At what distance from the fence can you build a bathhouse: SNiP, requirements, responsibility

Not many owners of private houses comply with the recommended standards for the remoteness of buildings, and, as a result, this: scandals, threats and even litigation, which end in the dismantling of buildings and huge fines. But why bring matters to such drastic measures. Today, in the Homius review, we will tell you at what distance from the fence, other structures and reservoirs you can build a bathhouse, as well as answer the most common questions.

Read in the article

  • 1 What norms must be observed when building a bath in a garden area
  • 2 General conditions for placing a bath: environmental and fire safety requirements
    • 2.1 Distance from the bathhouse to the neighbors' fence
    • 2.2 Distance from the bathhouse to the house
    • 2.3 Distance from bath to neighbor bath
    • 2.4 Other structures within the site and a bathhouse
    • 2.5 Standards for distance from natural water bodies
  • 3 What you need to consider if the bath is attached to the house
  • 4 Answers to frequently asked questions
    • 4.1 Do I need to get a permit to build a bath
    • 4.2 Is it possible to change the distance from the borders by agreement with neighbors
    • 4.3 What threatens for non-compliance with standards
  • 5 Conclusion

What norms must be observed when building a bath in a garden area

Before deciding where to place on the site bath, it is necessary to study the legislation. For the construction of any buildings in a private courtyard, one should be guided by the rules:

  • No. 53.13330.2011 as amended by No. 30-02-97;
  • №11-106-97.

Each land plot owner should know at what distance a bathhouse can be built. Buildings erected in violation of legal acts pose a threat to neighboring buildings, therefore, most often the court decides to dismantle them.

At what distance from the fence can you build a bath
The minimum permissible distance from the fence to the bath in accordance with SNiP 2018

General conditions for placing a bath: environmental and fire safety requirements

If you look at the classification, the bath belongs to ancillary premises, and for its construction one should be guided by all the norms developed for this type of buildings. Knowledge of the provisions, as well as the recommended distances from the steam room to the IZhS fence, will help prevent claims and protect the personal interests of the owners.

Distance from baths to buildings
Distance from baths to buildings

Distance from the bathhouse to the neighbors' fence

To ensure that the structure does not darken the neighboring area, as well as taking into account fire safety, you need to clarify in advance whether it is possible to build a bathhouse near the fence, and how many meters from the border you need retreat. Here they are guided by the following norms:

  • minimum distance from the bath complex to neighbor's fence must be at least three meters;
  • if the height of the building does not exceed 3 m, it is equipped with a central sewerage system, and the wall facing the neighboring area does not have window and door structures, the distance can be reduced to 1 m.
Owners should know in advance how many meters from the fence the construction of a bath on the site is allowedPHOTO:
Owners should know in advance how many meters from the fence the construction of a bath on the site is allowed

Distance from the bathhouse to the house

Not many owners understand why regulations limit the distance from the bath complex to the house on the neighboring site. In addition to the shade, here the main emphasis is on the release of combustion products, which can enter the residential building through doors and windows.

Important! Based on fire safety, the distance from the bath complex to the neighboring residential building should be at least eight meters.

Distances from the bathhouse to the house: fire safety standards depending on materialsPHOTO:
Distances from the bathhouse to the house: fire safety standards depending on materials

If the walls of the bath complex are built of fire-resistant materials, the distance to the neighbors' residential building is reduced to 6 meters. The starting point will be structures protruding more than 50 cm:

  • base;
  • eaves;
  • bay window.
Construction requirements for the location of the bathhouse on the site, taking into account the distance from the borderPHOTO:
Construction requirements for the location of the bathhouse on the site, taking into account the distance from the border

Distance from bath to neighbor bath

The popularity of the construction of steam rooms and saunas has recently increased several times. Therefore, today for land owners the question is relevant: at what distance can a bathhouse be erected from a neighbor's bathhouse. Let's turn to legislative acts: the maximum distance should be at least two meters.

You can pick up a small bathhouse project that will harmoniously fit even into six nipplesPHOTO:
You can pick up a small bathhouse project that will harmoniously fit even into six nipples

Other structures within the site and a bathhouse

Before building a steam room, it is necessary to provide not only the distance from the bath to the border of the neighboring site, but also the following distances from other objects.

An objectDistance, m
To the street road5
Up to objects built from non-combustible materials6-10
Up to objects erected from wood with fireproof impregnation8-10
To wooden buildings, including gazebos12-15
Up to the tall trees4
Up to medium-sized trees3
Before the bushes1
Mikhail Starostin

A comment

Mikhail Starostin

Head of the team of the repair and construction company "Dom Premium"

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“When choosing a bathhouse project and the location of the building, it is important to take into account that the roof slope is guided by its own area. Neighbors should not suffer from the drained precipitation. "

Recommended distance from the bathhouse to other buildings and plantings, including the residential buildingPHOTO:
Recommended distance from the bathhouse to other buildings and plantings, including the residential building

Related article:

At what distance from the fence can you build a bathhouse in 2020: we read the regulations correctlyBath with your own hands. Projects, photos, videos, structures, choosing a place for placement, step-by-step construction instructions, how to make interior lighting, useful tips and tricks - all this is in this material.

Standards for distance from natural water bodies

What could be better than plunge into the reservoir after the steam room. However, it also has its own rules, which read:

  • the complex can be erected from lakes and rivers at a distance of at least 20 meters;
  • the distance to small streams up to 10 km long can be reduced to 5 m.
The bathhouse can only be built on the banks of your own small artificial pondPHOTO:
The bathhouse can only be built on the banks of your own small artificial pond

What you need to consider if the bath is attached to the house

On his own plot, the owner has the right to attach a bathhouse to a residential building. There are three common options for building a complex:

  • a bathhouse and a dwelling house are two different buildings with their own frames and roofs. Entrance doors can be located opposite each other, and the passage is connected by a corridor up to one and a half meters long;
  • buildings have one common wall and are located under one roof;
  • the bathhouse and the house are two different buildings located as close to each other as possible. Each building has its own walls, but common roof.
The best option: a bathhouse next to the housePHOTO:
The best option: a bathhouse next to the house

The most ideal option is the first, the shrinkage of each building will not create any consequences, but the consumption of materials will be increased. The most budgetary is the second project, but in the event of a violation of the technological process, it will lead to devastating consequences for the entire facility as a whole. The disadvantages of the third option are obvious.

When erecting an extension, it is necessary to hermetically protect all structures from the negative influence of steam. Reinforced waterproofing is required for walls made of bricks, foam blocks or wood. You should also take care of fire safety, especially when it comes to joining with wooden surfaces. For this, fireproof insulation with vapor barrier is laid.

House and sauna under one roofPHOTO:
House and sauna under one roof

Answers to frequently asked questions

Regional executive committees have the right to make decisions and introduce local norms regarding construction in horticultural associations, as well as change the distance from the fence to the bathhouse in the village. Before erecting this structure on a personal site, you must contact the district administration to get answers to important questions. We will consider some of them in this review.

It is necessary to study in detail all the features of building a bathPHOTO:
It is necessary to study in detail all the features of building a bath

Do I need to get a permit to build a bath

In 2018, some changes were made to the regulations regarding permits for auxiliary buildings in the garden area. Now all buildings with an area of ​​up to 50 m², including baths, do not need to be registered.

You can get permission for the construction of a capital structure in the district administrationPHOTO:
You can get permission for the construction of a capital structure in the district administration
If the documents are executed incorrectly, a refusal to obtain permission is possible.PHOTO:
If the documents are executed incorrectly, a refusal to obtain permission is possible.

Is it possible to change the distance from the borders by agreement with neighbors

The best solution to all problems in case of violation of the distance from the fence to the bathhouse according to SNiP 2017-2018 is to agree in advance with a neighbor, and not verbally, but in writing. In addition, it is advisable to secure the agreement in a notary office, only in this case the act will have legal force. It's a great tool, but garden owners don't always remember about it.

Only a notarized agreement is legally bindingPHOTO:
Only a notarized agreement is legally binding

What threatens for non-compliance with standards

If the deed of agreement was not drawn up by a notary, the owner of the bathhouse in case of violation of the law will have the following:

  • compensation for moral damage to neighbors, the amount is determined by the courts;
  • compulsory carrying out of boundary works, as a result of which the boundaries of the land allotment will be shifted;
  • dismantling of the building;
  • if the building was subject to registration, the owner will pay a fine of 20% of the unpaid tax.
The court may decide to demolish the bathhousePHOTO:
The court may decide to demolish the bathhouse


Now you know how many meters you need to retreat from the fence when building a bath. It is important to remember here that the steam room is a potential source of danger. It is with the aim of preserving the lives of the owners and their neighbors that the recommended distances to important objects have been developed. These requirements cannot be neglected and must be treated with full responsibility.

Share in the comments if you observed the legal distance between the bathhouse and the house during the construction, whether you had any conflicts with your neighbors over this.

Finally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself in the video with several more features of the construction of a bathhouse on the site, including the distance between the fence and the steam room within the framework of legislative norms of different years:
