Natural stones for creative people

Since ancient times, people have put a certain sacred meaning into natural stones. People believe that minerals can attract good luck, help cope with depression, attract money, and help build a career. The most reverent to them are individuals who have linked their fate with creative activity. If there is a crisis in the life of such people, there is no inspiration or it is not possible to reach a new level, then natural stones help them.


  1. Malachite
  2. Beryl
  3. Aventurine
  4. Zircon
  5. Labrador
  6. Raspberry tourmaline
  7. Smoky quartz
  8. Olivine
  9. Ruby
  10. Lapis lazuli


10 natural stones for creative people to help develop talent

Malachite is considered the best material for arts and crafts. It is easily recognizable for its deep green color and bizarre patterns that nature has created. For a long time, the mineral was available only to the highest nobility. It was used to make interior items, caskets and jewelry.

Malachite will be an excellent talisman for composers, musicians and writers. It affects performance and develops imagination.


10 natural stones for creative people to help develop talent

This beautiful mineral comes in many varieties, but the most popular are aquamarine and emerald.

Beryl can be green, blue, pink, yellow, dark blue, white and red. It is mainly used for jewelry making.

Beryl enhances mental performance and creative thinking. He is especially appreciated by philosophers and scientists.


10 natural stones for creative people to help develop talent

Aventurine belongs to one of the varieties of quartz. It is a natural mineral. Its peculiarity is the presence of inclusions of small luminous particles. Aventurine comes in blue, green, black, yellow, brown, red, and pink.
This natural stone influences inspiration, increases emotions and sensuality.


10 natural stones for creative people to help develop talent

Refers to precious stones. Zircon is prized by jewelers all over the world. It comes in purple, green, blue and gold.

Zircon is able to have a beneficial effect on creativity, enhances interest in any business, increases the emergence of new ideas.


10 natural stones for creative people to help develop talent

The stone is highly valued in the world of mysticism and esotericism. The use of Labrador Retrievers has been known since ancient Greece. The mineral is called "moon opal" and "black moonstone". It's all about the unusual color of the mineral. In the light, it shimmers with golden, rainbow, dark blue and green colors.

Labrador enhances the desires of its owner, enhances talent and shows intuition.

Raspberry tourmaline

10 natural stones for creative people to help develop talent

Tourmaline has been known since ancient Egypt. There is a legend that a stone fell to Earth from heaven. On his way, he met a rainbow, and then absorbed an unusual rainbow color. Tourmaline is not only multi-colored, but also black, blue, emerald and brown. But it is the crimson stone that is especially appreciated.

This natural mineral is prized by artists, poets and writers. After all, raspberry tourmaline is able to enhance talent and imagination, as well as indicate the right path.

Smoky quartz

10 natural stones for creative people to help develop talent

Smoky quartz is known as rauchtopaz. It is a semi-precious stone. Prized in jewelry. It comes in black, striped, brown, gray and yellow.

Rauchtopaz is able to absorb negative energy directed at the owner, and then can convert it into positive. Strengthens willpower, helps with insomnia and inspires creativity.


10 natural stones for creative people to help develop talent

Olivine is green in color, so it is often confused with emerald. The mineral differs in color. Still, emerald has a pronounced green hue, while olivine is more olive.

Due to its unusual color and appearance, it is highly valued in jewelry.

It is believed that olivine is a stone of goodness. His task is to help people of art develop their talents and give new ideas.


10 natural stones for creative people to help develop talent

Luxurious and precious ruby ​​is known to everyone. It has a deep red color. Ruby cannot be confused with another stone. The legend of the origin of the stone begins in India. It is believed that the precious mineral is colored with the blood of an Indian mythical creature.

The most popular ruby ​​is red, but there are crimson, purple and burgundy.

Rubin is the patron saint of poets and writers. The stone can restore the strength of the wearer and helps to achieve their goals.

Lapis lazuli

10 natural stones for creative people to help develop talent

For the first time, bright blue lapis lazuli was discovered as an impregnation in marble rock. The shade of the stone depends on the content of sulfur in it: the more there is, the more saturated the shade of the mineral. The most saturated stones are used in jewelry. There are no varieties of lapis lazuli. All minerals are blue, the only difference is in their saturation.

Lapis lazuli enhances the creative atmosphere and helps to choose the right artistic direction.

Any of the above natural stones is able to bring a new round in human creative activity. It all depends on the meaning of the mineral. But the main thing is to like the stone.