Room on the balcony: options for converting into a living space, interior photos

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To expand the area of ​​apartments, the owners are increasingly adapting the balcony to extend the apartment. In order for this repair to be of high quality and durable, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the information on how to make the room presented below from the loggia.

Small workplace on the balcony with white curtains

The balcony can be a useful extension of the living area of ​​the apartment.

Basic tips for transforming a balcony into a living room


  • Basic tips for transforming a balcony into a living room
  • Options for converting a balcony into a room
    • Kitchen-balcony
    • Balcony-bedroom
    • And others
  • Choosing a style for a living room instead of a balcony
    • Modern style
    • Classical
    • And others
  • Room decoration
    • Floor finishing
    • Ceiling decoration
    • Wall decoration
  • Video: Room for a girl on an insulated balcony
  • Photos of interesting examples of converting a balcony or loggia into a living room

Balcony transformation requires thoughtful details, namely:

  1. Balcony cleaning (throwing away unnecessary things, cleaning, if required, destruction of old finishing materials).
  2. Strengthening the balcony structure.
  3. Waterproofing (protection from moisture and cold).
  4. Thermal insulation of the balcony.
  5. Glazing selection.
  6. Fine finishing of the ceiling, floor and walls.
  7. Choosing an interior design for a new room.

Most importantly, before starting the repair of the loggia, contact the state housing inspectorate. It is necessary to make all the necessary amendments to the cadastral and technical passports, and after the permission of the inspection, you can proceed to redevelopment.

Before repairing, you should understand whether an increase in square meters is really necessary. Since the alteration of an ordinary balcony into a living space will require significant time and financial costs.

Options for converting a balcony into a room

The choice of the type of new room depends on the area of ​​the loggia, your financial capabilities and desires. This can be a kitchen, a children's room, a sports corner, a bedroom, or a playroom. Below are the most popular options for arranging a balcony.


The most popular way to expand the dining area. Most often, the balcony is used as an extension of the kitchen, by demolishing the window and door block.

Dining area in the kitchen with an attached loggia

Due to the former window sill, you can expand the working area of ​​the kitchen by closing it with a countertop flush with the set

Part of the wall remaining after installation is adapted for the bar counter. A small table and chairs are placed on the side of the balcony; a folding tabletop is very convenient in this case. This saves kitchen space for appliances and free movement, and is also a great way to accommodate a large company.

On the side of the loggia, it is not recommended to place household appliances, hanging cabinets, and other bulky items, due to safety.


To equip a loggia for a bedroom, it is important to correctly insulate it and seal up all the cracks.

Bedroom interior on a glazed loggia

A sleeping place on the loggia can be a narrow bed or an ordinary mattress, just laid on the floor

On the balcony - the bedroom, as a rule, they place:

  • Sleeping place (regular bed, mattress, folding chair, couch or chaise longue).
  • Bedside table or folding table.
  • A couple of shelves and interior decorations.
  • Lighting (bulky chandeliers are undesirable).

The bedroom on the balcony has a minimalist style and is suitable for those who like to retire.

And others

Ideas on how to turn a balcony into a children's playroom are very popular. If you decide to do this, then it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations.

The use of neutral shades in the interior. There will be enough natural light to make the room look "warm", so light colors will be superfluous. A dark design will make the room look dark.

Painting the walls of the insulated balcony in gray

The universal gray color is perfect for decorating the play area on the balcony

You can place:

  • Dollhouse;
  • game fortress;
  • hammock;
  • pool with balls;
  • horizontal bar and sports equipment.

A rather unusual option is a winter room on the loggia.

Artificial grass on the balcony floor with plants

A winter garden on the balcony is the dream of many plant lovers

Plants have their own characteristics, this should be taken into account when repairing, namely:

  • Maintenance of humidity, for this there are special devices like a humidifier.
  • Additional insulation. A heater can be used.
  • Regular airing of the room. This is solved by opening the windows to micro-ventilation mode.
  • Lighting. It is necessary to install phytolamps, or ordinary mobile lamps attached to the walls.

In general, the loggia can be remade for any type of room. The main thing is to take into account the peculiarities of the types of rooms.

Choosing a style for a living room instead of a balcony

There is a great variety of styles and interior designs, and to simplify the choice during the renovation process, the most popular options are collected here.

Modern style

The modern world strives for minimalism, therefore, modern interior design is a minimum of things and functionality. The following are considered to be modern:


  • the walls are white;
  • lack of decorations and decor;
  • the ceiling is white without lamps.
Small sofa on the loggia in the style of minimalism

Laconic interior of the balcony in the style of minimalism with a monochromatic finish


  • negligence;
  • natural materials;
  • columns and beams.
Brick loft-style loggia decoration

Vintage loft in the interior of a balcony with a panoramic window

Scandinavian style

  • base - white, wood;
  • a lot of textiles.
Wooden furniture on the balcony with a plastic window

Simple wood furniture on a loggia in a Scandinavian style

High tech

  • an abundance of modern and sophisticated technology;
  • minimalistic finishing;
  • metal and glass.
High-tech style residential loggia design

High-tech loggia project with a glossy wardrobe built into the end wall

Pop Art

  • drawings, posters and accessories;
  • bright and acidic colors;
  • many souvenirs.
Hanging chair made of plastic on the loggia

A place to relax on the balcony, decorated in pop art style

Eco style

  • furniture of simple shapes;
  • natural materials;
  • plants.
Eco-style balcony space design

Eco-style balcony interior with loft elements


The classic style is a rather broad concept, everyone interprets it in their own way. But there are several features of such an interior that are unchanged:

  1. Smooth wallpaper with minimal patterns: stripes, monograms.
  2. The ceilings are decorated with stucco moldings. True, it is better to do this on high ceilings.
  3. Wooden or parquet floor.
  4. The design is based on pastel colors.
  5. Massive furniture.

