Ideas for creative use of shower rings: tips and a master class

It seems that every house has one or two similar plastic rings lying around. Such sets cost mere pennies, but they can be of considerable benefit. We have collected the most popular ideas for using plastic rings from bathroom curtain. We hope they will help you find unusual use for such seemingly simple things, and they will give you a moment of positive and good mood.

Read in the article

  • 1 Storing accessories
  • 2 Instead of hooks for towels and drying items
  • 3 Decorative decoration

Storing accessories

If you have a lot of bracelets and elastic bands for hair, just such rings with fasteners in the middle can be a real salvation. for storing always-lost accessories. These rings can be fixed directly on the shelf in the bathroom and take off the desired accessory every day. You can also do with bracelets and jewelry, in this case it will definitely not get confused or lost.

Ideas for creative use of shower ringsPHOTO:

Unexpected ideas for using conventional rings from a bathroom curtainPHOTO:

Instead of hooks for towels and drying items

If you don't know how to attach a standard kitchen towel to a hook, then rings will come to the rescue. A few simple movements, and now your towel has found its own hook and holds perfectly in its place. This allows you to hang light items such as towels, cleaning brushes and other kitchen and bathroom utensils in their place.

Unexpected ideas for using conventional rings from a bathroom curtainPHOTO:

Unexpected ideas for using conventional rings from a bathroom curtainPHOTO:

Decorative decoration

Interesting uses for decorative rings can be found in decor. Such rings may well be used to make unusual hanging structures. In addition to a purely aesthetic function, such rings will also perform a functional one.

Unexpected ideas for using conventional rings from a bathroom curtainPHOTO:

For more information on how you can use bathroom rings off-label, see the video below:
