The World Health Organization is sounding the alarm over the coronavirus pandemic. Among the recommendations for the prevention of the disease, it is strongly recommended to use medical masks that help protect the respiratory tract from infection. But here's the trouble: all over the world, these same masks immediately disappeared on sale. There are two reasons for this. The first is the excitement. People bought up the entire stock of these medical devices almost instantly. A couple of weeks ago there were no problems with their availability in pharmacies, and now - masks are in short supply, and the purchase price in pharmacy warehouses has skyrocketed to unimaginable levels. And the second obvious reason is that the main manufacturer of materials for disposable masks is China, where there is now a decline in production and an increase in its own consumption of these materials. What should we, ordinary people in the street, do in this situation? The main thing is not to panic. There are many options for how to make medical masks with your own hands. And here is the simplest example, for which you don't even need to be able to sew, from the author of a YouTube channel yury shauchenka.
Read in the article
- 1 What is required to make a disposable mask
- 2 How to make a medical mask from paper towels
- 3 How to make and maintain a fabric mask
What is required to make a disposable mask
You can make a mask in just one minute, and you don't have to look for any special materials for this.

Towels are far from being in short supply, as are elastic bands and staples, so on average one mask will cost you about 50 kopecks. The rubber bands can be reused many times. And what is convenient: you can build such a mask literally on the go.
How to make a medical mask from paper towels
The paper mask has a short shelf life, but you can do it literally every half hour if necessary.

How to make and maintain a fabric mask
If you have to often contact others, it makes sense to make for yourself several fabric masks from several layers of gauze or fabric such as chintz or satin. At the end of the day, you can wash these masks in hot soapy water, dry and iron them with a hot iron. This will make the tissue sterile again. It is these masks that doctors now recommend to use. The sheet mask lasts longer and is more reliable. How to make it, even if you do not have a sewing machine, you can find out in this small video:
The mask can be made not only from paper towels and cloth, it is quite possible to use wet wipes made of non-woven fabric. It will also be a disposable item of low cost.
Will the mask save you from infection? Remember that besides her, it is important to observe other precautions: wash your hands thoroughly, do not touch your face with your hands and avoid crowded places where an infected person may be near you. Rinse your mouth with disinfectants and monitor your condition. The sooner you see your doctor when signs of illness appear, the better your chances of recovery. At least, using the mask, you will stay healthy for as long as possible, and perhaps during this time a medicine will be found, on the creation of which all laboratories of the world are working today.
And the ability to quickly make masks from paper towels can be useful to you in different situations: if you need to paint or grind something, work with corrosive substances that can affect your respiratory system, or to keep yourself from pollen and poplar fluff during the flare-up season allergies.
In short, take note. Try to make such a mask right now and write to us in the comments what you have done. If you know other ways to make a mask with your own hands - send your master class to our editorial office!