The most scarce professions in Russia

The once prestigious profession of a lawyer, manager and accountant today is listed in the list of the least popular. There were too many representatives of these specialties in the market, and their experience and qualifications often leave much to be desired.

Modern applicants should choose their most popular among employers specialties. In the current ten the presents the most scarce occupations in Russia according to the version of the leading headhunters.


10. Electronics Specialists

  • 9. IR Manager
  • 8. Marketers
  • 7.
  • derivatives lawyers 6.
  • top managers 5. Medical managers
  • 4.
  • engineers 3.
  • aircraft 2. Qualified
  • workers 1. IT specialists
  • 10. Electronics specialists

    Long absence of interest in technical specialties led to the fact that acquiring high-tech equipment, for example, a production line, Russian companies can not find a specialist for it on thethree. Machines engineering enterprises are also experiencing not less deficiency, where production is increasingly connected with complex electronics.

    9. IR manager

    Investor relations specialists are highly valued in large companies. Properly present the project and get funding can only be a specialist of really high qualification.

    8. Marketers

    The deficit of specialists in demand forecasting is noted by all recruitment agencies without exception. Specialized specialists in marketing in the field of IT.


    derivatives lawyers There are practically no specialists in financial derivatives on the market. Especially highly appreciate those who can accompany transactions in the international market.

    6. Top managers

    Professional managers are most in demand in IT projects, management of real estate objects, in large trading companies, design and research institutes and centers.

    5. Medical managers

    Private clinics have recently started to appear in Russia, where medicine has always been considered a state industry. And today these institutions are experiencing an acute shortage of professional managers who know the medical specifics.


    Engineers According to headhunters, no more than 1.5 CVs are received per engineer's job, not all applicants meet qualification requirements. In the 1990s, a strong cohort of engineering specialists left the plants in favor of commerce and entrepreneurship, and specialists replaced specialists without proper experience.

    3. Aircraft

    Most of the fleet of domestic airlines is being serviced abroad. In our country, aviation equipment and engineers are in high demand. Almost all the graduates of the only specialized faculty of the MAI in Russia are provided with 200% work.

    2. Skilled workers

    The system of vocational education in Russia has practically been eliminated. And many companies are faced with the problem of finding qualified workforce. Most professionals have almost reached the retirement age, and there is practically no one to transfer experience. Naturally, this situation adversely affects the state of the domestic industry

    1. IT specialists

    The demand for programmers and software administrators is steadily growing. The market offers many vacancies for bank IT specialists, IT project managers, specialists in setting up complex electronic equipment, etc. A lot of work for a good IT-shnika and on the Internet.