Buckets mayonnaise can always come in handy on the farm. Most often they are re-used as containers or planters, they have just the right amount. There are lots of options for decorating a container, but YouTube-channel author Sergeitch master He offered an absolutely incredible version of design: to make a simulation of forging. And you too will be able to repeat that if the study of these two master classes.
Pots with imitation mechanism
For the manufacture of such pots can use a bucket not only mayonnaise, but also the paint.
Bucket must be rid of labels, treat sandpaper across the surface and degrease with acetonefoamirana sheet cut into rectangles of different sizes. He is well-cut scissors and stationery knifeApply PVA glue to the surface of the bucket and stick rectangles of foamiranaDo not try to tightly seal the entire surface. Leave joints and small voids. All this will give future results textured surfaceAt a second glue layer of the rectangles, still leaving a free spacePrint on a sheet of paper outlines gears. Find such simple in clipart collections and for Photoshop. Glue pictures on foamirana sheet with PVACarefully, using a nail scissors and writing knife, cut along the contour detailsPrepare a short self-tapping screws. Screw their circumference by the bucket and in different places of the wallsUsing PVA glue parts gears, simulating mechanism. Pick up the gears so that they fit togetherA few rectangles of foamirana top simulation mechanism to make it seem as if it is hidden insideAlong the top edge of pots on a hot glue attach the screws or any other small partsDo not forget to drill in the bucket bottom of a small holes for drainage of excess water. They can be made with a sharp knife or a red-hot needles.To simulate rivets, use split peas. Pick whole peas halves and glue them using PVA over the rectanglesTo paint a pot of brown acrylic paint. Apply a coating of several layers, very carefully filling all the gaps. The last layer is made of a sponge, to avoid brush marksWhen the brown paint is dry, and it will take a couple of hours, a semi-dry brush, apply strokes rare dark green colorAfter another couple of hours to set off the parts with light strokes of bronze paint. This can be done with a brush or sponge and a very thin layerFinal bar - a layer of acrylic lacquer which will give a product luster and protect your work from being damagedThat's what happens in the end. Agree, the result is simply stunning, imitation wrought iron and hidden mechanism looks very naturalistic
Wrought iron designs on the mayonnaise jar
To manufacture this model, you will need all the same bank and food foil, which is generally used for baking in the oven.
Preparatory phase does not differ from the first embodiment: clear from stickers, sanded and process solvent or nail polish remover.
A piece of foil need to mash well, but so that he did not lose shapeSwept through the crumpled foil rolling pin or the flat bottle to get this such a surfaceApply on the surface of the bucket PVA glue and wrap it crumpled foil. Carefully press and even edgesCompletely wrap the bucket, including the edges. Push and cursed all the irregularitiesPrepare putty of the dry mixture, water and PVA glue. The consistency should be like thick creamPrepare an interesting pattern with monograms and patterns. Such images can be found in abundance in the same collections of pictures and clipart. Place the stencil on a piece of crumpled foil and place on top of puttyWhile putty is not completely dry, carefully remove the stencil so that was a clear picture. Let the image is dry, but not completelyCarefully glue foil strip patterned on the pots. If you wait until the three-dimensional image is completely dry up, it will crack in the process, as well as elastic plaster, pattern will continue. Stick very carefully, drawing is easy to lubricate the careless movementAt the edge of the pot stick handsome three-dimensional lace using a glue gun. Stretch material when sizing it to conform to a curved surfaceCoat the pots black paint 2-3 layers. This is best done with a soft sponge, so there will be no streaks and bands, both from the brushTo display the drawing emphasize its contours bronze paint and semi-dry brushAnd, as in the first model, the final touch - a layer of acrylic lacquer. Now the paint will have a metallic gleamGet here is a masterpiece that looks like wrought product. A bit uneven, as it should be hand-forged and refined, with delicate lace patterns
Agree, the author found the amazing techniques to turn a trivial plastic bucket into a real masterpiece. Yet simply to repeat their own hands. Materials are available, cost a penny, and the result is simply stunning.
In addition, another interesting option of using mayonnaise containers: a video on how to make it a repository for packages:
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