A chain saw is a tool for longitudinal and cross cutting of wood and metal, in which the cutting part is presented in the form of a chain assembled from links of various configurations. Chain saws there are manual, electric and gasoline. For hand saws, the translational movement of the working part is created by a person, for electric and gasoline saws, a corresponding motor. For all species, the working part is a chain. To work successfully with a saw, you need to be able to choose the right chain, for this you need to know the basic criteria.
Read in the article
- 1 Mechanical chain saw device
- 2 How to choose a chain
- 3 Chain maintenance
- 4 Conclusion
Mechanical chain saw device
In a mechanical chain saw, two structural elements should be distinguished - the engine and the sawing mechanism. The engine can be gasoline or electric. Electric motors have an average power of 2-2.5 kW and a cutting length of up to about 40 cm. Have gasoline - an engine with a capacity of up to 2 liters. with., the length of the cutting blade - up to 40 cm. Electric saws work almost silently, but only where there is power supply. True, there is a modification of cordless saws, but about batteries is a separate conversation. Petrol saws are noisy, but you can work with them anywhere and everywhere. Until the supply of gasoline runs out, but you need to carry it with you. In fig. 3 shows a diagram of the chainsaw device, but the electric saw is fundamentally different only in the engine.
The quality work of the saw depends on all its elements, but the chain interacts directly with the material. The quality of the cut depends on the shape and quality of sharpening of the chain teeth.

How to choose a chain
The choice of a chain is based on several parameters. You need to know them. It is good if the saw packaging is preserved. On it you can find all the characteristics of the chain and repeat them. Saw chains are made from tool steel. For household work, this is a perfectly suitable material. If you have to work with frozen logs, then you should choose a chain made of hard alloys.
The first step is to determine the chain pitch. This is the distance between three adjacent rivets.

The standard for household saws is ¼ ", 0.325" or 3/8 ". The next parameter is the length of the chain.It must correspond to the overhang of the headset, i.e. length of the cutting part. Chain links have their own names and purposes. The drive link paired with the drive sprocket are elements of the chain drive mechanism. The shape of the sharpening of the cutting link determines the quality of the cut. The connecting link forms a single chain. The thickness of the driving link should ideally correspond to the dimensions of the groove on the bus. The second function of this link is to distribute oil over the tire.
The type of links depends on their purpose, they are connecting, leading and working.
Working teeth are divided into left-handed and right-handed. Leading, also called shanks, are installed between the connecting and working with a certain pitch, which depends on the size of the links. Connecting, as the name implies, unite workers and leading links.

The quality of the cut depends on the shape of the sharpening of the tooth. Experts distinguish between square and round teeth. A round tooth stays sharp longer.

The depth of cut depends on the tooth profile and determines the thickness of the chips cut by one tooth. The high profile has better performance, but also higher vibration. Low-profile chains are preferable for household work.
The chain length is determined by the number of teeth required. Small misalignments are selected by the chain tension adjuster.
Accounting for the predominant type of work - longitudinal or transverse sawing - is carried out by the shape of the sharpening of the tooth. For longitudinal saws, the sharpening angle should be within 5-10 degrees, for transverse cuts - within 25-30 degrees. Ripping chains are more expensive commercially.
Chain maintenance
A good chain must not only be bought correctly, but also properly serviced. It is recommended to soak the chain in oil for several hours before first use. The chain tension should be checked regularly and adjusted if necessary. The headset must be kept clean to extend the life of the unit. The chain must be sharpened on time. There should always be oil in the tank.
Related article:
Chainsaw chain sharpening machine: types and technical characteristics of sawing machines, what their principle of operation is based on, manual and automatic tools - read the publication.
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