What do you do first - stretch ceiling or wallpaper?

  • How to glue wallpaper?
  • Suspension of ceilings
  • Recommendations

During repair it is equally important to observe the accuracy, safety and sequence of actions. And if some of the questions are solved intuitively, for example, that the skirting board should be installed after the floor covering, then the rest - causes difficulties. Let's try today to decide what to do first - stretch ceiling or wallpaper? To answer this question, we will deal with the mechanics of the actions of two types of work.

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How to glue the wallpaper?

As we have already mentioned, the sequence is important in repair. Not an exception and pasting of walls. Before the pasting, the required number of works follows:

  • removal of the old coating;
  • primer against mold and fungi;
  • puttying of cracks;
  • plaster.

Consider the most important to answer our question, what do first - stretch ceiling or wallpaper, stages.


First, the wall for wallpaper should be aligned. Usually for this use plaster, putty or sheets of gypsum board. But if the ceiling is already stretched, alignment is impossible, because:

  • the risk of damaging the thin film when working with plaster is very large;
  • the use of plasterboard is impossible due to the loose fit of the sheet to the ceiling surface and the impossibility to fix the profiles in the corners.

Accordingly - for stretch ceiling already aligned walls. But there is a logical question: if the walls are even, and the cover is already stretched - can you glue the wallpaper? For the answer go to the second stage of work - a primer.

Priming walls

At this stage, too, there are nuances:

  • If the aligned wall is not treated with a primer - the wallpaper will very quickly take on an unsightly appearance, or may fall off completely.
  • Primer should be made on the entire surface of the pasting, and reach the ceiling.

Important! But if a stretch coating is already used in the room, it is important not to get dirty. This is real, if you protect the corners with the wall with the help of paint tape.

Next comes the most important stage - proper pasting.

Kleim wallpaper

So, we are still in the process of finding the answer to the main question: what to do first - to glue wallpaper or stretch ceiling.

In order to work successfully, after the primer, the wall is smeared with glue. Stripes of wallpaper can be glued dry at the same time, or also processed - everything depends on their structure. To completely cover the wall with glue, you will have to contact the ceiling. Accordingly - you have two options:

  • again to protect the coating with paint tape;
  • glue the wallpaper before stretching the ceiling.

Important! An additional risk of damaging the coating can cause the pattern to be adjusted and the wallpaper to be trimmed when they are fitted with a stationery knife. But if you work carefully - cropping wallpaper is possible.

The risks are clear, the work is considered. But let's figure out how to mount the tension cover.

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Drawing of ceilings

This kind of work is accepted to be trusted by specialists, because here you can not do without professional equipment and skills. To begin with, let's remind you what the stretch ceilings are.

A bit about stretch ceilings

  • Today, during repair, many people use ceilings for ceilings: They are very user-friendly, easy to install, non-toxic and easy to clean. Their surface can be simply wiped with a damp cloth.
  • The material for such coatings is PVC film or fabric, which is stretched to a pre-fixed frame.

As a result, you should get a perfectly flat surface of your chosen color or even with a pattern. Let's go directly to the workflow.

Description of work

To begin work, you need to make sure that all walls are level. Next, install fasteners.

Assembly of profiles

The profile or the mounting moldings is mounted in holes drilled in the wall. At the same time, this aspect will not affect the appearance of the wall covering, since the holes will be closed with fasteners. Accordingly - at this stage in the issue, wallpaper to glue before or after the stretch ceiling, win wallpaper.

Then the room and the cover are heated with a heat gun.


Specialists believe that a strong heat can damage already finished walls, and there is some truth to this. But you can damage the finish in other ways, for example, when installing furniture. Therefore, these fears are often not justified.

Important! To heat the vinyl sheet, a temperature of about 80 degrees Celsius is required, at which the risk of wall damage is minimal. Of course, this is possible only if the master of safety engineering.


Today, professionals have different opinions and ways of conducting the work process by stretching the cover. The conditions of work and premises play a role. But the logic of the work itself suggests that the best option is to first completely trim the wall, and after pulling on the PVC film.

Important! There is another aspect in defense of this sequence. Tightening the cover should be done in a clean room, and if there is construction debris, glue, paint, dust from repairing the walls, all dirt will very quickly settle on your new ceiling.

Thus, we get two optimal options for pasting:

  1. Preferred - before the work on the ceiling. So you get the most smooth and clean coverage.
  2. Less convenient - the implementation of all dirty work before stretching, installing the ceiling and finishing the walls after. The advantages of the method are the preservation of the appearance of the walls, the effect of heat before the final works, and the possibility to replace the wallpaper.

So, we found out that the question of how to glue wallpaper with a stretch ceiling - before and after, is very relevant even among professionals, because both types of work affect each other. When choosing a method, be sure to consult with experts, because they pay attention not only to the generally accepted schemes, but also to the nuances of the premises.

In conclusion, give some useful tips.

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The first thing to be remembered for any repair work - no need to save on material. Substandard wallpaper will inevitably come to an unattractive appearance, regardless of the interference in the process of repairing masters by stretching the ceiling.

Speaking about quality, one should also remember about professionalism. Trust the work only to trusted firms and masters.

Other tips:

  1. If you plan on repairing for a long time, the best option is first to make the walls.
  2. If you use the wallpaper for painting, then stretch the ceiling wisely after completing all the work with the wallpaper, including their painting.
  3. In order not to contaminate the wallpaper while drilling holes under the profiles, use a drill and a vacuum cleaner together. So you will remove most of the dirt.
  4. Mount the ceiling only after the walls have completely dried. This reduces the risk of wallpaper wallpapering to a minimum. The best option is to wait a week and after to stretch. Usually the fabrication takes about a week, so do not rush to order, and do it after the walls are pasted.
  5. If you are very afraid of damaging the walls with a stretched ceiling, there is an option to cover them with a film.
  6. When gluing wallpaper after work on the ceiling, you need to remember that the wall in any case should be aligned and ready for sizing to stretch. In this case, it will not be possible to protect the ceiling with a film, but it can accumulate enough dirt on itself.
  7. Do not allow plaster to come on the ceiling surface. It is better not to plaster the wall to the top. The risk of spoiling the ceiling with this kind of work is very great.
  8. Aligning walls with sheets of plasterboard with a stretched ceiling is impossible, because they need fixings, and they can not be installed on PVC film.
  9. On an uneven wall, the fasteners will not loosely fit - the cover may bend or sag.
  10. Protecting the coating when painting walls will help paint tape, and hide the transition from tape can be using curbs or skirting boards.
  11. If the trouble still occurs and the glue is on the cover, do not hesitate, and quickly wipe the contaminated area with a damp sponge.

Some tips for care:

Ceiling coating is unpretentious, and repels the dust itself. But there are times when it has to be cleaned. This is especially true for kitchen facilities.

You can clear the ceiling:

  1. Vacuum, without touching the coating itself.
  2. With a soft dry cloth or cloth.
  3. The cloth is well cleaned with a soft brush.
  4. In order for the glossy coating to shine again, wipe it with an aqueous solution of ammonia in the ratio 1: 9.
  5. If it is necessary to wash the ceiling off stains, use warm water with a few drops of dishwashing detergent.

Important! Remember that any dirt should be removed as soon as it appeared.

When the room is fully finished, it makes sense to first make the floor and walls, wallpaper, after stretching the film and finish the repair work, adding skirting boards and other small details. If you doubt your actions or you have unsolvable questions - contact a specialist.

Whichever order you choose, it's important to do everything carefully and carefully, otherwise - the risk of spoiling your repair will be very great. And after a successful experience will admire the new ceiling and sometimes wipe it. Successful repair!