Tulle on Eyelets: examples for the kitchen and bedrooms, veil, photo in the interior

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Making window openings play a significant role in the overall interior of the dwelling. Curtains should be qualitatively room to hide from prying eyes, prevent excessive penetration of sunlight, intelligently supplement the selected design style.

Curtains design is determined not only a kind of material and color, but also the way to securing the article to the eaves.

However, the selection of the successful dealing curtains should not be limited. It is important to choose the right every detail: from the kind of cornice, finishing type fastening. Especially popular now enjoys the tulle on the eyelets.

Today, tulle on the grommet is considered one of the most popular options for decorating.

Eyelets are special collars for mounting. They fit perfectly into the current trends styles in harmony with the classics, make blind installation process as simple as possible. Read more about the features of the use of tulle on the grommet in decorating the windows covered in this publication.

Eyelets - metal or plastic rings which are threaded in the upper part of the curtains and are threaded onto the ledge.


  • 1 Curtains on the grommet: a brief description of the species
    • 1.1 varieties of eyelets
  • 2 We select the option for the kitchen, bedroom
    • 2.1 Tulle with rings in the kitchen
    • 2.2 Long tulle bedroom
  • 3 Veil on the grommet: a combination of practicality with bold design
    • 3.1 Short description
    • 3.2 The use of the interior
  • 4 select a cornice
  • 5 Voile, tulle on Eyelets: How to hang a photo in the interior
  • 6 VIDEO: Beautiful tulle on the eyelets.
  • 7 Tulle on eyelets - 50 photos in a variety of interiors:

Curtains on the grommet: a brief description of the species

Tulle - one of the most popular items for decorating the windows. It is used for the windows of different shapes, sizes. Fabric curtains so very thin, almost transparent. However, it is perfectly cope with their basic functions, can be used alone, in combination with curtains. Light curtain can be made from natural and synthetic materials. Popular cotton, linen, polyester. Fabric is inexpensive.

Its main feature is that it can be painted in absolutely any color.

Eyelets are sleeves, small rings. They are located in the upper part of the dense curtains. Rings are used for fixing on the ledge. They give the veil on the eyelets presentable appearance.

Fixing rings provide striking visual appearance of the curtain that beautiful waves subside downward.

varieties of eyelets

classification feature Types, a brief description of
The size There are small, medium, large rings. The largest have a diameter of no more than seven centimeters.
Color This option is almost unlimited. Plastic types can be self-colored, white, transparent, colored. Metal - usually gold and silver.
Material Products made from various materials: metal, plastic, wood. When choosing a need to consider the overall style of the bedroom, kitchen, children, or any other room, to which the selected shutter.
The form There are round, oval, square products. Some manufacturers offer a sleeve in the form of various animals, snowflakes. But finding them is problematic.

If you have firmly decided to sew tulle on the eyelets, then you need to know that these are mounting decorated by different materials.

We select the option for the kitchen, bedroom

Stylish tulle on the rings - the perfect design solution for residential and non-residential rooms for various purposes. It can be used for window decoration in the room, nursery, bedroom, kitchen, balcony.

eyelets effect in such situations, it is difficult to overestimate, because the tulle in itself - a simple cloth, and these rings make it really beautiful and presentable.

However, the model choice for each room has its own characteristics. Below we consider the details of the selection of curtains for the kitchen, bedroom.

The color of the rings is chosen to match the fabrics, eaves, furniture in the room, which will create a single composition.

Tulle with rings in the kitchen

Choosing tulle to the kitchen on the eyelets, you need to take into account some characteristics of the premises. The kitchen is often strange odor is present, the bright sunlight. This room is often in need of cleaning, because here are the best culinary masterpieces, is seated at the table the whole family. Blinds do not absorb odors, easily removed from the eaves, without problems washed in the washing machine.

To form on the lace curtains of beautiful folds, it is necessary to strengthen the upper part of a special thick tape.

Also, when choosing a kitchen tulle need to consider the following recommendations.

  • Do not buy the model to the floor. The kitchen is more relevant look easy, short curtains. Long fabric will look good in the dining room interior.

Give the room more light and space is possible by means of transparent tulle, it looks soft and fresh and lets in a lot of sunlight.

  • Fabric products to be blended. Extreme option - flax. Such fabrics are easy to wash when needed.

Curtains on the grommet attract attention so that they form a beautiful uniform folds.

