- Common wall decoration in the bathroom
- Ceramic tile
- Paint
- Wallpapers
- Plastic panels and waterproof plasterboard
- Linoleum
Than to finish the bathroom?- This question has always been and will be relevant. Finishing other rooms in an apartment or a house is almost no difficulty. But the repair in the bathroom requires a special approach, because it is very important to take into account the beauty, hygiene and durability of materials, so that in general everything is combined and complemented the style of the room. Variants, than it is possible to sew walls in a bathroom, every year more and more, but whether all of them are equally practical? These and other issues will be discussed in detail in our article.
to the table of contents ↑Common wall decoration in the bathroom
Note that in this article we will not consider expensive exclusive materials available only to a well-off segment of society. We bring to your attention options than to cover the walls in the bathroom, which can be found in most of the average apartments. Estimating the proposed species, we will consider in detail all the pros and cons of each of them and their most basic characteristics:
- Durability;
- Cost;
- The complexity of the installation.
Ceramic tile
The most common and demanded material remains ceramic tile. Of course, there is an opinion that such a method has long since become obsolete and has lost its originality. With the advent of various modern building materials, it is possible to create a design of walls in the bathroom with the most unusual combination of cladding. Nevertheless, the tile has not lost its relevance due to the following advantages of such finishing.
- For durability, tiles have the longest service life. Despite the special climate inside the premises, it is capable of preserving beautiful appearance for centuries.
- If the correct laying of the tiles on the surface, then you do not have to think about its replacement for many years.
- Due to the variety of textures, shades and shapes of tiles, there is an excellent opportunity to create a unique design of its kind.
- The surface covered with tiles does not require special care, it is easy to clean with detergents.
- The only drawback to the use of this material is worth noting the difficult installation, so we recommend that you use the services of a professional.
Important! If you are confident in your abilities, you can put the tile yourself, but pay attention to the skew, which can arise during the work.
- The cost of the material, as well as the services of the master can "pour out" into a tidy sum. However, remember that in some cases it is better to overpay than save.
Tile is the most optimal option than covering the walls in the bathroom. With the help of a consultant or relying on your own taste, you can realize all the bold fantasies of design. In this case, the result will please you for many years.
to the contents ↑Paint
In search of the answer to the question, the better to finish the bathroom, most do not take into account the idea of coloring, and completely in vain. Of course, we do not suggest painting the walls, as they did during the Soviet era. With the help of modern colors, the effect of the work done will surpass all your expectations.
- When purchasing high-quality paint and observing the technology of painting the surface, the service life can be several years.
Important! For those who like to change the situation often, such a short period of time can only be on hand.
- A wide range of colors allows you to implement the most unusual ideas. If you have the ability to draw, you have the opportunity to create a real work of art.
- Modern dyes quickly dry, are applied to walls with a roller or brush, that is, the whole process does not take much time.
- The painting process is simple, so it can be done without the help of a specialist, which will significantly save your finances.
Important! If the walls have irregularities, they must be puttied before applying the dye. In this case, it is not superfluous to invite the master.
- Design of walls in the bathroom by staining can be rightfully considered the most affordable solution. But do not forget that in this case, the result is very important.
- Even if you use the most expensive paint, then it is definitely cheaper than using tiles for wall cladding. In turn, cheap paint does not give the room perfection, but on the contrary - it turns out bad taste.
Based on all this, we can say that coating the walls with paint is the most affordable and inexpensive option for wall finishing. Do not be afraid to experiment with color. With a creative approach to repair, you will create an unrivaled masterpiece in the bathroom.
to the table of contents ↑Wallpapers
Want to know what is the best way to finish the walls in the bathroom? One of the interesting and non-standard options is the use of wallpaper. Do not think that this is impractical and meaningless. Modern production technologies of this material allow using them even in these specific premises.
- For the gluing of bathroom manufacturers recommend using vinyl or acrylic products. Do not count on using wallpaper in the bathroom. Increased moisture in the room significantly shortens the period of their operation.
