What summer residents do not go to, so that their site looks unusual and beautiful. Some grow hedges, others plant exotic plants. But, as it turned out, there is an option to make your yard bright without unnecessary expenditure of energy and financial resources. In today's article, the author of the YouTube channel "TV Channel INTER" offers a rather interesting method for solving a design issue: arranging mini-flower beds from used shoes that have been gathering dust in the closet for a long time.
Read in the article
- 1 What can be used to make mini-flower beds, what is required for this
- 2 First steps to resurrect worn-out shoes
- 3 Changing the appearance of future flower beds
- 3.1 Additional decorations for flower beds
- 4 Planting flowers in new flower beds
- 4.1 The beauty petunia changes her place of residence
- 4.2 The next migrant is an important snapdragon
- 4.3 Another habitat-changing flower - labelia
- 4.4 The central "exhibit" of the composition is a LED flashlight
- 5 Several photo examples of mini-flower beds of boots, shoes and slippers
- 6 Finally
What can be used to make mini-flower beds, what is required for this
In order to create interesting mini-flower beds, you do not need to spend money or work without straightening your back. It is enough to collect old, long-worn shoes, prepare decorative flowers for planting, acrylic paints, a thick primer and a brush. It does not hurt to have on hand a screwdriver or drill with a drill (any, but not too thick). For planting flowers, in our example it will be petunia, snapdragon and labelia, you will need drainage (sand or expanded clay) and ordinary garden soil.
First steps to resurrect worn-out shoes
There is hardly a summer resident who does not have several pairs of worn out and already useless boots or boots lying around in a closet or shed. The most interesting thing is that if you ask why they are here, the summer resident will not be able to answer anything. The most common answer is "Let there be."

The first thing to think about is the drainage holes through which air will flow to the plant roots and excess water will drain off during overflow. In order to make them, you will have to use a screwdriver. With its help, several holes are drilled and that's it, you can not worry about this and continue further reincarnation.

Changing the appearance of future flower beds
Boots prepared for planting flowers must be covered with a layer of white primer. This is done with a brush. Of course, you can use a spray can, but this is already an extra cost.
When applying the primer, you can insert a plastic bottle inside the boot to make it more comfortable. If the primer is of normal consistency, the entire surface can be coated in one go.

After the primer is dry, you can start applying decorative patterns. They are best done with acrylic paints. The ornament can be anything. It's better to let your imagination run wild. Although there is a more interesting way - to give paints to children. This is who has a real flight of imagination. Additionally, you will get a general developmental lesson, disguised as a game.

Additional decorations for flower beds
If the house has a solar-powered street lamp, you can include it in the composition. To do this, it is worth resorting to decoupage one of the boots so that it is the brightest spot in the composition. This is where the solar-powered LED flashlight will be installed.

Planting flowers in new flower beds
First of all, before backfilling the earth, it is necessary to lay drainage on the bottom of the shoe, in our case it is sand. A large amount is not required here, half a scoop is enough.

After that, earth is poured into the boots, but they should not be full. Do not forget about the root system of the planted flora. To the top should not be enough just as many centimeters as the rhizome of the plant.

The beauty petunia changes her place of residence
When everything is ready, you can free the root systems of the flowers from the paper casing in which they are usually sold. The first in line for transplantation today is petunia - a beautiful plant, the fragrance of which can drive you crazy. The advantage of this flower is that its root system is perfectly developed, and therefore petunia takes root during transplantation at any time of the year. By the way, it is known for certain that the scent of this flower can relieve headaches.

The next migrant is an important snapdragon
Many different legends are associated with this flower. One of which says that once a lion wound up at the foot of Olympus, which did not let anyone pass by, tearing it to shreds. And when Zeus found out about this, he became very angry. He ordered Hercules to kill the beast. Naturally, the order was carried out - Hercules cut the beast in half. And where the saliva got from the lion's mouth, these flowers appeared. That is why they called them "snapdragon". Of course, myths exist to explain various things beautifully. In the case of this flower, it turned out to be very interesting and exciting.

Another habitat-changing flower - labelia
This flower also has many stories behind its back, many of which are authentic. For example, in North America, Labelia was smoked. It was believed that its smoke has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lungs. But this statement should not be considered a fact. One of the doctors of that time was even tried for the fact that his patient died. And this happened precisely during the period of treatment with labelia. In today's composition, labelia will contribute to lightness and some airiness.

The central "exhibit" of the composition is a LED flashlight
Such lanterns for adjoining territories are convenient for their autonomy. All day long they accumulate energy from the sun, and with the onset of dusk they begin to illuminate the space around. It is such a lantern that should stand in the center of the entire composition, illuminating the flowers at night. However, just sticking it into the ground would be boring, so it is best to put it in the same boot as the flowers, but brighter, calling for attention. A decoupled flowerbed-boot is the best for this.

Today, only one of the examples of such mini-flower beds has been told. Perhaps readers will be interested in other variations of this decor.
Several photo examples of mini-flower beds of boots, shoes and slippers
The following examples are given in order for the reader to understand the concept of such decorations for a summer cottage more clearly.

Mini-flower beds made of worn-out shoes are a really interesting decor option for the courtyard of a country house. If you wish, you can create such an element of decor from a “begging for porridge” boot, which will make even the most talented landscape designer jealous. After all, man is inherently a dreamer, and therefore a creator.
We hope that what we have said today will be useful to our readers in the improvement of a vegetable garden, garden or private local area. If you have any questions, you can ask in the comments. HouseChief will be happy to answer them. There you can also express your opinion about the article.
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