Today, after a month of self-isolation, it has become obvious that Russians' debt for housing and communal services is only growing. The representatives of the ONF propose to revise the procedure for providing such support. If support is targeted, the government will be able to significantly increase it by saving on unscrupulous wealthy defaulters, said Elena Tsunaev.
“During the month of self-isolation, the collection of payments for housing and communal services fell sharply. Traditionally, along with those socially unprotected categories of citizens, to whom support measures were addressed in terms of a special procedure for paying for housing and communal services, there were also malicious defaulters. Therefore, it will be correct if the government adjusts its approaches and leaves a list of support measures only for those who are in this needs - senior citizens, large families, low-income families, those who have lost their jobs due to the spread of coronavirus infections. If the support is targeted, the government will be able to significantly increase it by saving on unscrupulous and often wealthy defaulters, ”Tsunaeva said.
According to representatives of the ONF, in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection, assistance is no longer required everyone, but the most vulnerable categories: the elderly, unemployed, large families and single mothers.
Such a measure will allow resource-supplying organizations to receive the required minimum of financial resources from the population, while helping those Russians who really need support. According to the Ministry of Construction, the total debt in housing and communal services at the beginning of 2020 was 1.3 trillion rubles. Of these, 810 billion rubles were owed by the population, management companies and homeowners' associations, 60 billion rubles - by budgetary organizations, more than 400 billion rubles - by other consumers.
Source: TASS