Among the signs of the zodiac, there are 5 worst cooks. It is better for them not to go into the kitchen at all, because the dishes prepared by these signs most likely will not be culinary masterpieces.

- Aquarius
- Scorpion
- a lion
- Sagittarius
- Twins
- How other signs of the zodiac are prepared
Yes, Aquarius is not a good cook, but he tries very hard. Usually Aquarians are happy to take up culinary experiments, they want to repeat recipes from the Internet. Only with a huge amount of improvisation. If there are no shrimp - you can put in chicken or meat, there is no Worcestershire sauce - vinegar will do. Cabbage instead of spinach, and apples are successfully replaced by pumpkin. It turns out interesting, but tasteless.
At the same time, Aquarius always loudly condemns other people's dishes. In restaurants, dissatisfied with ingredients or serving. Cooking TV shows have no idea how to properly mash or make sushi. Internet recipes are full of outright nonsense, according to the Aquarius chef. Everything needs improvement.
It is interesting that the author of the dishes himself really likes his works. He will gladly tell you how yesterday he sprinkled pasta not with cheese, but with chopped mint caramels, and this is amazing, new and fresh.
Aquarians are not discouraged - fewer and fewer people are ready to come to their dinner, but this does not stop them. Cooking is a pleasure for the sake of the process, not the result.
Scorpio treats cooking with contempt. For yourself, a sandwich with cheese will go, for breakfast - a boiled egg. Something that cannot be spoiled. After all, cooking is boring, useless and tedious, according to Scorpio.
Men and women born under this sign cannot stand to stand behind the stove, to cut something, to clean something. If you really need it, then Scorpio can do something simple and quick. Pasta with canned sauce is the crown of his craft. Decorate the dish with chopped parsley? The cuisine is too high, but for the sake of his beloved Scorpio will condescend to this.
At the same time, Scorpios love to eat deliciously, only someone else has to cook. Scorpios know how to enjoy exquisite flavor combinations, will appreciate culinary novelties and will warmly thank you for a delicious dish.
People who are at home on the stove can cook something more difficult than an omelet - for Scorpio they are real heroes. On the other hand, apparently, that person simply does not have such important things to do, and he can afford to spend 20-40 minutes cooking.
a lion
You can never convince Leo that he cooks mediocre. Even if the guests start spitting food right at the table, Leo will not take it personally. After all, he follows all the instructions in culinary publics and programs.
Buys only the best and most expensive products. Leo does not skimp on kitchen appliances. Stocked up with exclusive spices. In his opinion, he did everything in general to make the dish perfect.
Leo does not have the most important thing - culinary taste. It seems to him that by putting as many ingredients in food as possible, he will be able to create a masterpiece. He expands the most common recipes 2-3 times. So, in the borscht from Lev you will find, among other things, artichokes and capers, real Indian curry, plus sweet potatoes to the potatoes. And meat - there will be a lot of it, and this is expensive mutton.
If Leo has Instagram, then he is full of photos of his masterpieces with detailed descriptions. The photo still looks all right, but it's better not to catch the eye of Leo when he invented something new and wants to find a test subject.
Sagittarians only cook when needed. In other cases - ready-made food, restaurants, ordering meals at home. In general, of all the signs, only Sagittarius admit that they and cooking are incompatible.
Sagittarius has a minimal gentleman's set in the refrigerator: eggs, a pack of butter, juice, water, milk, bread, mayonnaise. Sometimes sausage and cheese, but this is only if a meeting of guests is planned.
Sagittarius prefers to invite guests and lovers to good restaurants, where it will definitely be delicious. On the other hand, Sagittarius has a great taste for alcohol. Not in the sense that Sagittarius drink a lot, no. They know how to choose and combine very high quality drinks, they always recognize fakes.
From childhood, the Sagittarius girl realized that her mother and grandmother can cook - they have delicious food, does not burn, does not stick together. And she herself will eat with her mother in the kitchen for as long as common sense allows. A Sagittarius is very lucky if his partner has good culinary skills. Then there will be no problems - the kitchen is completely at his disposal.
Gemini has 2-3 signature dishes. Any unusual salad or baked meat, soup or pie. Everything else - no matter how cool, but it does not work. With this recipe, Gemini walks proudly through life. They often share it or, conversely, make a mysterious face and broadcast about a certain ingredient that is very difficult to find.
Such a unique ability to cook delicious 1-2 or 3 dishes plays into their hands for a long time. A Gemini woman can delight her lover with delicious cutlets at least every week, until he realizes that she simply cannot cook anything else tasty.
Although, this is enough. On other days, she is either very busy, or has already had lunch, or drags you to the cafe after work. Some will never understand that Gemini can only cook one thing well.
It is worth taking Gemini's successful dishes as a kind of "bird's milk" - rare, tasty, valuable, such that you simply cannot eat every day. Praise the dishes, ask them to cook more and bring friends to try.
How other signs of the zodiac are prepared
Cancers also cannot boast of some incredible success in cooking. They have decently mastered routine homemade dishes, but they are also made without pleasure.
Taurus and Capricorns respect good cuisine and know how to cook. They can boast that everything turns out deliciously for them. Most of all addiction to hot dishes, meat and soups. But they are not friends with sweets, whatever one may say.
Aries is also good at cooking. Many of them even become successful chefs, but cooking at home is only on holidays.
Pisces and Virgos prefer haute cuisine and try to cook something out of the ordinary. Here it is 50-50 - sometimes it turns out incredibly successfully, and sometimes the guests just shrug their shoulders over the incomprehensible look and taste of food.
Libra selects recipes very carefully. They do not know how to experiment themselves, but doing everything exactly according to the instructions is quite. And it turns out great. The main thing for a Libra is to have a clear plan with pictures, photos, measurements. Then the dish will come out even better than in the picture.
Yes, not all signs know how to cook well and tasty. It's great that the Stars gave everyone the same gifts, but in different areas. So these 5 signs are very talented, but not in the kitchen.