About 9 thousand defrauded real estate investors will finally have apartments built using the federal tranche allocated from the reserve fund as part of the construction industry support program. We are talking about 30 billion rubles, which will go to the accounts of the Fund for the Protection of the Rights of Shareholders. Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin announced this today. Support will be provided as part of a new package of measures in connection with the threat of the spread of coronavirus infection. According to the Fund, last year there were more than 3.2 thousand people in Russia. problem houses, and about 300 thousand were recognized as victims of them. families, the rights were restored to about 8 thousand. equity holders.
“The equity holders' fund will be additionally capitalized by 30 billion rubles, which will make it possible to complete the construction of facilities with a deadline for commissioning 2020-2021 and close obligations to the maximum possible number of defrauded equity holders in this year. These volumes will allow to restore the rights of another 9 thousand. equity holders, ”said Marat Khusnullin.
Additional financial support will allow not only to help defrauded equity holders, but also to revive the construction industry, which has been going through a difficult time lately. Recall that the Fund for the Protection of Shareholders was created a kind of state regulator, which helps to preserve funding for objects previously frozen. The structure also handles bankruptcy procedures and appoints liquidators to distressed houses. According to RASK estimates, allocated 30 billion rubles. enough for the completion of about 500 thousand. sq. m of unfinished construction and restoration of rights about 8-10 thousand sq. equity holders.
Source: RBC Real Estate