How to clean a sofa without a vacuum cleaner

A sofa is such a piece of furniture that no apartment can do without. Sofas are folding and static, that is, as it was made at a furniture factory, in this form it exists all the time of its life (of course, repairs do not count). A fold-out sofa performs its functions as a seating place all day long, you can also three or four people at the same time, and at night with one movement of the hand turns into a gorgeous double stove bench. Night passes, and during the day, in order to free up living space, the spacious bed turns into a compact sofa again. And so every day for many years. And despite the fact that the sofa is often covered with different bedspreads, it is slowly covered with a layer of dust every day. And the owners begin to think about how to wash the sofa even when there is no washing vacuum cleaner.

Methods for cleaning upholstered furniture

Upholstered furniture can be cleaned in a variety of ways. Of course, it takes a lot of hands and time, but the result is worth it. Cleaning is not only a manifestation of care for the beauty of your home, but also the protection of your health. Household furniture dust contains very dangerous microscopic mites that provoke allergies and can cause asthma.

How to clean a sofa without a vacuum cleaner
Conventional folding sofa

The easiest and safest way to clean your furniture is to call a specialized office and call a professional. They know perfectly well how and with what to clean various coverings and upholstery, and in the best possible way they will do the job entrusted to them. But you have to pay for it. Cleaning a three-seater sofa with textile upholstery will cost the customer about 10,000 rubles. If you are not planning to spend on this, you need to prepare for independent work.

Simple and anyone can use a method - knocking out dust. You need to prepare a regular beater and a damp sheet. Ordinary clean warm water with additives such as vinegar or fabric softener is suitable as a humidifier. Lay the sheet on the sofa and start working with a beater.


Sofa covers are made from different materials. Cleaning can be done with or without household chemicals. And there are effective cleaners and dangerous pests for every material. You need to know this before starting work. Household chemicals help well. Just before buying and using a particular product, you need to carefully understand how compatible it is with the material of the sofa upholstery. It would be good to try in an inconspicuous area to see if this tool will harm the real upholstery.

A leather sofa does not need a vacuum cleaner at all. It should be cleaned regularly with a damp cloth with a small amount of soapy water. After this procedure, the surface must be wiped dry and lubricated with a stearic sponge so that the skin does not dry out.

Sometimes it is enough to walk on the surface with a small vacuum cleaner.

Cleaning the vacuum cleaner with a small brushPHOTO:
Cleaning the vacuum cleaner with a small brush

Sofas often have flock upholstery. This is a specialized upholstery non-woven textile with a pile on the front side. The material is wear-resistant, not susceptible to pills, does not shrink. Not afraid of temperature changes. You can use a steam generator or a garment steamer to clean it. The hot steam removes any stains, even stubborn ones. Cleaning experts note that upholstered furniture upholstered with flock of light colors can be cleaned well with ordinary soapy water or a composition containing vinegar.

If the sofa is covered with removable covers, then they just need to be removed and washed with some kind of detergent. And if the upholstery is nailed, then for safety it is necessary to carry out research work. It will be cheaper than replacing all the damaged upholstery.

It is not always possible to use chemicals in an apartment, even household ones. A non-chemical detergent can be prepared using regular laundry soap or liquid soap. In the solution, you need to moisten a cotton napkin and apply it to the surface of the sofa. The soap solution is effective in removing urine stains or dirt from animals.

Wiping the upholstery surfacePHOTO:
Wiping the upholstery surface

Light-colored furniture is treated with a cleaning mixture of vinegar, soda, washing powder and water. This composition is highly foaming, and it is first applied with a spray bottle, and then evenly rubbed with a dry brush.

From chemistry Vanish is recommended. A mixture is prepared in a proportion of 9 parts of warm water to 1 part of the product. Apply the mixture, stand for 1 hour, then collect the foam with dirt with a vacuum cleaner.

Vanish CleanerPHOTO:
Vanish Cleaner
Cleaning after treatment with the mixturePHOTO:
Cleaning after treatment with the mixture


The sofa is difficult to clean, but possible. You should think carefully about the choice of cleaning agent and prepare for the technology of work. But then it will be pleasant to sit on the couch with an interesting book or watch a good movie. Or even better - play with a small child.


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