The most effective means of rescuing mosquitoes in the country

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It's good to work in the city in the summer, but mosquitoes poison all the pleasure of communicating with nature. And they live not only near swamps. They, just like people, love the plant world. And they live in grass, flowers, foliage and everywhere. And they feed on human blood. And therefore they force summer residents, gardeners and truck farmers to think not about the struggle for a high harvest, but about the most effective means of saving mosquitoes. Young children especially suffer from them.

Read in the article

  • 1 Where do mosquitoes come from?
  • 2 Mosquito damage
  • 3 Mosquito control
  • 4 Conclusion

Where do mosquitoes come from?

Mosquitoes live where the female hatched the larvae. And she chooses a place for this closer to the water, although the puddle is small, but it can attract her attention. Even a spoonful of water is enough for a mosquito to accomplish his dirty work. Any dampness will attract her attention. Mosquitoes are not born on land. Therefore, so that these insects do not appear on the site at all, you need to carefully examine your site before the start of the summer season and block the mosquitoes from access to any dampness. Including, to puddles from leaking pipes, to damp drainpipes, all reservoirs on the site must be protected from arriving mosquitoes. If it did not work out to cover the reservoir in time, then a glass of kerosene should be poured onto the surface of the water. Mosquitoes hatched from larvae will not break through the kerosene film and die.

The most effective means of rescuing mosquitoes in the country
Bloodsucker mosquito

Mosquito damage

Mosquitoes bite and it hurts. But that is not all. After a bite, a person develops redness, irritation, itching. In young children, the bite site swells on the delicate skin. Some people are allergic to mosquitoes. These bloodsucking are the spread of many diseases. When bitten, a female mosquito injects its saliva into the human bloodstream, introducing eczema, urticaria, meningitis and even encephalitis into the human body. And she needs human blood to reproduce offspring.

Mosquito control

There are many ways to control mosquitoes. It's not a problem to swat a single mosquito. You can take a wet rag and kill dozens of mosquitoes sitting in one place at once. But these methods will not solve the problem. There are individual and massive mosquito control products.

The fight against bloodsuckers must be started even before they are born. The application of insecticides is carried out in two stages:

  1. In the spring, it is required to carefully track every puddle on the site, because a mosquito female can choose it as a maternity hospital. Attention should be paid to the places in which the larvae can live (ditches, pipes, drainage systems, gutters), then to the remaining area.
  2. If you didn't manage to eliminate the puddles, then, at least, you need to fill them with Force-site, Juraks, Tsifox, Medilis-Tsiper, Tsipertrin or kerosene. Young mosquitoes will not escape through the kerosene film.

Mosquitoes do not travel more than 100 meters from their birthplace. The method minimizes the risk of an outbreak of growth in the number of individuals. But not only mosquitoes die, but also those insects that are needed for pollination of fruit and berry plants.

Sly engineers have come up with two types of mosquito killers - carbon dioxide and propane. Their principle of operation is based on the fact that during operation they imitate a living creature that emits smells loved by mosquitoes. Insects are deceived, fly into the decoy trap and die there. The devices are good, but very expensive.

Snag trap
Snag trap

Popular remedies for mosquito control are popular among summer residents. These are personal protective equipment. The essence of their action is that they mask, make the smell of human sweat inaccessible to mosquitoes. Namely, he attracts females. Anything that has a pungent odor is used as protective equipment:

  • vinegar;
  • lemon;
  • cinnamon;
  • vanilla extract;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • juniper twigs;
  • mint;
  • rosemary;
  • basil;
  • garden lilac and indoor geranium.

Synthetic repellents - creams, aerosols, gels and sprays - have become widespread. All this can be found in any store. The main ingredient in these creams and sprays is diethyltoluamide (DEET). It does not mask odors, but scares off both male and female mosquitoes from humans.

Synthetic mosquito repellent personal protective equipmentPHOTO:
Synthetic mosquito repellent personal protective equipment

And then there are fumigators. These are devices with a heating element, into which a pill is placed or a bottle is inserted; when heated, an odor unpleasant for mosquitoes is emitted from the fumigator. Quite effectively repels mosquitoes.

The UV lamp attracts mosquitoes with a blue blinking light. Mosquitoes land on the grid surrounding the lamp and die.

UV lamp


How long mosquitoes will exist, so much humanity will fight them. It is impossible to completely lime mosquitoes, and it is not necessary. For some, they are the main food. But a person will not tolerate them around him.


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