As you know, there are two troubles in Russia. One of them - bad roads. Often domestic motorways suffer from cracks and holes. Builders endlessly patch the holes, and the people again and again complain about the bad asphalt. In order to finally solve the problem of pavement, Russian companies are seriously engaged in the development new high-strength materials.
For example, the LLC "New building technologies" offer added to the asphalt mixture fibrous concrete. This coating ensures a long service life, improved quality of grip and quiet ride. To enhance the strength of the road foundation, experts recommend to use geotextile fabric. They will help distribute the soil layers, increase the load-bearing capacity and slope stability. Also material promotes rapid moisture allotment from the roadway.
The company "AySiEm Glass" offers use asfaltoukladke penostekolny crushed stone. It should be noted domestic development has been praised European experts, and has been engaged in Germany. The technology is in the nanostructured surface modification in a disperse glass. By the synthesis of heat-insulating and draining properties, foam glass saves the cost of paving an average of 10-20 percent. Also, when using this material do not need to pour layer of sand as a drainage.