Well cleaning without a bailer: clean, fast and cheap

A well is quite expensive. It is unlikely that it will be possible to drill it independently without additional equipment, so drilling specialists, one might say, are monopolists. And it is all the more offensive if, for some reason, the well, for which they paid a considerable amount, stopped working. And the reason for the collapse is simple: if you do not use it regularly, the well "overgrows" with silt and sand, clay, if the soils in your region are clayey. What to do? Usually, two cardinal decisions are made: either to accumulate about a third of the cost of the well to clean it, or to give up and use plumbing, if, of course, you have it. The last solution is no less costly, because water is now almost its weight in gold. Are you really experiencing this problem? Then let's solve it with minimal costs, and the experience of the author of a YouTube channel will help us in this. DoHow.

Read in the article

  • 1 Why the well is silted up, and what must be done before the disaster
  • 2 We clean the well with a conventional pump: what needs to be changed
  • 3 How to clean a well with a plastic bottle

Why the well is silted up, and what must be done before the disaster

So, the well differs from the well in the diameter of the well. Usually pipes with a diameter of 160 to 250 mm are used for it. Used to be metal, now very popular plastic. But take your time to minimize costs. In areas with moving ground, and there are quite a few of them, the plastic can burst, and again all the costs are in vain. It's better not to save money here. And if the water is not used for drinking, it is better to use almost eternal and durable asbestos-cement pipes, with a maximum diameter. Such a well will serve you for more than a dozen years, and it will not be difficult to clean it. As for metal, it is really very expensive at today's prices, besides you yourself know what happens to metal in water. Whatever one may say, but still asbestos-cement is better.

Why is the well silted up? It's very simple too. Even at a depth of 40-20 m, where the aquifer is located, there is life. These are bacteria that desperately need an area to reproduce. So they will be happy to breed and multiply in a water space cleared of soil. And besides, fine sand with a stream of water will constantly penetrate into the well, forming a plug.

Well cleaning without a bailer
PHOTO: YouTube.com
And the more standing water in the well, the more actively it becomes clogged.

You literally don't use it for a month - and you may not pull out the submersible pump, which will end up in the thickness of sand and silt. So, if you foresee a long period of interruption in the use of the well (for example, you are leaving and the dacha will be unattended for a long time), remove the pump. So, of course, you will save the equipment from stray amateurs to rummage through other people's bins, and besides, you will not face the danger of losing both the pump and the well along with it.

We clean the well with a conventional pump: what needs to be changed

Most wells have a submersible pump with water intake from above. This is logical - after all, there is less turbidity from above, and it will not suck in sand from below. But if you need to clean, then you need a pump, in which water is taken in the lower part.

Moreover, it is best to use cheap membrane models of the " Kid" type, because they are not capricious, like centrifugal ones, and " eat" a water-sand mixture without pretensions
PHOTO: YouTube.com
Moreover, it is best to use cheap membrane models of the "Kid" type, because they are not capricious, like centrifugal ones, and "eat" a water-sand mixture without pretensions
There is a nut in the center of the inlet lattice of such pumps; a metal bracket must be screwed to it, the task of which is to lift the accumulated sediment to be sucked into the pumpPHOTO: YouTube.com
There is a nut in the center of the inlet lattice of such pumps; a metal bracket must be screwed to it, the task of which is to lift the accumulated sediment to be sucked into the pump
Further, the technology is very simple: you lower the pump into the well and pump it all day, raising and lowering it to soften the sludgePHOTO: YouTube.com
Further, the technology is very simple: you lower the pump into the well and pump it all day, raising and lowering it to soften the sludge

But be sure to fill the well with water before such a procedure, because if suddenly it is not there, you will ruin the pump. And add it constantly as you work.

How to clean a well with a plastic bottle

If the above method does not help, then the situation is much worse. In this situation, it is important to decide whether you have a lot of money to call a fire truck. Why exactly her? Because the pressure in the fire hose in half an hour will help you to cope with any plug in the well.

For cleaning, the sleeve is lowered into the well and water is supplied under pressure. The flow of water blurs the plug, and then the usual pumping is already going onPHOTO: YouTube.com
For cleaning, the sleeve is lowered into the well and water is supplied under pressure. The flow of water blurs the plug, and then the usual pumping is already going on
Thanks to the strong pressure and wide sleeve, all the work takes a matter of minutes. But expensive, very expensive, even if you find options to informally negotiate with firefightersPHOTO: YouTube.com
Thanks to the strong pressure and wide sleeve, all the work takes a matter of minutes. But expensive, very expensive, even if you find options to informally negotiate with firefighters

Is it possible to somehow duplicate this procedure? You can, if you have another source of water: a barrel of water, another well or water supply. The only problem is that it will not be possible to provide high pressure without a compressor. Is there a compressor? Great, then proceed according to the above plan. Don't have a compressor? In this case, it will help you regular plastic bottle.

Place it on the water hose with the neck down and secure. Lower it into the well and put the water into the hosePHOTO: YouTube.com
Place it on the water hose with the neck down and secure. Lower it into the well and put the water into the hose
The stream of water will wash away the sand and it will settle in the bottle. Periodically remove the hose and bottle from the well for cleaning.PHOTO: YouTube.com
The stream of water will wash away the sand and it will settle in the bottle. Periodically remove the hose and bottle from the well for cleaning.

In any case, get ready for the fact that cleaning the well from silt will take you more than one day, but a couple or even more. Be patient, let the thought that you will save a lot of money warm you.

And here are some more practical tips for cleaning a well:

How do you solve this problem? Are you using any special gadgets? Share your experience in the comments!
