Now is the time to start creating a New Year's atmosphere. Window decoration is a great opportunity to portray a real winter fairy tale on glass, which will appeal not only to all household members, but also to casual passers-by.
- Stencils
- Snowflakes
- Fairy lights
- Stained glass
- Toothpaste drawings

One of the easiest ways to decorate a window is to use ready-made templates that can be found online, downloaded and printed on white paper. For cutting, it is best to use small but sharp scissors or a utility knife. You can attach them to the window using small pieces of tape, which can be easily removed without contaminating the surface. Images of Christmas trees, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Christmas tree decorations, winter houses, candles, as well as funny rats and mice, which are a symbol of the coming year, will be relevant. By combining different stencils, you can create real winter compositions on the window that look very impressive on both sides of the glass. Moreover, the more delicate the details, the more beautiful the picture in the dark.

Snowflakes on the window are a classic familiar to everyone from childhood. You can make them from napkins or paper, arbitrarily cutting out a pattern, or by downloading templates on the Internet. To keep the snowflakes firmly on the glass, you need to glue them using ordinary baby soap. To do this, you need to moisten a foam rubber sponge in water, rub the soap with it and, having smeared the entire surface of the snowflake, lean it against the glass. To remove such patterns, you only need to slightly pry the edge, and then wipe the window with clean water.
Volumetric snowflakes look very unusual, which can be made from both white and colored paper. They are made by gluing individual blanks to each other, which allows you to get a certain 3D effect. Such decorations can be attached to glass with tape or hung on strings.
Making real "icy" snowflakes that will sparkle beautifully in the dark, backlit by street lamps, will be obtained using ordinary PVA glue. The technique is pretty simple:
- print a snowflake template of the desired size on a white sheet;
- insert the sheet into a file and place it on a hard surface;
- pour PVA glue into a disposable syringe and squeeze it out along the contour of the drawing with a thick layer;
- sprinkle with sparkles if desired;
- leave to dry for a day.
After the product is dry, you will need to remove it from the film and lean it tightly against the glass.
Fairy lights

Garlands will help create a truly festive mood. The so-called "grid" looks most impressive, spreading sparkling lights throughout the glass. You can also use ordinary Christmas tree garlands, creating various patterns with their help. The main thing is to give preference to LED options that run on batteries, and not from the network, which will make the use of such jewelry as safe as possible. You can also decorate the window using garlands of paper figures, natural materials (cones, pine needles), and even Christmas tree decorations.
Stained glass

New Year's stained-glass windows with thematic patterns look very impressive on glass, especially at night. To create them, you will need stencils and artificial snow in the form of a spray. The figures cut out of paper are moistened with water and pressed tightly against the window. After that, "snow" is sprayed around them, and after 15-20 minutes the stencil is removed, resulting in a beautiful "frosty" pattern.
Toothpaste drawings

Drawings with ordinary white toothpaste will be a worthy alternative to stained glass. To do this, it should be diluted with a small amount of water and beat well until foam forms. Then - attach a previously prepared stencil to the glass, moistening it with water, and start applying the paste. This can be done using:
- a toothbrush (with splashing movements), running your fingers over the wet bristles and sharply releasing;
- a foam sponge slightly dipped in water;
- wide soft brush.
It is convenient to use a toothpick to draw small details and contours.
Window decoration is a fun and exciting process that can involve children of all ages. Joint preparation for the New Year will give a lot of positive emotions and help create a magical holiday atmosphere!