Discounts for tenants: how to rent a house in a pandemic is profitable

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Apartment owners have shown themselves quite democratically during the pandemic. Many refuse to take a deposit for the first and last month, while others significantly reduce the basic payment. For example, rented 2-room apartments in the capital near the Aeroport metro station are offered to be rented for 43 thousand rubles. rub. Before the crisis, she surrendered for 55 thousand. rub. Apartment owners also began to give discounts on rent to their tenants who were left without work and salaries during the quarantine. Discounts reached 50%, someone kept only utility bills.

According to analysts' forecasts, by the summer the rental market will face a massive cancellation of lease agreements amid the crisis provoked by the pandemic. Apartment owners are trying to keep those tenants who have not yet left the megacities.

“The reason is not only the termination of lease agreements, but also the replenishment of the market with objects that were previously leased for short-term rent,” explained Alexei Popov, head of the CIAN analytical center.

The number of views of advertisements for rent in the capital in April decreased by about 15%. According to Popov, in the near future there will be a shift in demand towards more budgetary options due to a general decrease in the population's ability to pay against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How to rent an apartment profitably during a pandemic 
The tenants' accents have now shifted somewhat towards the search for country houses and summer cottages. Most of the tenants and landlords prefer to negotiate discounts and installments. They are well aware that now is not the best time to search for new tenants, so they are open to dialogue. Sometimes the amount of discounts for already living tenants can reach up to 50%, ”said Maria Zhukova, Managing Director of Miel-Arenda.

Many, against the background of promotions and price cuts, offer exorbitant discounts, but you need to be careful with this, it can be a scam. Earlier, lawyers warned about the activation of scammers in quarantine, who offer elite apartments at an economy price.

Now, many quarantined real estate companies provide housing rental services remotely - they conduct online viewing and draw up documents remotely. At the same time, viewing and transferring keys cannot take place without personal meetings. Online impressions are good as a tool for initial acquaintance, so that later you can save time on views and visit only pre-selected objects, says Zhukova from Miel. If a tenant plans to rent an apartment for a long time, in most cases it is important for him to see the house with his own eyes.

“You can remotely choose an apartment by photo or video, contact the owners via Skype, see passports each other, drawing up a rental agreement is also available online, you can even pay rent by transferring to map. But we will have to meet to sign the documents and hand over the keys, ”agreed Polyakova from Inkom-Real Estate.

However, it is most correct to sign the contract after receiving the keys and checking the apartment. For those who planned to rent an apartment or move to another, experts advise to wait until summer. For now, it is better to stay at home and observe the self-isolation regime. “A large number of apartments for rent will be vacated in May-June.

Source: RBC Real Estate
