Adopted rules for reimbursement of income to creditors of construction companies

We are talking about contracts concluded with companies in the construction industry before May 1, 2020, including for the purpose of refinancing previously issued loans. In the event of a delay, the funds will be compensated through JSC Dom. RF ", which will receive the corresponding state subsidies. The corresponding government decree governing the procedure for payments and the rules for registration has been issued, published on the website of the Cabinet.

The rules stipulate that banking enterprises, in the event of a delay, will be assigned a monthly payment until December 31, 2021, which will cease after the commissioning of all real estate objects for which the loan was provided, or with the expiration of the loan contract.

However, the lost income is compensated for, provided that the credit relationship is formalized in rubles, the interest rate on the loan does not exceed the value of the key rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the borrower is not in the process of reorganization, liquidation, bankruptcy, has no overdue tax arrears, fees and other mandatory payments as of May 1, he does not have problem construction projects, and he also retains the number of employees that he had as of May 1, 2020 of the year.

Source: Russian newspaper
