Finishes the attic with his own hands: photos, ideas, installation

If you are the owner of a country house, it would be strange not to take the opportunity to arrangement of the attic floor. This additional square meters, excellent views of the site and space for the design of experiments. Today's topic of conversation - finishes the attic with his own hands. Photos, recommendations for the selection of materials and advice from builders and artists of the interior - all this can be found here.

Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo
Beautiful attic - a place for relaxation and inspiration

Read article

  • 1 vs Attic Loft: What You Need
  • 2 Penthouse in a country house: how to arrange sensibly
  • 3 Materials for finishing the attic floor
    • 3.1 Finishing an attic lining: Highlights
    • 3.2 MDF in the design of the attic
    • 3.3 Finishing with plasterboard attic and its features
    • 3.4 PVC panels and their use in residential areas
    • 3.5 Finish OSB: quickly and reliably
    • 3.6 As in the house: block house
    • 3.7 Imitation of beam in the finishing of the attic
  • 4 floor design attic floor
  • 5 Finishing the attic with sloping ceilings: Photo and recommendations
  • 6 The main stages of finishing their own hands
    • 6.1 Preparatory work and insulation
    • 6.2 Mounting frame base for the cladding
    • 6.3 Options and sequence of finishing the attic with his own hands: a step by step photo
  • 7 The best ideas are finishing the attic tree in the photo gallery

vs Attic Loft: What You Need

Attic - an excellent and inexpensive way to increase the usable area of ​​the house. It placed the warm room. Form residential construction repeats roof. Ceiling height in the highest point of the attic can not be less than 2.2 meters.

Given the residential nature of the premises, you should take care of the heating and ventilation in the attic, as well as the availability of natural light sources
Given the residential nature of the premises, you should take care of the heating and ventilation in the attic, as well as the availability of natural light sources
Mikhail Starostin


Mikhail Starostin

Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"

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"If you did not originally plan on the attic floor, still make the shape of the roof so that eventually you can arrange it for living rooms. This will not only give you stock options, but also significantly increase the selling price of the house. "

The cost of construction of additional facilities for roof almost half the price of the cost of building a full second floor.

On the other hand, and the attic is not such a useless structure. It does not necessarily make him a storehouse rubbish, though if not for the lofts, in the collections of many families would not be rare household utensils.

The attic is used for installation technology, serving the house: ventilation and heating systems, water supply and electrical wiring networks
The attic is used for installation technology, serving the house: ventilation and heating systems, water supply and electrical wiring networks

In this case, it is not necessary that the height of the space was in the area of ​​more than two meters. We can restrict and lower values. The attic has an important function of insulation adjacent rooms. In such a house is always a comfortable temperature.

Let's compare the features of the attic and the attic:

Used for permanent or temporary residence.It is used as a storage location and installation of technical equipment for the maintenance of the house.
Need for quality warming and heating.May not have heat at all or be insulated via insulating materials.
The design is limited to the requirements of building regulations.Indefinite no rules may have any shape and geometry.
It requires the cost of construction and finishing.It does not require the finishing and maintenance costs.
It needs to install quality windows.It may be limited to the dormer window pediment.

In this battle, the victory would have gained the attic, but there is one significant amendment: it all depends on whether or not you need additional living space. And she, as a rule, is always needed. If not for bedrooms or Children's, Then office, Studio or gym.

Penthouse in a country house: how to arrange sensibly

In the design of the attic floor of the wooden house, there are certain rules dictated by the characteristics of the design and layout:

  • all surfaces, including oblique, should be qualitatively insulated;
In the interior, you need to use all the elements, including the beams and rays
In the interior, you need to use all the elements, including the beams and rays
  • must be properly distributed over the perimeter of the window and think about the characteristics of their installation;
  • for decoration only moisture resistant materials can be used;
  • You can not use high cabinets and wall;
  • attic design does not suffer abundance of superfluous details and congestion and accessories furnishings.

If you follow all these simple rules, you can achieve great results and get a full living space under the roof without extra costs.

Materials for finishing the attic floor

The quality of the finish depends on many things: and comfortable environment, and aesthetic perception. Everything for the attic floor in a private home actually everything: decoration of walls, ceiling and floor finishes. All work can be carried out entirely on their own, without the involvement of outside experts. For finishing works most often used gypsum plasterboard, OSB boards, battens and MDF panel AND PVC.

All materials must meet the requirements of fire safety and hygiene
All materials must meet the requirements of fire safety and hygiene

Let us consider each of these materials in detail.

Finishing an attic lining: Highlights

Molded is a wooden rail with a locking device, the tongue and groove. Use this type of finish, not only inside but also outside of buildings. Recently especially popular Lining - rack width of 9.6 cm and a length of 6 meters. All finishing material is pre-processed in the factory and does not require additional protection against rot and insects.

Natural lining - an excellent choice for living space
Natural lining - an excellent choice for living space

Wood - a good thermal and sound insulator, its use is safe for human health.

Installation of siding is quite simple, quite capable novice master.

What you need to know about this stuff:

  • Lining is divided into grades. Ekstar and class "A" are suitable for the finishing works, they have a smooth surface and a minimum number of defects. Class "B" and "C" is used only for registration of subsidiary and other business premises.
  • There are five subspecies of lining:
  1. Profiled Landes House;
  2. Cylindrical Block house;
  3. wedge-American;
  4. soft line with rounded edges.
  • Raw materials for this material - a very important factor of choice. The most successful for premises considered larch, it not only looks presentable, but also perfectly preserved in the process of exploitation. In second place on the popularity of standing pine paneling - it is less resistant to external factors, but it fills the house with pine aroma. To cover such a long time maintained its appearance, it must be treated with a special wax or lacquer. Cedar cover - not cheap, but very high quality. Useful properties of cedar have long been known, and its resistance to temperature extremes and elegant appearance deserve most appreciated.
The most expensive material - wall paneling of mahogany. This finish can afford only very wealthy hacienda owners of country
The most expensive material - wall paneling of mahogany. This finish can afford only very wealthy hacienda owners of country

Tip! If the family budget does not allow you to buy an expensive linings, use the cheap, complete with stained. So you can turn an ordinary spruce in rosewood or chestnut.

Molded combines well with other types of finishing: plasterboard, tiles or plaster. Artists interior offer to combine different types of material, such as Block haus- on the walls and on the ceiling Amerikanka-. Molded may be placed not only horizontally, but at an angle or with a pattern.

Decorating inside lining of the attic in the photo:

Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas

MDF in the design of the attic

MDF - a versatile material, which can successfully simulate the surface of not only wood, but also stone, skin or mosaic. In fact, MDF - it Fibreboard plates of different densities 7-12 millimeters thick, glued veneer or PVC film with pattern.

MDF cover is only suitable for areas with moisture content up to 70 percent, it is not suitable for baths, saunas or bathrooms. To install the MDF need to make a frame made of wood with a pitch of 30 cm. The panels follows the same locking device. Fastening MDF to the frame by means of staples. Overall, MDF - a good solution. This finish will save your budget, but you need to carefully monitor the level of humidity in the attic.

attic interior with MDF panels in the photo:

Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas

Related article:

Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasMDF: what it is.This article will consider what it represents MDF, as well as where it is used. Standard size and thickness of the sheet, priblizitalnaya cost and the secrets of proper installation of wall panels.

Finishing with plasterboard attic and its features

Giposkartona installation takes much less time than, for example, the lining. The result of the work will be smooth, flawless surface, which can be paint or paste wallpaper. Sam plating process is simple and does not require professional skills.

Plasterboard as a building material has many advantages:

  1. it "breathes", ie, a vapor-permeable material. In homes with a finish can live comfortably, not only allergies, but also people suffering from respiratory diseases;
  2. plasterboard - fairly lightweight material, it does not weigh down the structure roof, It can be moved and mounted without assistance and specialized equipment;
  3. they can take any form of gypsum boards is quite plastic when soaking. This property is very important to the attic, where the walls and ceilings have a complex geometry.

For registration of the attic is better to choose moisture resistant drywall. In addition, should pay attention to the class fire products. Given the specifics of the roof and a wooden frame, it is better not to risk it and choose to furnish non-combustible materials.

Tip! For direct use walls gypsum board 12.5 mm thick, for bent structures - thin sheets of 6.5 mm thick.

attic design with plasterboard on the photo:

Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas

PVC panels and their use in residential areas

PVC panel It can often be seen in the decoration of the attic. Most often they are used for covering ceilings. What causes a person to make such a choice?

First of all, such a finish moisture. PVC not afraid of water, not deformed and does not sprout mold. This is a definite plus, especially when you consider that the formation of condensation in the attic room - a common occurrence.

Secondly, many people like the ease and simplicity of the panels in their installation. Such a decoration has no load on the roof structure. The last argument "for" - the price of the plastic panels. They are quite inexpensive, and colors range is fairly wide.

But there is this type of finishing and material weaknesses. And chief among them - the flammability of the material. Plastic is potentially dangerous in case of fire, because it not only burns quickly, but also identifies with the poisonous substance.

Another important point, which is worth mentioning - the smell. On hot days in the attic, lined with PVC, you will breathe the vapors of the chemical, and the cheaper were your panel, so unbearable to be in the attic. So really if you decide to stay on the plastic - should choose the product more expensive.

Attic: photo of finishes PVC panels:

Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas

Related article:

Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasPVC panels: size, wall and ceiling. In this publication we will consider the scope of the panels, their varieties, advantages and disadvantages, size, average prices, the criteria for the correct choice, advice and recommendations of experts.

Finish OSB: quickly and reliably

Oriented strand boards - a popular building material which is produced by pressing wood chips mixed with water-resistant resin.

The performance characteristics of this product make it possible to use it not only for domestic but also for outdoor decoration. OSB boards are not jarred from moisture, easy to cut and install.

Mounting plates is very simple, due to their size and stiffness, they do not require a special frame.

Mounting is usually carried out by nails or screws in wood
Mounting is usually carried out by nails or screws in wood

What you need to remember the attic sheathing such material:

  • all finishing work painting or gluing wallpaperOnly need to hold on primer;
  • plates should not be painted with water-based paints, paint work and to also be sure to cover all the latex primer, it will prevent the display of yellow spots.

plates can be grout or sew giposkartonom, conventional paste wallpaper or steklooboyami for painting.

How are the walls with a slope in the attic, wallpapered in the photo:

Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas

Related article:

Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasOSB: size and price. What is the range, especially its production, current market offers additional tips and tricks - all this and much more can be found in our material.

As in the house: block house

This kind of siding mimics the natural log. Its front side has a rounded appearance. The width of the block-house may be different. For small spaces using elements narrower. Like other types of lining, block house has a locking connection and is usually mounted in a horizontal direction.

Especially popular block-house larch, such a coating is not only aesthetic look, but also is reliable and resistant to decay. If so decorate the entire space around the perimeter, it creates an overall impression that the house is made of logs.

You can find block-house is not made of wood and MDF. This coating is cheaper.

Mikhail Starostin


Mikhail Starostin

Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"

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"To paneling lasts longer, further treat it with antiseptics."

In the photo example of finishing the attic of the wooden house inside with the help of a block-house:

Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas

Imitation of beam in the finishing of the attic

Beam imitation - is another popular type of finishing the attic. This coating is made from natural wood and generally has the same quality as the rest of wall paneling.

Sheathing this material can be performed in two basic ways:

  • Capless - that is solid when paneling covers the walls of the attic. This is a difficult method, requiring special attention to seams and joints;
  • combined - the use of lining in combination with other types of finishes. This approach allows the designer to turn fantasy.

Photos of finishes attic with his own hands, using imitation timber:

Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas

floor design attic floor

Floor attic floor must meet two basic requirements: it must be good insulated and soundproofed. To provide protection from noise, experts recommend to construct the so-called "floating floors". Under the floor beams enclose a sound-absorbing material. Good isolation from outside noise providing cellular foam concrete blocks. To prevent condensation of the attic floors are provided with high-quality waterproofing.

Finish flooring - design issue rather than building
Finish flooring - design issue rather than building

In the under-roof floor is permissible to use the same type of coverage as in other residential areas. You can use the carpet, laminate, linoleum or even self-leveling floor.

Finishing the attic with sloping ceilings: Photo and recommendations

Polyline roof - a kind of gable roof with complexity; geometry. Form name speaks for itself: there are a lot of broken lines. Designing a roof should be dealt with by professionals. The main feature of the roof - Bunk rafters. The lower will be located at a greater angle than the lower. This form allows you to allocate more space to the attic and to achieve the optimum height of ceilings in the roof space. Snow is not particularly delayed by a roof, and the building itself looks solid.

The underlay areas need to think carefully about the design of sheathing. In addition, the need to install special roof windows. They cost more than conventional insulating glass. And another important point - the envelope should not have a special load on the wall. Experts advise to choose lighter types of coatings.

In the photo arrangement variants of the attic in a wooden house with sloping ceilings:

Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas

The main stages of finishing their own hands

Finishing the attic - a feasible task for the home worker. With all the work can be easily cope on their own or with a little help households. Require pre-treatment design, thorough insulation and installation of windows.

Tip! Consider the question of ventilation space at a very early stage, before work on the interior design.

Think about how you can use in the interior design features roof.

Now all this in more detail.

Preparatory work and insulation

The first phase of arrangement of the attic floor - its insulation. The most popular material for this purpose - stone wool. It differs fireproof characteristics perfectly holds heat and when properly installed will last a very long time. The worst choice - foam. He does not "breathe", releases harmful for human connection and fast burn. Small MK installation of a heater with your hands:

PhotoDescription of work
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasUnder the roofing material is laid waterproofing film. It is attached to the beams to the outer side of the roof cover assembly.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasBefore starting work, you need to check the distance between the beams. The best is a step in the 54-60 centimeters.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasOn plates of mineral wool is measured overlaps with a desired distance of 5-10 centimeters for a snug fit material.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasPita stone wool cut saw a wavy edge knife or a special construction with a long serrated blade.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasPlates are installed between the beams and compacted carefully in the upward direction. You can not have too much pressure on the material, otherwise it will deform.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasIf necessary, the plates can be stacked in two or even three layers. The material has a different thickness, and it is possible to choose the number of layers suitable for your climate.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasIf the wool is put in several layers, you need to do set at 15-20 centimeters, so that the seams were not in the same place.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasAfter laying the insulation surface sutured steam insulating layer.

If the roof space is planned to place the bathroom or the kitchen, special attention should be paid to the preparation of gender: they need to be waterproofed.

Related article:

Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasThermal insulation of attic inside if the roof is already covered. In review, we consider the basic nuances of the process step by step instructions and a video installation of insulation. Criteria for selecting a heater, advantages and disadvantages of each material.

Mounting frame base for the cladding

For fixing cladding to manufacture wooden frame. It may not be necessary in only one case: if you plan to sheathe the walls of OSB. The frame can be metal, your choice.

An important point: all parts of the wooden structure before assembly to dry thoroughly, including - roof beams. After drying, it is necessary to treat them with antiseptic and fire retardant.

frame installation sequence:

PhotoDescription of work
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasOver the waterproofing mounted wooden sheathing. The thickness of the slats should be at least 3 cm.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasOn the crate will be attached facing material, so it is necessary to provide that the screws or staples are not punched through, and it did not ruin the waterproofing.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasIt is necessary to ensure a level arrangement of the guide, otherwise the lining will with curves and uneven seams.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasDirecting lath should be placed perpendicular to the skin of the future.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasFree space between the lath bars can be filled with an additional layer heater

If you follow all of the above recommendations, the resulting framework will last a very long time and become a reliable basis for the skin.

Options and sequence of finishing the attic with his own hands: a step by step photo

Sheathing carcass topcoat - simple task. sheathing material principles of the "lining" the same, a little different and working with MDF or PVC. All of these panels have connection type tongue and groove and are secured with overlaps. The panels can be placed horizontally, diagonally, or make them some kind of geometric pattern.

How to mount the panel:

PhotoDescription of work
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasFor fixing any kind of facing professionals recommend a system of "Duet", it includes the starting corners, screws and special fasteners for panels.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasMounts have a limiting and self-tapping screws are installed on the board.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasPrimarily exposed bottom bracket and aligned horizontally using a spirit level.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasPanels marked the location of the guide, and at this point bolted fixing.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasThe panels must be mounted on each other and lightly rap hammer for dense sunset thorn in the groove.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasAll stages are strictly controlled the construction level.
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideasAfter aligning all fasteners are bolted to the crate.

This versatile attachment method is much safer and more aesthetically common nails and fixing screws.

The best ideas are finishing the attic tree in the photo gallery

Concluding the topic, it should be noted that no matter what kind of finish you choose, as long as it conceived organically fit into the interior and is suitable for special operating conditions attic premises. We have gathered the most recent photos from famous designers for your inspiration:

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Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas
Finishes the attic with his own hands: photo creative ideas

Do not forget to bookmark the comments his impressions of the material! And finally, we offer you watch a video of the housing problem in registration of the attic floor: