I would never have thought that I could do what I love and earn good money at the same time. I was told from childhood that needlework is an occupation for the soul, but by no means the main activity. The competition in the handicraft market is incredible. And if I had not once dared to prove to myself and others that I can sew bed linen better than others, I would never have earned my first million.

But I was once an ordinary accountant
I have always loved to sew. As a child, I remember watching my mother sit at the sewing machine and neatly sews pillowcases and sheets. And when all our relatives and friends had ordinary white bedding, we had bright and unusual prints. Often my mother sewed soft toys and outfits for my dolls. Over time, she began to teach me this fascinating skill.
I always thought - I will connect my life with designing, creating clothes. After the 11th grade, I seriously thought about going to a designer. My father insisted that I apply to the Institute of Economics and receive a "normal" education. He believed that sewing was a hobby that you can do in your free time from work. Dad assured that tailors are not valued in the modern world, since they have long been replaced by automated systems.
I have always been an obedient child, because my father's opinion played a decisive role in my admission. Spent 4 years to get a diploma of a professional accountant. At the same time, I was engaged in sewing clothes and toys, mainly for myself. Sometimes classmates who liked my unusual style became my clients. At the graduation ceremony, I also appeared in a dress that I modeled and created with my own hands.
After graduation, she got a job in a small commercial company as a junior assistant to the chief accountant. My responsibilities included the analysis of the company's activities and reporting. Three years later, she got a job as an economist, which allowed her to manage all the financial affairs of the company, to have a whole staff of deputies. This work did not bring moral satisfaction. Besides, I hated what I was doing. I was annoyed by the eternal turmoil and responsibility that lay on my shoulders.
I was tormented by my unloved work, I found solace only in sewing. I remember how I bought myself a professional sewing machine and studied its functionality for several evenings. I liked to sit in complete silence and enjoy the process. It was then that I started making bedding. At first I sewed for personal use. As soon as I got my hands on it, I began to create kits for friends and acquaintances. Some relatives ordered bedding for themselves in advance as a gift for a particular event.
Once I decided to change everything
The thought that I was doing the wrong thing stuck in my head on my first day at a commercial firm. But I was afraid to change something in my measured life. Probably, I would never have dared to quit my job and devote myself to what I love if one day they almost wrote off a huge shortage on me. I knew that I could not be mistaken and appropriate other people's money. I quickly figured out the problem, providing the authorities with proof of her innocence. Everything was in order on documents, the accusations were false, which seriously hit my pride.
The company's management did not even deign to apologize, so I immediately wrote a letter of resignation of my own free will. Nobody tried to dissuade me, which only made my departure easier. From that moment on, I definitely decided - now I will only do what I like. It doesn't matter what kind of income my hobby will bring me. The main thing is that I will finally begin to live the way I want.
I knew that handmade work is now appreciated. You can create a personal microblog that will help you sell your product. I advertised on the Internet with budget bedding options. At first, there were few orders. I started to give up, thinking about finding another way to earn money. Gradually, things went uphill, I already sent bedding to residents of other cities.
When I realized that the product was in demand, and the customers were satisfied with my work, I switched to more expensive fabrics. The cost of store bed linen made of these materials is quite expensive, so many were attracted by my democratic prices. Gradually, the volume of work grew and there were more and more satisfied customers. At the moment, the average price of a 2-bed set is 8-10 thousand rubles.
I don't have my own store - I do all my business only via the Internet. It took me two whole years to earn a million rubles. Favorite work takes almost all the time. In addition to the sewing process itself, I correspond with potential buyers, keep records, promote accounts on social networks, buy fabrics, send orders to other cities. The fatigue I feel at the end of the day gives me pleasure. I was able to turn my hobby into my main occupation, to provide myself with a comfortable existence.