Top 10 interesting facts about men

Approximately the third part of our conscious life we ​​spend in search of the ideal man. But, even living with a man side by side, we still can not understand what they really want. And the problem here is not in men at all, but in the fact that we women are arranged in a completely different way and unlike representatives of the stronger sex tend to exaggerate and react sharply to meaningless abandoned phrases.

Let's consider 10 interesting facts of , which will help women better understand the psychology of men.

1. Almost all men are big children, so do not be surprised that they do not represent their lives without machines, computer games and adrenaline. Men, like children, like to compete with each other and are catastrophically afraid to make important decisions.

2. Men love only with their eyes, and this is a fact. And no matter how they would refuse or try to convince you that they fell in love with your pure soul and kind heart, do not completely believe what was said.

3. The friendship of a man and a woman is a myth. No man will start a friendly relationship with a woman who does not seem to attract him. Most likely the so-called girlfriend was once the object of love of a man, and maybe she continues to be. Therefore, in order to avoid family conflicts, it is better to let a man know at first that you are against such friendship.

4. All men, like women, want to be loved and need constant compliments and support. The more a man hears compliments from a woman he loves, the more power he will invest in making her life happy.

5. Men do not like to obey and are afraid to panic like a henpecked. To avoid conflicts on this ground, more often emphasize the strengths of your man and allow him to make decisions for the two of you as often as possible, of course, within reason.

6. The average man can not tolerate weak-willed and ever-aching women. And this is a fact. We all choose the most convenient conditions for life, and who likes to live with a whiner and a pessimist?

7. Men are constantly talking about freedom and personal space, but as soon as they receive it, a new and absolutely opposite need arises - the woman's constant presence next door.

8. Men can not give themselves wholly to a woman. The second half is only part of their full and rich life. In fact, it is much more important for a man to take place in life and take a worthy position in society, so do not interfere with his desire to move swiftly along the career ladder.

9. Unlike us, men do not like talking about souls and stupid questions from the series "how would you do?" Or "what are you thinking about?".Women are accustomed to living their fantasies and dreams of the ideal man. Men do not understand our subtle spiritual organization, as they live by facts and solve questions as they come.

10. All male owners and creepy jealous, although they try not to show us this. And at the same time, they are negative about the jealousy of the woman. Agree, rather unfair and in some way selfish behavior, but there is nothing to be done about it, it only remains to be reconciled.

This is not all facts about men , but if you take them into account, you can quickly find a common language with them, and to some extent even re-educate. And then building a common life will not be difficult.