Chainsaw attachments: grinder, compressor, outboard motor and much more

When building a log house or performing other work, many different tools are often required. Sometimes you want so much that all the necessary actions can be performed with one device, changing only the attachments. As it turned out, this is possible. In today's article, the author of the YouTube channel Jaromir Ryabinin offers to consider useful attachments for the chainsaw, turning it into a versatile tool for construction and more.

Read in the article

  • 1 Power planer from a regular chainsaw
  • 2 Motobore, and what it can be useful for
  • 3 Debarker, or groove - what is it
  • 4 Gas cutter, or grass trimmer
  • 5 Fisherman's note: an ice screw from a small chainsaw
  • 6 Angle grinder: chainsaw grinder
  • 7 A winch is another useful attachment for a chainsaw
  • 8 Compressor for boat or air mattress
  • 9 Cleaning of the territory in winter
  • 10 The outboard motor is one of the most interesting chainsaw attachments
  • 11 Conclusion

Power planer from a regular chainsaw

This attachment can be useful when erecting a log house for a residential building or a bathhouse. It is no secret that logs with bark are cheaper, which means that the savings here will be obvious. A couple of simple movements ─ and an ordinary chainsaw is already turning into a corder.

Chainsaw attachmentsPHOTO:
Here is such a device obtained after installing the nozzle

Users say the only drawback is the rapid wear of the chain. However, it is quite enough for the arrangement of one log house for a residential building. And yet it is better if the home craftsman uses old chains that are no longer a pity. Also, the device will allow you to sharpen the stakes or process the timber, making it smooth.

This is how a planer made from a chainsaw works.PHOTO:
This is how a planer made from a chainsaw works.

Motobore, and what it can be useful for

When installing fence posts or foundation screw piles, nobody likes to dig. To facilitate this work, a chainsaw drill attachment may come in handy. With its help, you can go deep into the ground without assistance. It will take much less time to work, and the wells will turn out to be smooth and neat. In addition, such a nozzle can be made with your own hands.

The drill bit for boreholes is quite convenientPHOTO:
The drill bit for boreholes is quite convenient

Debarker, or groove - what is it

This is a rather interesting device that will greatly facilitate the installation of a log house or bathhouse. It is known that the logs should lie flat, for which a longitudinal groove is made on them, and a notch is selected from both edges. It is the debarker (groove) that will help to do this work without unnecessary difficulties. Of course, before starting the main work, it makes sense to practice on unnecessary scraps, because such a nozzle for a chainsaw requires some experience in work. However, it is not difficult to learn how to use a debarker, it will not take a lot of time and material.

Debarker helps in the construction of a log house, stacking crowns one on top of the otherPHOTO:
Debarker helps in the construction of a log house, stacking crowns one on top of the other

The master will appreciate such a device. Indeed, many old masters, accustomed to working exclusively with an ax, after testing a debarker, decided that it was much easier for them to work.

Longitudinal grooves are very neatPHOTO:
Longitudinal grooves are very neat

Gas cutter, or grass trimmer

Gas cutters have become very popular lately. Indeed, why wave an ordinary scythe and waste your strength when you can simply drive the trimmer to the right and left. However, when using such a chainsaw attachment, it is worth remembering that a simple cord will only cut soft grass. If you come across a bush or even a large burdock, the line will not take it. We'll have to change it to disk. But he is already able to remove even small trees that may be caught in the cleared area.

Chainsaw trimmer makes cutting grass easierPHOTO:
Chainsaw trimmer makes cutting grass easier

Fisherman's note: an ice screw from a small chainsaw

Every fisherman knows how time consuming the process of finding fish can be. Most often, you have to drill at least 30 holes (or even more) until you can stumble upon a fishing spot. And here the screw nozzle-drill for a chainsaw can come in handy.

A conventional ice auger must be rotated manually, which is quite laboriousPHOTO:
A conventional ice auger must be rotated manually, which is quite laborious

A few movements, and the chainsaw has already turned into a mechanized ice drill. It remains only to start the engine and add revolutions. By the way, some of these attachments are even equipped with a speed switch. True, there are only two of them here - move and neutral. But this is already very convenient.

The mechanized ice screw is ready to use, all that remains is to startPHOTO:
The mechanized ice screw is ready to use, all that remains is to start

If the chainsaw is small, then it will be easy to transfer it from place to place. And the main thing is that you don't have to make any efforts to drill holes. The chainsaw will do everything by itself.

