Those who are engaged finishing works or is fond of drawing, inevitably encounter the appearance of characteristic stains of paint. They can also be obtained by accidentally sitting on painted bench. If there is no way to update your wardrobe, it is worth figuring out how to wipe the paint off your clothes so that there are no traces left. This can be done in various ways. Tips for cleaning the fabric from specific types of dye formulations will help not to damage the fabric.
Read in the article
- 1 How to wipe paint from clothes: get rid of traces of construction paint
- 1.1 Acrylic paint
- 1.2 Latex paint
- 1.3 Water based paint
- 1.4 Alkyd paint
- 1.5 Silicate paint
- 1.6 Polyurethane paint
- 1.7 Other types
- 2 How to clean up traces of art paint
- 2.1 Oil paint
- 2.2 Watercolor
- 2.3 Gouache
- 2.4 Tempera paints
- 3 Dealing with hair dye stains
- 4 Things to Consider When Removing Stains at Home
- 4.1 Fresh traces of paint
- 4.2 Old dried stains
- 4.3 Stains on delicate fabrics
How to wipe paint from clothes: get rid of traces of construction paint
If it gets on your clothes building paint, the choice of a suitable cleaning agent and method of cleaning directly depends on which composition was used for painting. Each option has its own characteristics that deserve close attention.
Acrylic paint
To remove contaminants, mechanical action is used, they resort to improvised compositions and use special means. Mechanical cleaning is done in different ways. It all depends on how much time has passed since the spots appeared:
- Fresh blotted with paper towels. This is done very carefully to prevent an increase in the area of contamination. This is done until dye will not be completely removed.
- Dried, concentrated in one place are cleaned with a knife or any other sharp object.
- Those that have dried up in the form of a large number of small drops or balls are wiped off with a brush. This method has proven itself best of all on dense fabric.
Attention! After completing the mechanical cleaning, the clothes are sent to the wash.
If mechanical cleaning did not allow you to achieve the desired result, you can use:
- Isopropyl alcoholsold in pharmacies. For this, the sponge is impregnated with the composition, and then the acrylic stain is carefully processed. In order not to damage the surrounding objects, an unnecessary rag or oilcloth is placed under the fabric. After the composition has softened, it is removed mechanically.
- Ammonia, vinegar and salt. To obtain the desired effect, the item is placed in cold water for several minutes. Mix in equal proportions vinegar and ammonia, adding a small amount of salt. With the prepared composition, they carefully wipe the place of pollution, completely getting rid of traces of paint.
- Glass cleaner and acetone. These formulations should be discarded if synthetic fabric was used for sewing clothes or the stain appeared a long time ago. A liquid is first applied to the acrylic paint. glass washingand then acetone. After the stain becomes soft, remove the dirt mechanically.
- Dishwashing liquid. Topical for removing fresh stains. The thing is first placed in warm water, which will get rid of large dirt, after which the wet surface is treated with a product. Residual contamination is scraped off.
- Refined gasoline. The stain is wiped off with a sponge, moving from the center of the stain to its edge. The contaminated sponge is replaced with a new one.
- Acrylic remover, which is simply rubbed off the stain. This idea should be abandoned if the fabric is synthetic, delicate, or has unstable coloration.
- Vanish stain remover. The composition is applied with a cotton swab to the stain and left for a few minutes. The stained area is then washed by hand using a suitable detergent.
Attention! Before using the selected composition, make sure that it does not damage the material from which the clothes are sewn by applying a small amount of the product to the wrong side, for example, at the fold.
Latex paint
Rubbing alcohol is used to combat latex paint traces. It is able to completely remove impurities by penetrating deep into the fibers of the fabric. You can get rid of fresh stains with a long wash. To do this, clothes are first soaked in cold water, then wrung out and machine washed at a temperature of 30 ° C, choosing the longest time mode.
Water based paint
To combat stains water emulsion use alcohol. The cleaned area is first washed in cold water, and then in hot water with the addition of powder or other detergent. If the fabric is colored, you should use hydrogen peroxide and lemon. For this, lemon slices are placed along the edges of the contaminated area, and the central part is abundantly moistened with hydrogen peroxide and left for an hour. After the time has elapsed, the clothes are rinsed in cold water.
Alkyd paint
White spirit will help to cope with traces of alkyd paint. To do this, the contaminated area must be treated with a cotton pad abundantly moistened with the product. After the contamination is completely removed, the item must be immediately washed.
Silicate paint
To remove these stains, you need to prepare a rag and alcohol. During the cleaning process, first apply a small amount of alcohol to the stain, and then wipe it with a dry cloth. As soon as the rags get dirty, take a new one. The stain is rubbed until it disappears completely. Then the clothes are sent to the wash.
Polyurethane paint
Most often, polyurethane paint is removed mechanically. To do this, using a scraper, the stain is removed from the surface of the material. During the cleaning process, it is necessary to make short movements in the direction from the edge of the pollution to its center. The scraper is cleaned of paint as needed. If the tool used does not cope with the task, the scraper is changed to a sharp knife.
