American style in the interior 100 photo ideas of design and arrangement

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Flexibility and democracy American style makes it relevant for a wide variety of sectors of the population. Because of this it can equally well exist in the rich mansions and town houses of ordinary employees. The direction can be traced synthesis of different styles - Art Deco, country, classical. For proper organization of space in accordance with the principles of the American style is necessary to spacious room. Such conditions allow the housing to fill with air and raskreposhchennosti freedom - the main component of the trends.


  • Personal style: the history and characteristics of different years
  • variety of styles
    • American neoclassical
    • modern American
    • American country style
  • The characteristic features of the style
  • Traditional colors style
  • The choice of materials for finishing
    • Walls
    • Floor
    • Ceiling
  • Lighting
  • Furniture: selection and placement
  • Textile
  • Accessories and decor
  • Examples and advice in the design of the different rooms in the apartment
    • Entrance hall / corridor
    • Living room
    • Kitchen
    • Bedroom
    • bathroom
  • Particulars of the house in American style
  • conclusion

Personal style: the history and characteristics of different years

The emergence of American style had in the first half of the seventeenth century. It was at this time the first European settlers began to explore the unknown, but equally attractive and inviting overseas continent. Wealthy immigrants sought to build his house in the spirit of the native culture. Recreate the situation on the ground has not been so easy. Deficiency of suitable fabrics and finishing materials is allowed thoroughly to transfer characteristics of the different interior styles. Therefore, in the design of buildings used elements from different international destinations - in the literal sense - something that was available. This was the reason for departing from the stiffness inherent in the interior of the "Old World." Style gradually became more distinctive.

The interior of an American-style

Initially, even the expensive furniture was simple and functional - in line with the fashion trends of English. By 1780 bygone simplicity replaced respectable carvings and curved eaves. At the same time, there are the first examples of true American furniture - wardrobes in the form of chests, hoisted one another, or secretaries with wavy outlines.

Painting over the sofa

By the early nineteenth century, the formation of the American style is almost completed. Its main features of steel restraint, concise inlay, intensive natural coloring and clear geometric shapes.

After the early twentieth century, the World Exhibition in Paris the industrial achievements of the whole world and America, including by the idea of ​​Art Deco. Confirmation of this luxurious, extravagant interiors, which starred the famous Hollywood films of the time.

Sideboard in the dining area

About half a century, the demand for products in the Art Deco style was not reduced. When all the passion subsided, manufacturers have attempted to bring new excitement, popularizing rural subjects. But calls to live in harmony with nature impressed not all so advertised while style Country did not find sufficient support, although some pullback towards this direction yet He traced.

American interior tends to present day refined minimalism and a careful selection of every detail. Modern furniture manufacturers in the United States are focused on comfort, functionality and beauty, not the puffy luxury.

Ottoman in the living room

variety of styles

On the formation of the American style reflected the influence of the different parts of the world. The United States has always been attractive to foreign citizens. They moved en masse from other continents in pursuit of the American dream, but at the same time brought with them a piece of their culture. Contribute to the development of this area have come from Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. It combines the features of many cultures, which is reflected in the interiors. American style can be divided into different categories depending on the style characteristics specific to a particular locality. Allocate a classic, modern, neo-classical, country.

American style in the interiorBlinds on the windowShelves on the sides of the fireplaceBuffet-island in the kitchenCandles on the mantelpieceLamps on tables on either side of the sofa

American neoclassical

The main feature of these interiors - refined simplicity and elegance, and a certain flexibility. Here, modern technology and innovative construction materials live well with the classical principles of formation of space. The design is quite possible presence of plastic trim, fabrics made from mixed materials, imitation fireplace.

American neo-classical style in the interior

modern American

A characteristic feature of modern trends - a combination of functionality and comfort. Comfortable furniture current form is spread in accordance with the classical principles. Despite the predominance of modern furniture in the interior may be present elements of classical and art deco. Inclusion in the atmosphere of classic details, along with elements of high-tech - is often used in the creation of contemporary American interiors. In the decoration of classical fireplace can coexist with ultra-modern features, futuristic lamps with exotic vases and figurines, mirror mosaic with Karetnaya tie.

See also:Grunge style in the interior

The modern American style in the interior

American country style

The direction was born in affluent suburban homes, and not in the provinces, as many believe. Cheapness and austerity are not critical features of this style. Wooden finish walls, floors, exposed beams on the ceiling, rough furniture from untreated wood - the characteristics of a country. An essential attribute of the living room - fireplace in front of a sitting area with comfortable upholstered furniture, upholstered in leather or fabrics with a coarse natural composition. Style very close to nature, since it is based on the use of sustainable materials and natural colors.

As you can see, the American interiors have fundamental differences, and may be presented as a classic form of presentable and functional modern or rustic.

American country style in the interior

The characteristic features of the style

The United States has led to a complex multi-ethnic character of the collective American style. He is a typical combination of European, African and the eastern approach to the selection of accessories and alignment of the interior of the ensemble, and combines traditional and trendy trends. Room decorated in this style, on the one hand, accurate and presentable, on the other - are simple, functional and gravitate to nature.

Imitation of luxury - one of the features of American style

For the American design direction is characterized by:

  • imitation luxury, replacing natural materials decoration of plastic and MDF;
  • the predominance of the most economical localized coverage - availability sconces, floor lamps, table lamps. Central light is used in the living room;
  • the division of space into zones with the help of mobile partitions, open shelves;
  • combining rooms with different functionality - the kitchen can be in the same room with dining area, sleeper or foyer is often combined with a living room;
  • furniture arrangement on the center of the room and not the walls.
Locker in the cornerPillows on the couchFloor lamp near the fireplaceThe second light in the interiorScreen between the living room and kitchen

Traditional colors style

The dominant colors in the interior of the US are:

  • White - can serve as a basis for any allocation of certain elements in the interior. More likely to use the warm, pleasant eye shades of white - milk, cream. They are incredibly colorful look combined with natural materials, coloring, shade and complement them;
  • Beige - popular in alliance with white, either as a primary color. Less grades compared to the previous shade and does not require applying a Herculean effort to maintain a decent appearance of the premises;
  • Sand - dim yellow color, often acting as expressive accents. This color can be painted fragment of the wall, carpet, upholstered furniture;
  • Chocolate - additional color, which allows to separate the individual elements of interior decoration and give depth and relief. This color can be painted curtains, carpet, chair, rug, or beams on the ceiling.
The interior in the American style with bright colors

The bedroom can be present blue and crimson shades. Great decor in gilt metal or color. These colors are ideally combined with a basic palette of styles. The interior is also welcome contrast combinations:

  • white with red and dark brown;
  • white with blue and sand;
  • white with blue and red;

American interior is not worth oversaturate bright colors. Finishing the floor, walls, ceiling, colors large furniture should be low-key, self-colored. Bright colors are used as accents.

Doors with arches in the living roomOrchid on the tableLiving room with a bay windowPhoto in frame on the wallChandelier with candles in the living room

The choice of materials for finishing

One of the hallmarks of American interior is the apparent high cost. There often are installed simulate natural materials than real stone, solid wood, ceramics. Popular elements of decoration are a variety of moldings, moldings and cornices. They can be any color and should sound pretty massive. They closed the place of any joints, transition one material to another, process portals are doorways.

Stone in interior decoration in the American styleConsole in the living roomLamp on the ceilingThe mirror in the alcoveMultilevel ceiling in the bedroomThe mirror on the fireplace


Wall finishing materials used are quite simple. Surface or painted in one color with paint or wallpaper paste over self-colored. Materials with patterns serve to highlight accent wall or a portion thereof. Such a combination allows the blades to make the interior more expressive, to emphasize its strengths. In America, the popular songs from the wall trim panels. As a rule, they are glued around the perimeter of the room, from the floor and ending at a height of 1.5 m Another way to design -. Pasting one wall entirely.

The panels on the walls in the interior of an American-style


Equipment for flooring often choose light laminate. In rare cases, preference is given to the floorboard. Porcelain tiles and tiles used infrequently. These materials occasionally veneer flooring in the kitchen or bathroom. Carpets in American interiors are not very popular. But to create coziness and comfort of a small fleecy product traditionally feature in master and guest bedrooms. Often preferred monochrome carpet, sometimes soft zone in the living room is decorated with carpet with geometric or floral patterns, or carpet with a long nap.

See also:Art Deco interior - style features

Laminate floor in the interior of an American-style


The ceiling is often nevychurny, painted in white color. In other cases, the box-like structure made of carved wood, MDF, plastic or drywall, give the room a luxurious appearance. When creating an interior in the style of the country decorate the ceiling with massive beams of natural wood or imitation thereof. Sometimes the ceiling surface or fragments Wallpapers.

Bright ceiling in the interior in the American style


Spacious rooms require careful thought lighting scenarios each zone.

For US destinations it characterized by the use of:

  • spotlights on the perimeter of the room or to a private dwelling in a large room zones with different functionality;
  • solid chandelier with a plurality of arms and in the central part of hangers living room, dining or sleeping area;
  • Adding a local lighting equipment - all kinds of table lamps, floor lamps, sconces, lamps.
Interior lighting in the American style

Lighting in the American interior preferable to make a natural, diffused and soft.

Beams on the ceilingArch in the bedroomTV on the wallCeiling moldingsLamps above the fireplace

Furniture: selection and placement

Characteristic features of the selection and arrangement of furniture

  1. Interior objects located in the central part of the room or a dedicated area with a specific functionality. Along the walls it is not set. Spacious rooms have to to organize convenient composition, grouping them in the middle. For example, a sofa and a chair are placed around the coffee table, dining table arranged in such a manner that it remains free passage from either side, and chairs surround it. The bedroom occupies the central zone of the bed, and often have an "island" in the kitchen in the middle.
  2. Most often selected a massive large-sized comfortable furniture and the kitchen is also functional.
  3. Even for the room divided by the area selected furniture items from the same lot. They must be combined with each other for the manufacture of materials, design, drawing, coloring and texture.
Furniture in the interior of an American-styleBright living room sofaChair in the cornerArch in the living roomThe skin on the floorThe clock above the table


For a classic American-style characterized by the use of high-quality textiles, decorated in stylish uncomplicated by tailoring the composition. Curtains usually made of leather or a mixed one-color fabric. Sometimes, it may be present small geometric patterns. In this style of place grand and lush flounces, ruffles and pelmets. Instead of the usual curtains allowed to use Japanese panels, roman shades or blinds.

Textiles in the interior of an American-styleA table behind the sofaSand wall in the living roomRound table in living roomA table with a lamp in the windowThe chandelier over the dining table

Accessories and decor

Designers do not recommend to overload the interior massive decorative elements. Here it is appreciated and comfort, so much more suitable indoor plants, flower arrangements, paintings, murals and photos in beautiful frames, decorative pillows to match the curtains and soft blankets. Create a cozy atmosphere will help waybill decorative fireplace.

The decor in the interior of an American-styleThe lamp on the tableWicker chair by the hearthLamps on the sides of the pictureStriped curtainsPotted trees in the dining room

Examples and advice in the design of the different rooms in the apartment

Choosing American style for the decoration of the apartment, you need to understand the following - to achieve compliance with the qualities inherent in this area, in a limited space is incredibly difficult. But compliance with certain recommendations on the choice of materials and furniture arrangement will help in achieving this goal even in a one-bedroom apartment or studio. Variants of the interior in the American style shown in the photo.

Making room in the American styleWoven carpet on the floorBooks on shelvesTV in the bedroomWhite furniture in the kitchen A large mirror in the living room

Entrance hall / corridor

Large space, bright palette, the almost complete lack of decor - the perfect solution for the hallway. Features American-style allow to obtain a spacious, empty is unobscured and space that will cheer up the residents at each return home.

Hallway in the American style

For finishing desirable to select monochrome or wallpaper with a fine pattern. They look great in combination with light-colored panels of wood or MDF. You can select and coating of bright colors. The main thing that they are in harmony with each other and the overall design of the apartment.

It is advisable to use natural wood furniture. In a small space is to abandon excess furniture. The spacious room, in contrast, do not deprive yourself of comfort and in addition to the wardrobe, it is worth to place a chest of drawers, a small sofa, wicker chairs and a table.

Mirror in the hallwayHanger on the wallLaminate in the hallwaySliding doors in the interiorOttoman in the hallway

Living room

It is also necessary to equip the living room, so that it remains comfortable, light and airy. The main role is played by the massive upholstered furniture, which is better positioned in the center of the room near the fireplace or a big TV panel. Chairs and sofa are concentrated around a miniature coffee table. Between subjects aged quite a serious distance. Instead of overstuffed chairs, wicker analogues can be used from the headset. Technical devices, library, decorative elements are arranged in specially designed niches. Horizontal surfaces, as a rule, free of decoration and gadgets. The interior is not allowed to use bulky cabinets or racks.

See also:Neoclassical interior: design ideas apartments

Living in the American styleBlue sofa in interiorChest against the wallFicus in the living roomThe paintings on the sides of the cabinetDecorative palm tree in the corner


American style - the perfect choice for large kitchens. The two-bedroom apartments catering department should be combined with the living room. zoning method allows to visually distinguish the cooking space from a dining area. You can use low light partitions, shelves with through shelves, sliding panels. you can simply expand the couch to the kitchen area, if desired. Another option - to isolate it with a chest of drawers on which will be placed houseplants.

Each area should have its own local lighting. Above the dining table you can place a large chandelier.

American style kitchen

Furniture set is better to choose from an array or coated imitating natural wood. Matt surfaces facades do not have a lot of decoration. In US very popular kitchen island element is an element with built-in headset hob, sink or more working area. Bars are also welcome. Their kitchen can be separated from the living room. Most often, Americans are choosing U-shaped model of the headset. Built-in appliances is more preferable. Another mandatory element - a massive dome hood.

Built-in lights on the ceilingRound window in the interiorFurniture with marble topsChess tiles on the floorKitchen with a parallel plan


The bedrooms can combine classical and country. Here there is an impressive overall furniture, bright pastel colors and cozy textiles. For bed is characterized by a high headboard and stools by the legs. On both sides of the headboard placed two bedside tables, equipped with drawers and lamps - Table or wall lamp. To accommodate the bedding and clothing should provide chest of drawers, and if space allows - spacious wardrobe or dressing room. The modern interior fit perfectly wicker chairs and a metal bed.

Mirrors above the tablesBedroom, American-styleThe picture at the headMirror on the floorWardrobe doorThe seat in the bay window


Bathroom in the American home, usually equipped with a window overlooking a sufficient amount of light. Most often, the house has several toilets - Master's - just around the bedroom and a guest - at the entrance. Third placed next to the children's room. Bathroom is usually combined with a toilet and contains a minimum of furniture. As a general rule, limited to the cupboard under the sink and hanging locker with a mirror in the access door. The bathroom has a bath is always present. In the presence of additional free space may be a shower, tub, but always in priority. It is often placed under a window or in the middle of the room. Zone to the toilet typically separated by a partition. As the flooring using waterproof laminate or tile. For the walls choose staining trim panels. Decorate the window light curtain.

Bathroom, American-style

Particulars of the house in American style

In the American home living room designed for entertaining. It does not take off your shoes, so choose the most practical and durable materials. Often only family time placed another cozy living room in the attic. Another option - is to equip a room for a teenager, equipping it with modern audio and other technical devices - here the loud music would not want.

Favorite place where the whole family - dining room. During the meal discussed important family issues taken landmark decisions. The environment should create a cozy and homely atmosphere.

House in American styleThe mirror above the sofaFloor lamp in the dining areaDecorative fireplace in the living roomBlue carpet on the floor light

In the design of the kitchen is valued environmental friendliness. It is much more important than appearance. In most cases, the headset and dinner groups such interiors are made of natural wood.

In American homes usually provides for a few sleeping rooms. Head of the family live in the most spacious, the rest goes to the children. If the plan allows, certainly stands out space for the guest room. In the bedrooms there is an overabundance of furniture and decor. In the design uses bright, fresh colors.

Basket with firewood hearth

Bathrooms often several. Ideally it should be a separate one for each bedroom. In the bathroom there is no equipment - boilers, washers and dryers. For them, the house has a separate room or a place in the cellar.

Wallpaper under a brick in the interiorThe shelves above the fireplaceDark wood furniture in the living roomThe painting in the dining areaWallpaper with patterns on the walls


American style - combines elements of classical modernity. Flexibility and liberality of trends allows to translate it into any project with a sufficient houses.