The classic situation: a person buys from an unknown seller an old house, plot, garage and, digging into the old things left by the previous owner, in peeling plaster, in the garden, he finds a treasure. Of course, it will not always be a chest with jewelry, but it is likely that something interesting, since it was hidden. And the lucky new owner begins to brag to his friends about the unusual find that made him rich.
Read in the article
- 1 History of Moscow treasures
- 2 Unusual finds in garages
- 3 Conclusion
History of Moscow treasures
The ancient city of Moscow has been undergoing renovation all its eight and a half hundred years. And it turns out that at the dawn of the history of the city, its inhabitants in difficult times hid valuable things for them in secret places, and in our time, when building new houses, these treasures appear for the general reviews.
In 1972, the reconstruction of Marksist Street, built up with log huts, was carried out. In the ruins of one of the houses, schoolchildren found a bottle filled with jewelry from the late 18th century: necklace with diamonds, brooch with rubies and diamonds, earrings, rings of gold and platinum, studded with precious stones.
In 1997, someone decided to turn over a huge stone that had been lying in front of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts for more than eight decades. Under the boulder were found two revolvers with cartridges, two pairs of cadet shoulder straps and a testament note, hidden there in the fall of 1917 by the White Guard cadets. And the note contained a will to receive a deposit in an English bank, which was successfully done by the lucky one.
In the spring of 1996 archaeologists in Moscow have discovered the largest treasure in the capital. There were 96 thousand coins, cups and vases made of precious metals.
Faberge caches were found at various addresses in Moscow, in Bolshoy Kharitonevsky Lane in the basement among chests with jewels a Stradivari violin wrapped in a rag was lying around; on Shchepkina Street, during the renovation of the mansion, they found five gold bars with a total weight 18 kg. There are dozens of such points in Moscow, some of them still keep their secrets and riches.

Something similar can happen in modern garages.
Unusual finds in garages
And in our time, people have reasons to hide something away from prying eyes. And then the owner of the treasure, for some reason, could not pick it up on time, and many years later the treasure was accidentally discovered by completely different people.
There is such a game abroad. An old building is being sold at an auction, but both the seller and the buyer do not know what is inside. And after making a purchase, buyers got surprises: in the United States, a buyer of an abandoned farm found 5 cars - three Cadillacs and two historical rarities; in Portugal, the new owner of a dilapidated house found an old garage with dozens of rare supercars in it; just recently, 11 brand new BMWs were found in an abandoned garage in Bulgaria.

Similar stories happen in our area. Having bought an old Soviet garage from a pensioner, the new owner mastered the procedure for opening locks for a long time. Once inside, the new owner discovered a whole museum of Soviet-era household appliances - and a Soviet microwave oven in good working order. condition, and an electric heater, and a Soviet thermos with a whole flask, suitcases and diplomats, a birdcage and many other rare of things.

Another case. Some lover of "Zaporozhtsev" was asked to look in a freshly bought garage at a car littered with rubbish. The astonished consultant pulled out an absolutely efficient ZAZ 966 from under a pile of rubbish. He instantly bought this miracle of technology, pumped up the wheels, and at home carried out an audit, preventive maintenance and adjustments. The car now participates in retro rallies and historical festivals.

An absolutely fantastic case. Once, at one of the Mecca car dumps in Saudi Arabia, several dozen old Soviet GAZ-21 cars were found. It is now almost impossible to figure out how one of the most famous Soviet cars ended up in North Africa. This is a mystery. Most likely, these machines were once purchased as suppliers of spare parts.

A good and easily sold product is spare parts from Soviet cars preserved in oiled paper, once bought for future use. There will always be buyers on specialized forums on the Internet.
Old models of various cars are also in demand among collectors.
Any finds are always interesting. And if the find turns out to be a work of art or technical thought, then their price increases many times. Old garages are the places where such finds are very likely.
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