Stalians - a popular architectural trend in the 30-60 years of the twentieth century. Unlike other residential buildings Stalin era (barracks, coupled odnoetazhek, brick houses without any conveniences) here has a full water supply, sewerage, heating, several separate rooms. Stalin's empire in the interior of modern houses, apartments - cozy, solemn, and relevant to this day.
- History of style
- The characteristic features of the style
- Features color palette
- What materials are used in the decoration of rooms
- The choice of furniture
- Lighting
- The choice of textiles for window decorations
Examples of room design
- Living room
- Kitchen
- Bedroom
- Cabinet Library
- hallway
- Elements of the Stalinist decor, accessories
- conclusion
History of style
This style originated in the USSR mid 30-ies of XX century. Initially Empire - grandiose, magnificent architectural movement that emerged since the First Napoleon in France. In the 30 years of the twentieth century, these luxurious and monumental buildings were built in the Soviet Union, when the country began to manage I. AT. Stalin. In the 50s this kind of architecture began to criticize sharply, considering impermissible for a Soviet man overkill, and after Stalin's death, all ongoing projects greatly simplified, eliminating to the maximum the decor in some places dramatically reduce the total area, height ceilings. Large apartments were mostly brought to "communal", inhabited by several families at the same time, taking advantage of a common kitchen and bathroom.

The characteristic features of the style
Apartment-standard "stalinka" consists of three to five, at least two or six or seven separate rooms, a kitchen, an area of seven to fifteen square meters, a huge living room, a spacious hallway. One room built very rarely, and "treshki" sometimes two rooms were adjacent. All rooms have a ceiling height of more than three meters, elongated vertical windows opening onto one or two sides, in some places there are bay windows. Typically, such housing is located in the "historic" center of a large town - the view from the windows offer appropriate.

Apartment design since Stalin combines the individual features of the Baroque and the Napoleonic Empire, Neo-Gothic and art deco classicism and modernity. The thick walls of the era homes were made of red brick or white, other non-combustible materials, and the buildings themselves were not less than two floors, an abundance of stucco, these columns. The doors are also quite high, often - folding walls are decorated with cornices and wide "ceremonial" ladder - carpet.

In another way, "Stalinka" were called "full-length flats" or "Full houses in the 50s." Luxurious and are processed on a large scale, not only houses, but also theaters, departmental buildings, subway stations, sports facilities and universities. urban buildings grouped in ensembles, the then architects have tried to use all the achievements of construction and fine arts. Throughout acted principle - "the more, the better", megalomania and optimism.

Features color palette
The colors of the interiors of the first half of the XX century is very modest, almost devoid of bright colors. Furnishing selected predominantly dark wall - pastel shades, carpets - red-brown, the doors between the rooms - white with multi-colored glazing.

The most suitable color combinations:
- linen with mahagonevym;
- agate gray with terracotta;
- Swamp with orange trees;
- antique and azure with a beige and red;
- lavender with dark brass;
- pale gold to chocolate brown;
- bluish-green with a beaver;
- Protective-blue with light brown;
- Mustard with iron-gray;
- emerald green with a brick;
- brown-orange with khaki;
- coral and cream;
- creamy-yellow to violet-black;
- dandelion with opal-green;
- ocher with silvery-pink.
See also:Soviet style in the interior 75 photo examples

Even monochrome interior permits the presence of bright color accents - curtains, cushions, carpets, paintings on the walls.

What materials are used in the decoration of rooms
Finishing materials are used only natural:
- Stone - predominantly granite, marble;
- Chart - oak, pine, spruce, cherry, hornbeam, walnut, Karelian Birch et al .;
- metals - bronze, brass, steel, silver, etc .;
- crystal;
- ceramics;
- gypsum.

The floors are usually laid out with parquet, disposable "herringbone", but overall the entire apartment, and separately for each room. The walls are decorated molded panels, half-columns, plaster brackets caissons, corner members, and textured recesses al. On the ceiling there is a mandatory stucco outlet under the chandelier, the same intricate ceiling moldings, and other similar decorations. The doors are made of wood, plywood, panels have, handle, painted with gold paint, cover with a bulk thread. In color they match the flooring or stained with white paint.

The floors in the bathroom, kitchen with ceramic tiles laid out, at least - a natural stone, mostly red-brown colors, and the walls - bright tiles, richly decorated with floral ornaments, a narrow contrast allowed border.

The choice of furniture
Furnishing selected luxurious, sound, solid, preferably made of natural wood (oak, walnut, rosewood) and metal. She often lacquered, decorated with carvings of volume, mosaics. It slides carved with "crowns", sideboards convex shape, round or oval dining tables, leather chairs and sofas with high backs, the heavy wooden chairs with turned legs, beds with balls or spikes on corners. Woodcarving is hailed as a difficult subject bas-reliefs, and a simple "geometrichki". Valid false welt elements of fine wood. Also natural or artificial skin, as upholstery fabrics using different - monochrome or with plant ornaments.

The main lighting unit of the era - a luxurious chandelier, which is located in the middle of the ceiling. Later, similar structures were made of plastic, which greatly affected the appearance of the device durability. Particular areas covered floor standard lamps, often having textile plafones decorated flower ornaments and fringe. Wall sconces are usually stilizuemye under the torches were mounted on bronze curly brackets on the kitchen table, bed. The workplace is highlighted in the table lamp with a green shade, on a flexible basis. In the children except the main light were small lamp, included in the outlet, with a stone or plastic design. The modern design is complemented by time LED that the correct approach does not infringe the basic style.