Important! Vinyl and acrylic products must be applied to the surface of the walls, provided that the bathroom is equipped with a closed shower cubicle, or in case of finishing the areas, which can get moisture, with another material.
- Among all the finishing materials, none has such a variety of colors, shades and patterns. To finish the bathroom is very relevant pasting walls with wallpaper. The depicted landscape or other drawing will create a special atmosphere.
- Each of us had to glue the wallpaper. The process is not too complicated, if it is not photo wallpaper, so everyone can handle it independently. Precision is very important for applying the last type of wall material to the surface.
Important! For wall decoration, wallpaper recommends that you seek help from a specialist.
- As for the cost of products, it is very difficult to talk about the price of this group of products, since the range is really wide. Since paper wallpaper is not used in this case, repair in this way will cost more than conventional painting of walls.
Wallpapers - not the best material for finishing the bathroom, is not characterized by the durability and impracticality of the application. But thanks to its diversity, it allows you to create a truly exclusive design. Finishing in the bathroom in this way characterizes the owner as a connoisseur of aesthetic beauty.
to the table of contents ↑Plastic panels and waterproof plasterboard
Do not know what to wall in the bathroom? To finish the surface, you can use original building materials, for example, waterproof plasterboard or plastic panels. In fact, these are two completely different materials, but they have many similar performance characteristics.
- The walls in the bathroom, covered with one of these materials, perfectly withstand moisture and high temperature indoors.
- Walls, plasterboarded, allow you to create non-standard turns, bends and grooves, which can not be said about the panel of plastic. In turn, a huge range of invoices of the latest type of building material allows you to create an exclusive design.
Important! The surface of gypsum board must be covered with wallpaper or paint.
- Installation of these building materials is not difficult, it is enough to have at hand the necessary tools and a little understanding of the construction.
- Drywall in some cases can be glued directly to the wall - for this it needs to be pre-prepared.
- Regarding price, the plastic panels have a much lower cost, in contrast to drywall. Therefore, if you want to make repairs with the least amount of money, use the panels.
- The only drawback of this solution is considered insufficient strength of the material. With a slight impact, a dent may form on the surface.
If you are thinking about the question, the better to trim the bathroom, so as not to spend a lot of time on pre-leveling the walls and not to use expensive materials, then plastic panels or moisture-resistant drywall are the way that suits you best.
to content ↑Linoleum
The first impression of the upholstery of walls with linoleum can be a surprise. Decoration solutions in this manner to date has not reached such popularity as previous versions. But every year more and more people apply it.
Important! In principle, it is possible to cover the walls with a conventional floor covering, but for such purposes there is a special wall linoleum that is suitable for wall finishing more.
- Linoleum, as we all know, is a very durable material, so the issue of repair will not touch you for some years.
Important! The service life of this coating directly depends on its quality and the correct installation of the product. If the linoleum is not laid correctly, after some time the finishing layer will begin to lag.
- To cover the walls in the bath with linoleum for the floor is not recommended - it is not quite aesthetic. Special linoleum has a variety of textures and color solutions. Quite often the surface of the floor imitates the structure of a tree or other finishing material.
- Installation is not particularly difficult, the work is very similar to wallpapering.
Important! The joint between the stripes of linoleum must be treated with silicone, so that moisture does not fall under it.
- The cost of building materials depends on its quality and the manufacturer. If you compare its price with other types, then linoleum can be compared with the price of good wallpaper.
Linoleum as a version of the walls in the bathroom is used very rarely, but its use will create an original, unique, as well as non-standard design of the room.
As you can see, there are many options than to decorate the bathroom in the apartment. All proposed materials normally tolerate moisture and high air temperature, so they are increasingly used for bathroom finishing. In addition, due to the simple facing work, you have the opportunity to make repairs yourself, saving the family budget. Choose the method of finishing the walls should be based on your preferences, taking into account the features and style of the decoration of the room.