Not getting the desired effect from mechanical cleaning, prepare acetone and leave it on the surface of the fabric for 5–10 minutes, and then the clothes are thoroughly washed in warm water. Instead, a special action formulation can be used to provide good cleaning performance.
Other types
If your clothes are stained with ink, you can get rid of the stains by:
- Mustard powder, which is diluted to a mushy consistency before application. The composition is applied for a day, and then scraped off with a thin, but not sharp object. After that, the product must be washed.
- Ammoniamixed with turpentine in equal proportions, which is poured over the stain.
- Glycerin and denatured alcoholmixed in equal proportions. Before applying, the product is heated and then rubbed into the stain. This mixture will help remove the stamp ink from the genuine leather.
Stained glass paint is easiest to remove if the stains are fresh. To do this, clothes are soaked in water with dishwashing detergent. Solvent and glycerin can help remove dried-on stains.
Holi paint has a vegetable origin, and therefore it is quite difficult to cope with stains. You need to start by soaking in water and salt. To prepare a saline solution, a tablespoon of salt is dissolved in each liter of water. If this does not help, it is worth soaking the product in a solution of ammonia, for the preparation of which, dissolve two teaspoons of alcohol in five liters of water.
If your clothes get paint from a paintball, there shouldn't be any special problems. It is water-soluble and can therefore be wiped off with a damp cloth. If this does not work, the clothes are soaked in soapy water and then machine washed.
How to clean up traces of art paint
Those who love to be creative will inevitably encounter stains on their clothes. Seeing another speck, do not throw away your favorite thing. You will definitely be able to get rid of contamination if you act correctly.
Oil paint
To get rid of traces of oil paint, you can use the tools at hand. To combat pollution, you can use:
- Vegetable oil. To do this, a piece of oilcloth is placed under the contaminated area. Dip a rag in vegetable oil, treat the stain and leave for 10 minutes. After that, the thing must be washed with soap or powder.
- Starch. You will need an iron to remove dirt. We put clothes on an ironing board, after laying unnecessary cloth or paper on it. We put a layer of starch, and then put a sheet of clean paper and iron it several times with an iron. Most of the composition should be absorbed. Residues will be removed during the subsequent wash.
- Liquid soap. To achieve the desired effect, the stain is impregnated with the composition and left for 10–20 minutes. After that, the composition is washed off with warm water, and the clothes are sent to the wash.
- Acetone, gasoline or turpentine. Dipping a sponge or rag into the composition, gently wipe off the dirt. After that, the product must be washed.
Attention! The latter method is quite aggressive. It is not used for cleaning delicate items and sewn from fabric with unstable dye.
Watercolor refers to water-soluble compounds. To remove a fresh stain, it is enough to soak the item in cold water for 15–20 minutes and then wash in soapy water. If the tissue is severely affected, rub the place of contamination with laundry soap, cover with cling film on the front side and the wrong side, and leave for 3 hours. After that, the watercolor stains are washed off with a toothbrush.
To remove gouache stains, use soap, which is rubbed on a fresh stain, and then the composition is simply washed off under running water. If it did not work immediately, the stain is lathered and left for a while.
Old stains can be dealt with:
- glycerin and ammonia;
- gasoline and vinegar;
- eucalyptus oil;
- Toothpaste;
- mustard powder;
- soda.
Similar and other means are rarely used, since.
Tempera paints
These dyes have an oil base. They are most often used for painting clay products. To remove stains, place the garment in cold water with a little dishwashing gel.
Advice! In order not to think about how to remove the stain, it is worth adding a little liquid soap to the jar of tempera paints before starting work. In this case, it will be possible to get rid of the stains by standard washing clothes using laundry soap.
Dealing with hair dye stains
To combat such contamination, you can use a styling varnish. It contains a number of solvents that have a negative effect on the components of hair dyes. If the stain has appeared long ago, you can use bleach or hydroperite solution. White things are placed in it and left for half an hour. After that, they are washed with powder.
You can remove stains from a dark or colored raincoat with vinegar. For other materials of the same color, it is better to choose a special stain remover. You can remove the stain from light-colored ones with citric acid dissolved in 100 ml of warm water, or freshly squeezed lemon juice. The composition is applied for half an hour and then rinsed with water. This way you can clean natural materials.
Things to Consider When Removing Stains at Home
The age of stains can have a significant impact on how to clean up dirt at home. There are a number of features that you should be familiar with before starting this process.
Fresh traces of paint
To deal with fresh traces of paint, you need to start your wash before they start to dry. You will learn what can be done in the following video:
Old dried stains
It can be difficult to remove stubborn stains. We suggest watching a video that details how you can overcome them:
Stains on delicate fabrics
Delicate and thin fabrics are sensitive to the effects of solvents, and therefore it is necessary to be very careful when choosing a product. Cashmere can be rubbed with oil in a circle and then washed. Alcohol and ammonia are used to clean thin textiles. To clean the silk, rub the contaminated area with laundry soap and then heated alcohol. The paint can also be removed from nylon and nylon with warm alcohol. Processing should be done from the back side, and the rest of the product should be washed out in a saline solution.
Share in the comments if you have ever had to clean your clothes from paint and what means you used.