Note! That the web retains its appearance for a long time, you need to take into account the particular care given tissue. Do not exceed the temperature wash cycle, ironing specified by the manufacturer.

  • When buying a ready-made curtains should consider features of your kitchen. Play the role of all the characteristics: size, style interior, the color of furniture. Thus, for small spaces should choose a web of light colored fabric.

    Lighter shade will increase the space visually.

  • It is necessary to take into account the location of the plate for safety. If the stove is located near the windows, cloth length should not be below the sill.

If among the ready-made models can not find a suitable, you can sew the curtains with his hands.

Long tulle bedroom

Long tulle on the rings in the picture always looks amazing. This option is considered ideal for the bedroom. It can be safely combined with blinds, shutters.

Depending on the style of interior, porters can be combined with curtains, roller and roman curtains.

Color blind must harmonize with the main color in the design. If the bedroom is small, it is better to give preference to lighter shades: white, beige. A large size of the room will give more freedom to choose. One can look at the model with small or medium drawing, bright colors.

Bedroom should choose models made of natural materials: cotton, linen.

Important! Red, yellow or black curtain in the interior at first glance looks stylish, fascinating. However, at the same time to use a little bit too bright colors in the design of the bedroom is not desirable. They can adversely affect the process of falling asleep.

Colorful colors excite the brain centers, not giving relax and tune in to sleep.

Veil on the grommet: a combination of practicality with bold design

Seeing once veil pictured eyelets, you will understand without explanation why such models are in high demand for many years in a row. They are perfect for different styles and directions: from the classics, finishing minimalism. Veil practical, it can be washed in a washing machine using household powder.

Tulle in the grommet is not inferior to the curtains on the same fixtures and looks as elegant and aesthetically pleasing.

Short description

Veil - thin, smooth material, consisting of a blending of raw materials: cotton, polyester, wool, silk. When we look at paintings you can see the small holes of different threads weave. Veil is printed, dyed, bleached. Very popular brown, purple, yellow, white, olive colors.

The advantage is its matte veil, pleasant light shine.

The use of the interior

Veil is not a novelty in the field of decorating the windows. Most often it is used to decorate the window openings of the hall, bedrooms. It is quite possible to manage without additional curtains.

Tulle in the grommet goes well with most styles.

More modern solution - the simultaneous use of different fabrics of contrasting shades. This option is ideal for a large room with wide windows. Eyelets to veil better to buy the metal. They are ideally combined with a brilliant matt curtains.

Unlike traditional hooks, move the blade with lyuversnym mount is very easy.

select a cornice

It may be noted that the tulle on the grommet on a professional photo looks very attractive. However, the appearance of the composition depends not only on the web. It is important to choose the right one decorative element, in particular - the cornice. Cornice can be made of different materials:

  • Plastic. It is the most inexpensive option. It is offered to consumers in a variety of colors. However, it is not reliable, durable. Plastic eaves is better to buy for the light curtain to the kitchen. But expect him to long life is not worth it. The plastic may be affected by temperature changes, high humidity.

It is important to observe the rule: for fine fabrics chosen light rings of plastic.

  • Metal. These products are characterized by an exclusive design. They look elegant and refined. Metal cornice will be ideally combined with metal eyelets. This is a good solution for the decoration of the great hall. Metal cornice can be a little wider than the window. Then the shutter will not look pinched.

Denser tissues may be fixed by metal rings.

  • Wood. A great option for a child's room, bedroom. Wooden cornice is perfectly combined with metal, plastic, wooden plugs.

To choose the right coloring curtains, the room interior will look unique and rich.

Important! When buying a cornice must take into account the diameter of the sleeves. Cornice must be less than the width of rings.

Voile, tulle on Eyelets: How to hang a photo in the interior

Hang the fabric in several ways:

  • the cornice-bar,
  • with hooks on the cornice,
  • for special clamps installed in the wall.

Curtains and cornice should constitute a single whole.

The easiest way to choose the first option. Mounting does not take even two minutes. The main condition - the cornice-Rod should be less than the diameter of the ring. Number of rings must be paired. Then the edges of the curtains will be rotated in one direction.

If you want you arrange the window, then choose the tulle on the eyelets. Such webs convenient to use, they are a long time do not lose attractive appearance.

View ways of combining with other curtains curtains visually see the eyelets of various sizes in the interior can be in the photo posted in this publication.

VIDEO: Beautiful tulle on the eyelets.

Tulle on eyelets - 50 photos in a variety of interiors: