Life hacks with a hammer for easy repairs and cooking

The hammer is one of the most ancient tools invented by man. It is impossible even to imagine how many houses, bridges and other structures exist thanks to this simple hand-made device made of a piece of metal and a wooden handle. And it seems that there is nothing new to come up with, because both the shape and purpose of the hammer have not changed for millennia. But no! Creative life hackers do not stop and come up with new ideas for using this tool. An example of this is the collection of the YouTube channel “Simple ideas». Many of these ideas are so practical that you will certainly use them.

Read in the article

  • 1 Plastic pipe hammer organizer
  • 2 Hammer and nail organizer from old jeans
  • 3 A simple device to avoid picking nails in your teeth
  • 4 How to pull out a nail without breaking drywall
  • 5 What to do if there is no mallet at hand
  • 6 How to protect your fingers from the hammer: a simple life hack
  • 7 How to use a construction hammer for cooking

Plastic pipe hammer organizer

One of the main tasks facing the master during the repair is to have the tool at hand and, at the same time, to free these very hands as much as possible. Especially if the work is carried out in an inconvenient place where it is impossible to place a shelf or table for tools. Craftsmen prefer to use special work belts that hold everything they need. But you can also make a simple organizer for the hammer. It will be convenient for you to work on the stairs.

You will need a piece of pipe about 15-20 cm long and such a diameter that the handle of the hammer can easily pass through it.
You will need a piece of pipe about 15-20 cm long and such a diameter that the handle of the hammer can easily pass through it.
Make such a cut on the pipe, which will take about a third of the total length of the workpiece.
Make such a cut on the pipe, which will take about a third of the total length of the workpiece.
On the other hand, you need to make a cutout of about 4 × 1 cm, but do not cut it to the end, leave the plastic " tongue"
On the other hand, you need to make a cutout of about 4 × 1 cm, but do not cut it to the end, leave the plastic "tongue"
This organizer can be easily attached to a belt or pocket. You just need to hook the fabric with the tongue
This organizer can be easily attached to a belt or pocket. You just need to hook the fabric with the tongue
And the percussion instrument is installed in the organizer with the handle down. It is easy to remove and replace. Your hands will be free, and at the right time you can easily take out the hammer
And the percussion instrument is installed in the organizer with the handle down. It is easy to remove and replace. Your hands will be free, and at the right time you can easily take out the hammer

Hammer and nail organizer from old jeans

Another version of the working organizer will give you the opportunity to work, having at hand not only a hammer, but also fasteners and other necessary tools.

For a work organizer, you will have to cut your old jeans along the waist line. It is advisable to choose trousers that suit you in size, so that the belt is buttoned up and does not pinch you, and does not hang too loosely
For a work organizer, you will have to cut your old jeans along the waist line. It is advisable to choose trousers that suit you in size, so that the belt is buttoned up and does not pinch you, and does not hang too loosely
When you cut jeans, leave the back pockets on the waist, as in the photo. They will come in handy for carrying fasteners
When you cut jeans, leave the back pockets on the waist, as in the photo. They will come in handy for carrying fasteners
When working, put on the belt so that one pocket is in front. And the second from behind. Do this from the side of your working hand. If you are left-handed - on the left, right-handed - on the right
When working, put on the belt so that one pocket is in front. And the second from behind. Do this from the side of your working hand. If you are left-handed - on the left, right-handed - on the right
To secure the hammer to such a belt, thread its handle through the belt loop.
To secure the hammer to such a belt, thread its handle through the belt loop.

A simple device to avoid picking nails in your teeth

Many people do this when they work: they clamp the nails in their teeth and take them one by one to hammer them in. Not a good idea, not only for hygienic reasons, but also because of the trauma hazard of this method. There is another, very simple way to hold the nails.