The main classical styles include:

Modern style

  • all furniture is made of wood;
  • many sharp corners;
  • colors - brown, white, gold.
Interior of an open balcony in the Art Nouveau style

Relaxation area with a comfortable sofa on the balcony in Art Nouveau style


  • a lot of textiles;
  • instead of gold, silver;
  • colors - blue, white.
Provencal style glazed loggia design

Loggia in Provence style with wicker furniture complemented by soft pillows

Gothick style

  • small windows;
  • loaded interior;
  • candles and stained-glass windows.
Dark balcony with a small gothic window

The interior of the balcony in the Gothic style should resemble the setting of a medieval castle.

Baroque style

  • marble;
  • gilding;
  • stucco molding;
  • colors are pastel.
Baroque loggia interior decoration

Expensive furniture and wrought iron railings on the balcony in the Baroque style

And others

The ethnic style is also quite diverse, it allows you to create the atmosphere of any country you like in the apartment.

English style

  • colors are mostly dark;
  • natural wood furniture.
Arrangement of a home office on the balcony

Study on the balcony in the English style

Mediterranean style

  • big windows;
  • light shades.
Loggia design in a Mediterranean style apartment

Decorating the walls of the loggia in the Mediterranean style with ceramic tiles with a characteristic ornament


  • a minimum of furniture;
  • sleeping place on the floor.
Sliding doors on the balcony in oriental style

Open balcony decorated in Japanese style


  • natural fur, bamboo, leather.
Wooden windows on the balcony in African style

Interior of a glazed loggia in African style

Room decoration

The room on the balcony requires special attention to decoration, so you should stock up on time. You can start finishing only after waterproofing and insulating ceilings, walls and floors.

Floor finishing

The balcony flooring can be covered with wood, laminate, linoleum, tiles, carpet. Like the entire balcony, before finishing, the floor must be cleaned of dirt, old materials, and dried. Then the insulating material is laid. The most profitable option is penofol.

Laying penofol on the floor of a panoramic balcony

Penofol will provide high-quality vapor and waterproofing

Next, the installation of the skirting boards and the installation of the selected coating is done. In general, finishing the floor will not take long and can be done on your own.

Varnishing the floor on the glazed balcony

After installation, the wooden floor is covered with a special protective compound

Ceiling decoration

For the ceiling, you should choose materials that meet the following requirements:

  1. Ease.
  2. Safety.
  3. Resistant to moisture.

The simplest finishing option is plastering and painting. The mixture must be based on gypsum or cement.

First, old materials are removed, the cracks are sealed. Then two layers of plaster are applied. After complete drying, the ceiling is sanded and covered with textured plaster.

Waterproof lamps on the painted balcony ceiling

Ceiling painting, although it is considered the most budget finishing option, however, requires careful surface preparation.

Other options:

  • Wood trim is quite common. But for the best effect, you can decorate the walls and floor with wood. The service life of a wooden ceiling, with proper care, is more than a dozen years.
  • The ceiling can be made in panel. This option is quite economical, but at the same time reliable.
    Plastic panels are easy to install on your own, they have huge design options and are moisture resistant. Panels are recommended to lay out only the ceiling of the loggia.
  • Expanded polystyrene plates. One of the most budgetary materials. Serves as a decoration and a good heat insulator.
  • Plasterboard sheets. You should choose a moisture-resistant drywall, and after installing it, cover it with a water-repellent paint.
  • Stretch ceiling. This material is very practical, durable, and modern in appearance.
  • Laminate. This material is not recommended for finishing the ceiling of the loggia, but it has good thermal insulation and can last a long time.
    Finishing with estuary loggia in the apartment

    With the help of laminate on the balcony, you can create a stylish and modern interior

Wall decoration

The decoration of the walls of the living balcony can be absolutely any. A common option is regular painting. The type of finishing depends on your capabilities, and the interior of the loggia you have chosen.

Painting the walls of the loggia in yellow

The advantages of painting are affordable cost and the ability to choose a color at your discretion

Popular materials are also:

  • Decorative plaster. Requires leveling the wall and laying the ground.
  • Ceramic tile. The advantages of this material are its moisture resistance and durability, as well as ease of maintenance.
  • Wood. Coniferous wood is recommended as it is inexpensive and makes the interior more interesting.
    Balcony cladding with pine clapboard

    Wall decoration with wooden clapboard is suitable for both warm and cold balconies

  • Drywall. The only drawback here is that the material requires additional finishing.
  • Plastic panels. Cheap material that does not require special installation skills.

Having carried out all the above measures to expand the apartment, you can confidently settle in a new room. The main thing in such a repair is attention to detail, then everything will go quickly and easily!

Video: Room for a girl on an insulated balcony

Photos of interesting examples of converting a balcony or loggia into a living room