The choice of textiles for window decorations
Window Treatments chosen dense, heavy, creating a festive atmosphere. They have several layers, a large number of folds, fringe, tassels. The bedroom curtains, blackout preferred that protect the sleeper from the morning sunlight in the kitchen - a shorter, lighter. Doorways are decorated with the same curtains as the window, tied up with golden cords, picked up. Natural fabrics are preferred, plain, calm colors or sharply contrasting with the color scheme of the walls. It is desirable that the curtains match the color with the bedspreads, carpets and other indoor textiles.
See also:Country style in the interior 100 photo examples

If you have multiple windows on one wall, they decorate a common curtains, overlapping almost the entire wall completely.

Examples of room design
The total area of the Stalinist two-bedroom apartments - about 30 meters, four-room - about 60 meters, semikomnatnoy - up to 160 "squares". The greater the rooms, the more spacious making each of them.
What are the premises were:
- kitchen;
- one or more bedrooms;
- office;
- living room;
- bath or shower;
- restroom;
- hall;
- pantry.

Dressing rooms in those days there was no - clothes stored in closets, pantries. For special children's bedrooms furniture, except for the crib, cradle, did not exist - for this purpose were selected the smallest room where the crib set, a simple cupboard, a table with a chair, a box with toys hanged book shelf.
Apartments Stalinist era rife with high built-in cupboards which house most of the things in the rooms because a lot of space left for books and decorative items.

Living room
Stalin living area from 16 to 30 square meters. Ceilings, partially walls richly decorated with stucco, the middle - tier chandelier made of crystal. Along one wall - a wall cupboard, which necessarily have a lot of thick books with neat "roots", and glazed sections - beautiful ceramic tableware, tea set for six to twelve people, a lot of china statuettes.

The main decoration of the living room - TV, it is placed on a stand with four legs-cones or mural console, decorated with stucco. In the center of one wall are located floor or hanging a striking clock, richly decorated threaded on a few others - paintings in the spirit of the gruff "Soviet realism", decorated heavy frames. Without fail there is a sofa, covered in luxurious fabrics, supplemented by a couple of chairs, a carved vanity. All furniture elements combine patterned carpet, occupying most of the room. Also permissible Mural depicting the urban landscape of the mid-twentieth century.
If possible, you should observe the principles of symmetry with respect to the composite center of the room - fireplace, TV, sofas, paintings and others.

Kitchen Stalin's Empire style has a surface area of 7 to 15 meters. Kitchen set as such is usually absent, there is a not very spacious wardrobe, sideboard with dishes, table linen, short rounded refrigerator. Working table top is made from natural stone or oak, boxes are placed underneath, section silverware, various kitchen utensils. The small appliances placed on any horizontal surfaces. Dining area dining table is made out, the laid cloth with a fringe, chairs and drape removable covers. In prominent places are crystal vase for fruits, potted foliage plants, heavy metal candelabra.
See also:Mediterranean style in the interior - 40 photo ideas

The average area of any of the bedrooms - about nine meters. Single or double bed is located in the center of one of the walls, the headboard is made stucco moldings, next to her - one or two tables or a carved dresser with woodcarving in color curtains. Shelves above the bed decorated with black and white photographs in wooden frames, small figurines made of copper or bronze. It also placed a small glossy two-door wardrobe, while Lockable, at least - forged chest for storing clothes, various "belongings." Beige and brown striped wallpaper with floral ornaments or complement the chosen style. Be sure to lay the carpet on the floor, at his request supplement the wall.

If the room seem cramped, opposite the window a large mirror, which reflects light from the window, greatly expands the space.

Cabinet Library
It was believed that the USSR have read all the books because every family had a lot. Work cabinet with a desk usually combined with a library representing racks from solid wood to the ceiling. Sometimes they hide the surfaces of all the walls, and to get the desired book from the top shelf, had to use stepladder or a special wooden stand with two or three steps, because the ceiling height is often made about four meters.

In the modern version of the book may be a little smaller and is replaced by a computer desk. On open shelves of a plaster or bronze statues, stylized that era. On the wall hung a map of the Soviet Union, a red flag or coat of arms of the image.

This room is made not less luxurious than any other. On the floor - parquet, herringbone or real marble on the walls - dark patterned wallpaper, incongruous with wood paneling on the ceiling - stucco and light ball. From furniture appropriate here carved trellis, wooden or metal wall hanger, a small couch, combined with a shelf for installing a home phone. The carpeting also have "in the subject."

Elements of the Stalinist decor, accessories
Decorative elements of the Stalinist Empire style is very distinctive - five-pointed star, the hammer and sickle, picture ears of wheat tied with a ribbon, laurel wreaths. This three-dimensional plaster or carved panels depicting ordinary working people, working people enthusiastically for the benefit of a great country. On the shelves, tables and other prominent places are bronze, wood, porcelain figurines and sculptures of ideological orientation. Also, there are reliefs of lions and inlay with pictures of public events.

Stalin's interior style - the unique phenomenon of the Soviet era, the echoes of which are organically look at the present, though monumental antique columns replaced the foam imitation, lamp black and white television - Color LCD and sturdy oak sideboards - mirrored wardrobe MDF. Quality stylization is possible in today's large buildings with the help of this "historical" pieces of furniture, decor, textiles, preserved by collectors since the time or appropriate their imitations made by designers late XX - early XXI century.