Apply glue to the end of the hammer handle. Better use a hot gun
Apply glue to the end of the hammer handle. Better use a hot gun
Attach a suitable magnet to the glue. It is best to use powerful neodymium products, which, when small in size, are able to hold a significant weight of metal.
Attach a suitable magnet to the glue. It is best to use powerful neodymium products, which, when small in size, are able to hold a significant weight of metal.
Now nails can be easily attached to the end of the tool and you do not have to hold them in your hand or in your mouth
Now nails can be easily attached to the end of the tool and you do not have to hold them in your hand or in your mouth
Such a mount is very reliable, it will greatly facilitate and speed up your work.
Such a mount is very reliable, it will greatly facilitate and speed up your work.

How to pull out a nail without breaking drywall

A hammer with a nailpicker is a handy device, but here's the trouble: it leaves dents on the surface of fragile drywall, even if you do not make much effort. And how not to apply them if you need to pull out a nail?

Place a regular foam rubber scouring pad under the hammer and boldly pull out the nail. Foam rubber will protect the wall from excessive pressure from the hard part of the tool
Place a regular foam rubber scouring pad under the hammer and boldly pull out the nail. Foam rubber will protect the wall from excessive pressure from the hard part of the tool

What to do if there is no mallet at hand

A mallet is needed if delicate work with the material is required. But if it is not at hand, you can make this tool from an ordinary hammer.

For this transformation, you need a rubber bath stopper. Remove the chain and the center pin that this chain is attached to.
For this transformation, you need a rubber bath stopper. Remove the chain and the center pin that this chain is attached to.
Place the rubber stopper on the hammer head. If necessary, additionally secure the rubber with hot glue
Place the rubber stopper on the hammer head. If necessary, additionally secure the rubber with hot glue
This homemade mallet hammer will help you cope with delicate work without damaging the surface of thin metal, wood or tiles.
This homemade mallet hammer will help you cope with delicate work without damaging the surface of thin metal, wood or tiles.

How to protect your fingers from the hammer: a simple life hack

Broken fingers are the hallmark of a novice master. Usually, these are the thumb and forefinger on the left hand, it is with them that you will hold the nail when hammering. If you hit them heartily three or four times, then there is no point in working further, you are unlikely to hold the nail with them. There is a very simple device that can help you avoid injury.

Prepare a piece of plastic tubing about 15 cm long, sand the edge with a file
Prepare a piece of plastic tubing about 15 cm long, sand the edge with a file
Make two cuts opposite each other at the end of the tube. You can make these indentations not with a knife, but with a hot nail or knitting needle.
Make two cuts opposite each other at the end of the tube. You can make these indentations not with a knife, but with a hot nail or knitting needle.
Pour some hot glue inside the tube and place a suitable size neodymium magnet
Pour some hot glue inside the tube and place a suitable size neodymium magnet
Such a primitive device will greatly help you in your work. Just place a nail in it as shown in the photo
Such a primitive device will greatly help you in your work. Just place a nail in it as shown in the photo
Put the nail in its place and boldly hammer, your fingers are safe
Put the nail in its place and boldly hammer, your fingers are safe

How to use a construction hammer for cooking

Cooking is also a feasible task for a hammer. He will help you out a lot if for some reason you did not have a special hammer for beating meat.

Attach the hammer to a regular fork. Fix it with tape or tape handle to the handle
Attach the hammer to a regular fork. Fix it with tape or tape handle to the handle
For a secure fixation, make a winding in at least two places.
For a secure fixation, make a winding in at least two places.
Now you can make chops quickly. And when dinner or lunch is ready, the hammer will return to its normal duties.
Now you can make chops quickly. And when dinner or lunch is ready, the hammer will return to its normal duties.

These are just a few of the practical ideas for drumming. And, if you are just learning how to repair work, you can use this little excursion with advice from the masters:

Which of the following ideas are you ready to take on board? Write about it in the comments. If you have your own life hacks, our readers will be glad to see them in your photos with descriptions.

PHOTO: YouTube-channel "Simple ideas»
