay.

What is so difficult about an armature, after all, it's just a steel bar? First of all, this is a hardened rod, and it is important to correctly place it in the thickness concreteso that it can take the load correctly. For proper fastening, it must not only be fixed before pouring, but also rest against the clamps on the walls of the formwork and at the joints of the rods.

How the rebars are held together
The frame must stand firmly in the formwork, and for this, it is faster to grab it by welding in several places than to knit. But won't welding ruin the whole thing?

How the rebars are held together

So, the reinforcement can be fastened in two main ways - welding or a bundle using a special wire. And then the question is: if you can't cook, why talk about it at all? Do not rush to draw a conclusion: you need to look at the brand of fittings. Professionals always pay attention to it, but home craftsmen often do not attach importance to it - and completely in vain.

In addition to the abbreviations А300, А400, А500, etc., there are also letters in the marking indicating the special properties of the material.
In addition to the abbreviations А300, А400, А500, etc., there are also letters in the marking indicating the special properties of the material.

If there is a letter K, it means that the reinforcement is resistant to corrosion, if T - it is made of thermomechanically hardened steel, but C means that the reinforcement can be connected by welding. That is, you can cook A400C, but simply A400 cannot.

If there is no designation with the letter C, then when an attempt is made to weld, the structure of the steel will be violated, in the places of welding it will lose its strength achieved by hardening.

And the marking, for example, A500C, indicates that this reinforcement, which has high ductility with a minimum content of alloying additives, can even withstand arc welding without loss of strength.

So if you need to grab the reinforcement with a welding machine in some places for stability and strength, you need to buy material with the appropriate markingPHOTO:
So if you need to grab the reinforcement with a welding machine in some places for stability and strength, you need to buy material with the appropriate marking

Some nuances of welding fittings

It is important to remember that the fittings can be welded end-to-end or overlapped. And for each type of fittings, the appropriate amperage should be selected.

With an overlap, such frame parts are welded that will not be subjected to increased loads. This is a completely unreliable method that is not used in foundations. To increase the strength during overlapping welding, the seam is made as long as possible, and the surfaces to be welded are pre-cleaned with a metal brush.

Spot welding is considered the fastest, but it can only be performed with high quality in the factory.PHOTO:
Spot welding is considered the fastest, but it can only be performed with high quality in the factory.

Butt welding, like overlapping welding, is not durable. It is used only in case of emergency, pre-scalding the ends of the joined rods.

As for the choice of electrodes, professionals prefer ANO and MR. For reinforcement with a thickness of 5–8 mm, electrodes of 3 mm are taken, for 8–10 mm, respectively, 4 mm, and more than 10 mm - 5. The strength of the current also varies. For fittings with a diameter of 5 mm, 200A is enough, 6 - 250A, 8 - 300A, 10 - 350A, 20 - 450A.

Learn more about welding methods in this video:

It only remains to add that, unfortunately, we all depend on the integrity of the manufacturers of the same valves. And they, in the absence of GOSTs, often save on raw materials and alloying additives. Plus sellers strive to slip the brand cheaper, and charge you more expensive. So be vigilant: check everything and buy only the material that won't let you down when welding.

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