In the morning there is not much time to stand at the stove for a long time, but you want to feed your household with a delicious breakfast. At the beginning of the day, food should also be energetically rich. We offer recipes for 6 simple dishes that even children can cook.
- Omelet with sausage and cheese
- Crab stick sandwiches
- Oatmeal with banana and honey
- Heart shaped sausages with eggs
- Milk rice porridge with pumpkin
- Fast pizza in a frying pan
Omelet with sausage and cheese

An excellent option for breakfast: it cooks quickly, it turns out tasty and satisfying. So, we are preparing an omelet with sausage and cheese:
- Beat 2 eggs with salt and ground black pepper (to taste) with a fork or whisk. We take into account that sausage and cheese have their own salinity.
- Pour in 80 milliliters of milk and mix until smooth. Fat content does not matter, any percentage will do, this will only affect the calorie content of the dish.
- The sausage can be of any kind, cut 50-80 g of the product into strips and add to the milk and egg composition.
- We rub the same amount of cheese as sausages (you can eat as much), add to the omelet mass.
- Heat the frying pan, pour 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and pour out the workpiece.
- Fry the omelet over high heat until the mixture grabs, and then we make the minimum power, cover with a lid and leave until fully cooked.
- We serve the omelet either with sour cream or with herbs and vegetables.
The second cooking option: first fry the sausage, pour out the egg-milk mixture and sprinkle with cheese at the end. In any case, it will take you only 15-20 minutes to prepare breakfast.
Crab stick sandwiches

Such an appetizer is also suitable for a festive table, but we will prepare it for breakfast:
- Boil 2 eggs (you can do this in advance), peel and grate or chopper.
- Thaw 5 pieces of crab sticks and chop them as well.
- Add 1-1.5 tablespoons of your favorite mayonnaise and mix everything.
- Season with salt and pepper to taste.
- Cut any bread into triangular pieces and spread with the prepared mass.
- Cut half the red onion into wedges and garnish the sandwiches. Add a leaf of parsley or any other greens.
If the preparations are made in advance, then it will take up to 5 minutes to prepare such sandwiches.
Oatmeal with banana and honey

To cook oatmeal that is not too thick or watery, take 40 g of oatmeal per 300 ml of water (milk). This is one serving. Let's get started:
- Pour the flakes with liquid and, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon or spatula, bring the porridge to a boil over medium heat.
- Then either turn it off and leave the dish to "reach", or cook, as indicated in the instructions. It all depends on what kind of flakes.
- Knead 1 banana with a fork or cut into cubes and stir with ready-made hot porridge.
- Serve the dish, pouring honey on top and sprinkling with nuts.
A delicious nutritious breakfast is ready. Such porridge can be cooked in water, milk, or by partially mixing these ingredients. You can add flax seeds.
Heart shaped sausages with eggs

It's good when breakfast is not only tasty, but also beautiful, with an unusual presentation. The easiest option is to cook it in the shape of a heart. This will require 2 sausages and 2 eggs. Everything is extremely simple: we cut the sausages lengthwise, leaving 2 centimeters at one end.
We fasten the ends with toothpicks in the shape of a heart, put in a preheated pan with sunflower oil. After 2 minutes, turn over and break in the egg. Fry until tender, salt and pepper at your discretion.
Milk rice porridge with pumpkin

During pumpkin season, don't miss the opportunity to cook milk porridge with them. This vegetable, rich in vitamins, can also be prepared for the winter by freezing or simply keeping it intact in a dark, cool place. So, for porridge you will need:
- milk - 1 liter;
- rice - 250 g;
- pumpkin - 500 g;
- granulated sugar - 4-5 tablespoons;
- salt - 3 g;
- peasant oil - 50 g.
Cooking method:
- Peel the pumpkin and cut into large cubes, place in a saucepan, add 1/3 water and cook until tender.
- Then beat with a blender, add rice, fill with milk. Let's bring the rice to readiness.
- Add butter, sugar, salt to the porridge. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes and serve.
You can add raisins, candied fruits, dried fruits to this breakfast.
Fast pizza in a frying pan

You can choose any filling for such a pizza. Ham, chicken breast, meat, tomatoes, pickles, olives, olives, cheese will do. You can combine these products or make only vegetable or sausage. Any bread is used as a base, it may not even be very fresh. Let's start:
- Cut 200 g of any bread, loaf, baguette into pieces.
- Cut 200 g of sausages into medium-sized cubes.
- We make slices from one medium tomato. First, we divide it in half, and then each half - in slices.
- Beat 4 eggs, salt.
- Pour 1 tablespoon of sunflower or olive oil into a preheated pan and lightly fry the bread slices.
- Add the sausage and fry everything a little again. You can use green onions or other greens.
- Put the tomatoes on top, and after 1 minute pour in the egg mixture.
- Rub a little or a lot of cheese, as you like, and sprinkle on the pizza.
- Cook for 5 minutes, covered, until tender.
This kind of pizza is very easy to cut and eaten very quickly.