An ice screw will allow you to drill a huge number of holes without unnecessary fatiguePHOTO:
An ice screw will allow you to drill a huge number of holes without unnecessary fatigue

Angle grinder: chainsaw grinder

The grinder (angle grinder) is a tool that is necessary in the production of various repair and construction work. It allows you to cut metal, wood, eliminate irregularities on various surfaces, sand or grind parts. But its absence makes it necessary to perform such work manually, spending a lot of time and effort on it. As it turned out, if you have a chainsaw, this problem can be easily solved. It is enough to purchase a special attachment and install it according to the manufacturer's instructions.

This is a nozzle for a chainsaw sold in stores and on Internet resources.PHOTO:
This is a nozzle for a chainsaw sold in stores and on Internet resources.

The attachment box contains detailed installation instructions. It is enough to mount the adapter, fix the casing on the bracket to the chainsaw body and connect the drive shaft to the driven shaft using a belt. After that, a very powerful angle grinder is in the hands of the master, which can be used wherever it is needed.

The grinder is assembled from the chainsaw, you can get to workPHOTO:
The grinder is assembled from the chainsaw, you can get to work

A winch is another useful attachment for a chainsaw

The chainsaw attachment in the form of a winch will help to pull out or move the logs, lift building material along the slope or even just help the stalled car get out of the mud. The main thing here is to fix it thoroughly on some solid surface. Those who often travel into the woods, moving off-road, have appreciated such a device. At a price it comes out much cheaper than an electric winch, and therefore such attachments are often fixed on the frame of SUVs. If you get into a difficult situation, you just need to fix the shaft of the device on the chainsaw and start it, after which the technique starts to work, freeing the car from "captivity".

The winch from the chainsaw turns out to be pretty goodPHOTO:
The winch from the chainsaw turns out to be pretty good

Compressor for boat or air mattress

For those who love fishing or ordinary camping with an overnight stay, you can offer the chainsaw compressor attachment. With its help, an inflatable mattress for swimming or relaxing in a tent or a rubber boat can be easily inflated. At the same time, during the pumping process, you can calmly do other things, for example, harvesting firewood for the night, periodically checking the pressure.

The compressor installed on the chainsaw will help to pump up the boat or mattress.PHOTO:
The compressor installed on the chainsaw will help to pump up the boat or mattress.

Cleaning of the territory in winter

Snowfall for private house owners is not a very pleasant phenomenon. You have to get up early and swing the shovel, removing what was attacking during the night. A broom attachment will help to do this work. Everything is simple here - we start the chainsaw and push the motorized brush in front of us. All the snow will be driven forward. As a result, the employee will only have to slightly move the scooped snowdrift from the edge, removing it from the cleared area.

The motorized brush will help in cleaning the area after snowfallsPHOTO:
The motorized brush will help in cleaning the area after snowfalls

The outboard motor is one of the most interesting chainsaw attachments

It's no secret that a boat motor is a rather expensive pleasure. It will be much cheaper to purchase a special attachment and use a regular chainsaw to move through the water. This will save the fisherman from the tedious rowing.

Riding a motor is much more enjoyable than rowingPHOTO:
Riding a motor is much more enjoyable than rowing

It is not even necessary to purchase such a nozzle in a store. On the Internet, you can find a wide variety of drawings and instructions for making such a device yourself. If you do everything with your own hands, then the boat motor will cost a home craftsman at all at a meager price.

A similar nozzle can be made with your own hands from scrap materialsPHOTO:
A similar nozzle can be made with your own hands from scrap materials


It is impossible to consider all existing chainsaw attachments in one article. Among them there are those that are able to turn an ordinary unit into a sawmill or help to split firewood. But, even looking at the presented attachments, we can say with confidence that the chainsaw is a versatile tool that can replace anything. And having figured out how this or that nozzle works, you can make it yourself, without spending extra money on purchasing a factory product.

We really hope that the information provided will be useful to home craftsmen in construction or repair. It is possible that the dear reader has any questions about the article. If so, share them in the discussions below. HouseChief editors will definitely answer each of them as soon as possible. There you can leave your comment, feedback or express your personal opinion about the style and presentation of the text. This information will help the author write better and more interesting.

If you liked the article, do not forget to rate it. And finally, according to the already established good tradition, we bring to your attention a short but very informative video that will help to more fully reveal today's topic.

PHOTO: YouTube-channel "Jaromir Ryabinin»
